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Workspace combine &production status Zhang Yu 3.17.

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Presentation on theme: "Workspace combine &production status Zhang Yu 3.17."— Presentation transcript:

1 workspace combine &production status Zhang Yu 3.17

2 workspace combine

3 information of two workspaces luminosity:1+/-0.028 POI:SigXsecOverSM ( by default ) workspace 1: five bins signal: 5,12,4,1,0.5 background:20,25,23,19,17 syst 1:sig -2%~+3% bkg -11%~+10% workspace 2: two bins signal:50,5 background:10,30 syst 1:sig -2.5%~+1% bkg -8%~+9% Using HistFactory, I create two workspaces.


5 a smaller likelihood interval after combination

6 production status

7 sample information our sample :H->hh->bbγγ official sample:H->ZZ->4l because it is really complicated to reconstruct a Higgs signal,so we just check the foward jets.

8 which variable to check averageIntPerXing:average interaction per bunch crossing(mu) pt and E of all jets pt and E of jets after cut fabs(eta)>2.5 eta and phi of all jets

9 differrent distribution means we added pile up wrongly

10 the wrong pile up may be in the low pt region



13 what's wrong the mu in our sample has an absolutely different distribution from the official sample. after consulting Dr. Wolfgang Ehrenfeld , we find the mistake that we set the parameter "jobNumber" in a constant which should increase one by each job in digitization.

14 status we have to run the digitization and reconstruction again ant it will take some time. SUSY people have urgent jobs,so we have to kill our jobs from time to time. This afternoon,we restart to run our jobs - digitization and reconstruction of bbγγ.

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