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Investment & Profits Unit Fourteen. Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should understand the nature and functions of fuzzy expressions. understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Investment & Profits Unit Fourteen. Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should understand the nature and functions of fuzzy expressions. understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investment & Profits Unit Fourteen

2 Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should understand the nature and functions of fuzzy expressions. understand the nature and functions of fuzzy expressions. find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. master the basic words and expressions about investment and profits. master the basic words and expressions about investment and profits. know some cultural background knowledge about investment and profits. know some cultural background knowledge about investment and profits.

3 Preparing --Warm-up Exercises You are going to hear a speech followed by an interpreter ’ s interpretation. Compare the interpretation with the original text and give your comments on the interpreter ’ s performance. You are going to hear a speech followed by an interpreter ’ s interpretation. Compare the interpretation with the original text and give your comments on the interpreter ’ s performance.

4 Preparing --Skills Presentation Fuzzy Interpretation I Fuzziness: a Nature of Human Language Fuzziness: a Nature of Human Language Fuzziness: a Communication Facilitator Fuzziness: a Communication Facilitator 1. Give the right amount of information 2. Withhold certain information 3. Explain the new concepts 4. Fill in lexical gaps 5. Protect the speakers Interpreting: an Approximation Process Interpreting: an Approximation Process

5 Preparing --Phrases Interpreting A. English to Chinese 1. promote commerce 2. promote level of profitableness 3. optional capital 4. direct foreign investment and other investment 5. international leasing 6. compensation trade 7. international consortiums 8. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) 9. foreign investment destination 10. the influx of foreign investment  发展商业  提高盈利水平  选择性资本  外国直接投资和其 它形式的投资  国际租赁  补偿贸易  国际财团  外国直接投资  外国投资目的地国  外国投资流入(中 国)

6 Preparing --Phrases Interpreting B. B. Chinese to English   吸引外资   国内投资   国内资产   联合投资   共同资本   海外投资   对外资的利用和管制   投资环境   小康   反倾销 1. to attract foreign investment 2. domestic investment 3. domestic asset 4. joint investment 5. joint capital 6. overseas investment 7. utilization and control of foreign capital 8. investment environment 9. Comparatively Prosperous 10. Anti-dumping

7 Preparing --Sentences Interpreting Preparing --Sentences Interpreting A. English to Chinese   到 1999 年底,台湾在大陆投资项目近 4.4 万个,合同金额 446.7 亿美元,实际投资 240 亿美元,占大陆引进外商投资 总额的 7.8% 。   我公司厂房标准,设备齐全,技术力量雄厚,经验丰富、 质量精良,   政府必须加强为外商投资服务的中介机构的建设,强化服 务功能。   从 1994 年开始,中国大陆吸引外资的数量仅次于美国列居 世界第二,成为世界上吸引外商直接投资最多的发展中国 家。   我们的目的是通过沟通促进合作发展,通过共同发展促进 共同繁荣。

8 B. Chinese to English 1. 1. We undertook 19 projects that carried a total amount of RMB 1150 million, and we signed new contracts amounting to RMB 1.69 billion yuan. 2. 2. Strengthen the trade cooperation and better customs services to exporters. 3. 3. China took nine measures to lure investment in the western region. 4.. 4. We will attract more foreign investment through our functional advantages as well as continue to allow preferential terms. For this purpose, we shall adopt more effective measures and build up more favorable soft environment where all services will be civilized, efficient, clean, legalized, and internationally acceptable. 5. 5. A business will certainly achieve great successes in the world market if it is indeed well managed, having amble resources, and ready to adopt itself to changes.

9 Performing --Decoding (Note-taking)

10 Performing --Memorizing (Story-retelling) 中国国际投资和贸易洽谈会 中国国际投资和贸易洽谈会 The China International Fair for Investment and Trade 政要、企业家和销售商 political VIPs, entrepreneurs and distributors 成员省会、直辖市和自治区 member provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions

11 Performing --Encoding (Message Reconstructing) The China International Fair for Investment and Trade is the only investment promotion activity in China that aims at absorbing direct foreign investment. It is also the largest economic and trade activity in China engaged mainly in transactions of products made by foreign-funded enterprises. The fair has attracted numerous domestic and overseas political VIPs, entrepreneurs and distributors, as well as delegation from member provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. Participants come to display their products, and to seek economic cooperation and business partners.……

12 Performing --Coordinating (Field Interpreting) 1. 1. 吸引外资 2. 2. 外商直接投资 3. 3. 国际租赁 4. 4. 补偿贸易 5. 5. 加工装配贸易 6. 6. Sino-foreign joint venture 7. 7. 基本国策 8. 8. 加工业 9. 9. 外向型的产业 10. 10. 制造业 11. 11. 房地产业 12. 12. 基础设施建设 13. 13. 国际财团 14. 14. 跨国公司 15. 15. foreign investment destination country   不可逆转的趋势 1. attract foreign capital 2. direct foreign investment 3. international leasing 4. compensation trade 5. processing and assembling. 6. 中外合资企业 7. basic state policy 8. processing industry 9. global-market-oriented enterprises, 10. manufacturing, 11. real estate 12. infrastructure construction 13. international consortiums 14. transnational companies 15. 外国投资目的地国 16. irreversible trend

13 Packaging --Interpreting and Assessment 1. 1. Fortune Global Forum 2. 2. headquarter 3. 3. world ’ s top 500 conglomerates 4. 4. Business tycoons 5. 5. research and development bases 6. 6. powerhouse of China ’ s economy 7. 7. CEO 8. 8. the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China  全球财富论坛  总部  世界前500强大型联 合企业  商界巨子  研究和开发基地  中国经济的 “ 发电站 ”  首席执行官  中国工商银行

14 Packaging --Interpreting and Assessment

15 Packaging -- Feedback and Comments Aims of this Unit Student’s Feedback Teacher’s Comments The candidate has met the standard, knowledge and skill requirements. Candidates: ___________________ Date ___________________ Assessor: ____________________ Date ___________________

16 Assignment --Simulation Exercises Role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. Situation A One of the students plays the role of a foreign businessman who wants to make investment in Shenzhen, China. Another students tries to be the person who works in the Foreign Investment Administration of China’s Ministry of Commerce( 中国商务 部外国投资管理局 ). Make a dialogue to each other. The third student tries to be their interpreter. Situation A One of the students plays the role of a foreign businessman who wants to make investment in Shenzhen, China. Another students tries to be the person who works in the Foreign Investment Administration of China’s Ministry of Commerce( 中国商务 部外国投资管理局 ). Make a dialogue to each other. The third student tries to be their interpreter. Situation B One of you tries to find a speech about the policy of investment in China on internet, then make a speech about the investment policy in China. another student tries to be the interpreter. Situation B One of you tries to find a speech about the policy of investment in China on internet, then make a speech about the investment policy in China. another student tries to be the interpreter.

17 Points to Remember Fuzziness refers to the indeterminacy involved in the analysis of a linguistic unit or pattern. Fuzziness refers to the indeterminacy involved in the analysis of a linguistic unit or pattern. Human languages are full of fuzzy expressions. Fuzziness is a nature of the human language. Human languages are full of fuzzy expressions. Fuzziness is a nature of the human language. Fuzzy language sometimes functions as a communication facilitator and enhances communication. Fuzzy language sometimes functions as a communication facilitator and enhances communication. Interpreting is actually an approximation process. Interpreting is actually an approximation process.

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