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College and Career Foundations 10/19/15 10/19Accessories and Paint 10/20Expository writing brainstorm 10/21Expository writing development 10/22 Expository.

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Presentation on theme: "College and Career Foundations 10/19/15 10/19Accessories and Paint 10/20Expository writing brainstorm 10/21Expository writing development 10/22 Expository."— Presentation transcript:

1 College and Career Foundations 10/19/15 10/19Accessories and Paint 10/20Expository writing brainstorm 10/21Expository writing development 10/22 Expository writing finalize 10/23 Accessories, software, and hardware quiz

2 Date:10/19 Objective : I can evaluate the usefulness of accessories commonly found on a computer Bell Ringer: Windows software has evolved over the last 25 years. In the last ten years, it has gone from Windows XP to Windows Vista to Windows 7. Explain in general why Windows keep evolving and who is offering input on the changes needed?

3 Date:10/19 Objective : I can evaluate the usefulness of accessories commonly found on a computer With your computer shoulder partner, complete the accessories worksheet

4 Date:10/19 Objective : I can evaluate the usefulness of accessories commonly found on a computer With your computer shoulder partner, complete the accessories worksheet

5 College and Career Foundations 10/19/15

6 Date:10/20 Objective: I can develop an expository essay about different computer operating systems Bell ringer: What is the accessory “Paint” used for and how could you use it in school?

7 Date:10/20 Objective: I can develop an expository essay about different computer operating systems Expository Writing Write your name on both papers Performance Standards Procedures (correct this on your sheet) #2 Cross out – students will finish this week #3 …write the first draft on day two. On day three students will revise, edit, and format the finished document. On day one students will research Time Requirements (correct this on your sheet) One day for independent research

8 Date:10/20 Objective: I can develop an expository essay about different computer operating systems Expository Writing Writer Prompts #1 Pros and Cons comparing two Windows Operating Systems Pros and Cons comparing two Apple Operating Systems Cross out – Find out where the new and old computer….. Cross out – Go to Best Buy……. Cross out –...go to your local library computer….. Writer Prompts #2 Pick one prompt and circle it

9 Date:10/20 Objective: I can develop an expository essay about different computer operating systems Research your prompt Complete the Student Work Sheet Write out operating system #1 Research pros and cons of the system and write your evidence on your worksheet Write out operating system #2 Research pros and cons of the system and write your evidence on your worksheet

10 Date:10/21 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Bell Ringer: How do you research on the internet the pros (positives) and cons (negatives) of the operating systems you are comparing? What do you do and where do you go?

11 Date:10/21 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Rubric Read Pros- clearly provide evidence with computer vocabulary Cons-clearly provide evidence with computer vocabulary Argument- Clear and focused argument made for one of the operating systems Conventions- Writing is error free

12 Date:10/21 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Research Pros and Cons Independently research the pros and cons of your two operating systems Write your evidence on the worksheet Writing your draft Create a word document on google drive and share it with Mr. Stoll

13 Date:10/22 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Bell Ringer: 1. Define software. 2.Describe the most efficient way to type. Discuss your finger or fingers’ position and where you look?

14 Date:10/22 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Bell Ringer: 1.Define software.- programs and other operating information used by the computer 2.Describe the most efficient way to type. Discuss your finger or fingers’ position and where you look? - Fingers should be resting on the home keys and you should be looking up at the screen

15 Date:10/22 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Quiz tomorrow Typing skills – review your worksheets and practice programs Accessories- review the worksheet Software- review the worksheet and TEJ

16 Date:10/22 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Writing your draft-Create a word document on google drive and share it with Mr. Stoll ( Introduction- thesis statement... and state what the entire essay will be about and put that in the introductory statement. Body- Then the body has to start off with a topic sentence. Discuss the pros for both of the operating systems Discuss the cons for both of the operating systems Conclusion- Argument- Clear and focused argument made for one of the operating systems

17 Date:10/23 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Write your name at the top of your essay Writing your draft-Create a word document on google drive and share it with Mr. Stoll ( Introduction- thesis statement... and state what the entire essay will be about and put that in the introductory statement. Body- Then the body has to start off with a topic sentence. Discuss the pros for both of the operating systems Discuss the cons for both of the operating systems Conclusion- Argument- Clear and focused argument made for one of the operating systems

18 Date:10/23 Objective: I can develop a draft of an expository essay about different computer operating systems Quiz Go to Amundsen Web Site Go to class page Copy the quiz Address: ahX7kV1gGmieTpQuTK9__WE/viewform ahX7kV1gGmieTpQuTK9__WE/viewform Paste the Address in the internet address bar Take the quiz

19 College and Career Foundations 10/12/15 Careers in typing documents Typing reflection- finish Work Habit grades Put old work papers in you binder 8 th stay after

20 College and Career Foundations 10/12/15 Careers in typing documents Typing reflection- finish Work Habit grades Put old work papers in you binder

21 Date:10/13 Objective: I can investigate typing literacy in the world Bell ringer: Reflect on your typing evaluation. Discuss how you think you did on the typing evaluation. Explain your performance. Ex: I believe I did _______ on the typing evaluation last week, because I _______________and _______________. I think an area that was difficult was_____________, because____________________. I can do better in the future if I ______________________________.

22 Make sure you have completed your reflection from last Friday Independently type a reflection paper on goolge word and share it with Mr. Stoll ( Follow the reflection task sheet and rubric -One page with at least three paragraphs -Typed and formatted to the rubric -Connect your experiences in this class and your outside experiences -Use the questions to guide you -Check the rubric -It is due at the end of class

23 Date:10/13 Objective: I can investigate typing literacy in the world Write this in your NB: 10/13 Video -Behind Taliban Lines Compare the school system in Pakistan to the US. 1.What kind of jobs will Pakistani students be and not be prepared for? 2.For what kind of jobs will you be prepared? 3.What are major social and global problems that arise out of a country’s having a poor school system? 4.What responsibility do you have to take full advantage of the digital literacy programs offered to you?

24 Date:10/13 Objective: I can investigate typing literacy in the world Write this in your NB: 10/13 Video -Behind Taliban Lines

25 Date:10/14 Objective: I can practice my typing skills Bell Ringer: Based on the Video -Behind Taliban Lines What responsibility do you have to take full advantage of the digital literacy programs offered to you?

26 Date:10/14 Objective: I can practice my typing skills As a group answer the following questions in your notebook and be prepared to share your answers with the class: 10/13 Video -Behind Taliban Lines Compare the school system in Pakistan to the US. 1.What kind of jobs will Pakistani students be and be not prepared for? 2.For what kind of jobs will you be prepared? 3.What are major social and global problems that arise out of a country’s having a poor school system? 4.What responsibility do you have to take full advantage of the digital literacy programs offered to you?

27 Date:10/14 Objective: I can practice my typing skills 1. Independently go to 2. Go to student login 3.Set up an account 4.Once logged in to the student section, go to Account Settings Page and at the bottom under the Join Classroom section, enter the Join Code and select their classroom. 5.Unique Join Code: 561DAFDBB54B6 6.Complete “Practice Beginner Course”

28 Date:10/15 Objective: I can differentiate between types of computers and types of software Bell Ringer: 1.How was the typing practice program yesterday different from the programs we used last week? 1.Which do you enjoy more and why?

29 Date:10/15 Objective: I can differentiate between types of computers and types of software With your computer shoulder partner, complete “The Different types of computers and software” worksheet.

30 Date:10/15 Objective: I can differentiate between types of computers and types of software With your computer shoulder partner, complete “The Different types of computers and software” worksheet. Pacing: This should be completed IaIiabackside graphic organizer IbIibArticle#1 IcIicArticle #2

31 Date:10/16 Objective: I can investigate the usefulness of accessories found on a computer Bell Ringer: What are the 3 main types of software?

32 Date:10/15 Objective: I can investigate the usefulness of accessories found on a computer Write this on your worksheet from yesterday Ia. Desktop-used in an office, school, home - Processing unit, monitor, modem, cd, drive, printer b. Laptop are used to moblie c. Storage on cd, flash drive IISoftware- the programs and operating information used by the computer a. online b. online

33 Date:10/15 Objective: I can investigate the usefulness of accessories found on a computer Write this on your worksheet from yesterday II c. Programming software-the programs that run the computer System software- it offers a protective shield to all software It also supports the physical components It coordinates all external devices Application Software-used for education, business, games, Databases, medical software, windows, Excel, powerpoint, iphoto

34 Date:10/15 Objective: I can investigate the usefulness of accessories found on a computer 1.Finish the worksheet from yesterday. Read the article and answer the 3 questions

35 Date:10/16 Objective: I can investigate the usefulness of accessories found on a computer 1.Finish the worksheet from yesterday. Read the article and answer the 3 questions 2. Go to and log in. Continue with the program where ended last

36 Date:10/14 Objective: I can practice my typing skills US/windows/history#T1=era0

37 Date:10/5 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Typing Skills Independently complete document LS-A Write four careers that you think require typing and write Them into 4 parts of the circle 3 min

38 Date:10/5 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Work Habits Prepared Follow directions Stay on task Complete work Productive Positively participate

39 Date:10/5 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Typing Skills With your group complete document LS-A 1.Each member reads their careers 2.As a group come up with four more careers 5 min

40 Date:10/5 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Typing Skills With your group complete document LS-B Read through each skill and determine as a group if that skill requires typing skills Check next to ones that require typing Minus next to ones that don’t require typing Star next to ones you don’t know 10min

41 Date:10/5 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Practice Typing Skills Independently go to the web site: Dance Mat Typing 1.Read how the game works 2.Play level 1

42 Date:10/6 Objective: I can practice typing skills Bell Ringer: Detail your typing abilities 1.My typing skills are (great, good, average, poor) 2.I type using (correct fingers without looking at the key board or I use one or two finger and look at the keyboard) 3.I have tried to learn proper typing technique in school before or I have not tried to learn proper typing technique in school before. 4.I believe there is a benefit to better typing skills or I do not believe there is a benefit to better typing skills

43 Date:10/6 Objective: I can practice typing skills Independently go to Complete the typing test Raise your hand when you are complete and show Mr. Stoll your score. Write your score in your notebook

44 Rubric

45 Date:10/6 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Practice Typing Skills Independently go to the web site: Dance Mat Typing 1.Read how the game works 2.Play level 1

46 Date:10/6 Objective: I can investigate careers that require typing skills Practice Typing Skills Independently go to the web site: Dance Mat Typing 1.Read how the game works 2.Play level 2-7 Master the HOME ROW

47 Date:10/7 Objective: I can practice typing Bell Ringer: Draw a right hand and a left hand on your paper. Write on each finger the Home Row keys that each finger controls

48 Date:10/7 Objective: I can practice typing Bell Ringer: Draw a right hand and a left hand on your paper. Write on each finger the Home Row keys that each finger controls a s g d space f h k l j ;

49 Date:10/7 Objective: I can practice typing Computer seating assignments

50 Date:10/7 Objective: I can practice typing Practice Typing Skills Independently go to the web site: Click on typing lessons Read the information for lesson one Choose exercise one and start the exercise

51 Date:10/7 Objective: I can practice typing Practice Typing Skills Independently go to the web site: Click on typing lessons Read the information for lesson one Choose exercise one and start the exercise Read and complete exercise 2-10

52 Date:10/8 Objective: I can practice typing and evaluate the progress of my typing skills Bell Ringer: You will evaluate your typing progress today. What could you do today that will help you show improvement on your typing skills?

53 Date:10/8 Objective: I can practice typing and evaluate the progress of my typing skills Reflection rubric

54 Date:10/8 Objective: I can practice typing and evaluate the progress of my typing skills You will be tested on your typing skills today. Practice the typing skills Independently go to: Click on Type Down Play all the levels of the game

55 Date:10/8 Objective: I can practice typing and evaluate the progress of my typing skills You will be tested on your typing skills today. Practice the typing skills Independently go to: Click on Type Down Play all the levels of the game Play falling words and Key Flex

56 Date:10/8 Objective: I can practice typing and evaluate the progress of my typing skills Evaluate your typing progress Independently go to Click speed test Start the test Write your name on the rubric Score your rubic

57 Date:10/ Objective: I can reflect on my typing skills in relationship to this class and as a benefit in college and the workforce Independently type a reflection paper on goolge word and share it with Mr. Stoll. Follow the reflection task sheet and rubric -One page with at least three paragraphs -Typed and formatted to the rubric -Connect your experiences in this class and your outside experiences -Use the questions to guide you -Check the rubric -It is due at the end of class

58 Date:10/9 Objective: I can reflect on my typing skills in relationship to this class and as a benefit in college and the workforce Independently type a reflection paper on goolge word and share it with Mr. Stoll ( Follow the reflection task sheet and rubric -One page with at least three paragraphs -Typed and formatted to the rubric -Connect your experiences in this class and your outside experiences -Use the questions to guide you -Check the rubric -It is due at the end of class


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