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High Value Silk Component Cambodia Export Diversification and Expansion Program (CEDEP) I Project performance: October 2012 to May 2013 By: Sylvie Bétemps.

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Presentation on theme: "High Value Silk Component Cambodia Export Diversification and Expansion Program (CEDEP) I Project performance: October 2012 to May 2013 By: Sylvie Bétemps."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Value Silk Component Cambodia Export Diversification and Expansion Program (CEDEP) I Project performance: October 2012 to May 2013 By: Sylvie Bétemps Cochin, Trade Promotion Officer, ITC Date:19 June 2013

2 Silk Component at a glance Objectives: To enhance the competitiveness of the silk sector and to increase exports of high value silk products with a beneficial impact on poverty reduction and employment, particularly among women Main beneficiaries: Silk businesses Duration: October 2012 - October 2015 Budget: USD 1,004,347 Funding: EIF Tier 2 Main Implementing Entity: ITC with a Project Coordination Unit (PCU) based at the Ministry of Commerce 2

3 Results and key milestones achieved 3 Coordination and management SCSC established and held its first meeting in December 2012 Work plan for Year 1 completed and validated by the SCSC Project Coordination Unit established and experts identified Project communication tools developed Regular progress reports produced and submitted Variance: Establishment of CEDEP I Core Teams on-going Project communication strategy produced

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5 Results and key milestones achieved 5 Outcome 1. Market Development Baseline data collected, company export capacity & sector performance assessed 14 direct project beneficiary companies & their respective weaver networks identified 5 key target markets selected, with an overall strategy defined for each of them 18 representatives (16 women) of silk companies improved marketing skills, awareness of buyer requirements, costing/pricing through training and coaching 3 trade fair participation facilitated for Cambodian silk companies at Heimtextil and Ambiente in Frankfurt, LifeStyle in Vietnam + USD 10,000 on-the-spot new sale exports of Cambodian silk products + USD 180,000 under negotiation Database of 769 international buyers of silk products First lessons learned collected, analysed, disseminated, integrated in project activities Variance: Most activities started ahead of workplan schedule

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8 Results and key milestones achieved 8 Outcome 2. Product Development Baseline data collected on company-specific supply-side capacities assessed 18 representatives (16 women) of Cambodian silk companies learned how to improve product design and development according to market demand during 2 training workshops, customized advisory support and coaching 7 Cambodian silk companies developed 12 new product collections Bulk purchasing of silk yarn facilitated by the project

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10 Results and key milestones achieved 10 Outcome 3. Sector Coordination and Strategy Draft sub-decree for the creation of the Silk Board ready for review by the Council of Ministers Silk Board Working Group Meeting held on 25 January 2013 with 6 representatives from line Ministries and 3 from the private sector ToRs for a legal advisor agreed on with the Ministry of Commerce to review and finalise the sub-decree as well as other legal documents which will facilitate the establishment of the Silk Board and Secretariat Variance: Risks of delays to kick-start sector strategy activities but should not affect the completion of outcome 3 by project end

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12 Follow-up to the recommendations of the SCSC during its first meeting 12 RecommendationStatus The Silk Component Core Team and Silk Board should be established as soon as possible Delays in the establishment of the Core Team; Silk Board to be created in Q3/Q4-2013 Specific communication about project activities targeting the private sector should be developed Project communication strategy and tools (website and FB page) The Trade Promotion Department (TPD) of the MoC should take an active part in project implementation TDP is supporting the establishment of the Silk Board and Secretariat and will be part of the Core Team The MAFF will play an active role in the design and implementation of the silk sector strategy MAFF will be a member of the Core Team and Silk Board ITC and IFC should work together during programme implementation to exchange good practices and explore possible synergies Consultations on-going

13 Discussion Assess overall project progress compared to the workplan Alert on possible changes and risks and recommend mitigating measures if needed Recommend possible synergies with other government or donor-led initiatives 13

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