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Agenda: The Trial of Christopher Columbus Learning Targets: I can analyze the motivating factors involved in exploration and discovery during the late.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: The Trial of Christopher Columbus Learning Targets: I can analyze the motivating factors involved in exploration and discovery during the late."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: The Trial of Christopher Columbus Learning Targets: I can analyze the motivating factors involved in exploration and discovery during the late 16th Century. I can explain, describe, defend, and critique the voyage of Christopher Columbus from a variety of perspectives. 1. During the Lecture: Participate in all discussions and activities. Write at least 1 question, answer or comment on line. REMEMBER—A good online exchange can become a bonus question on a quiz/test. 2. HW: Read pgs. 227-231. Questions 1-5. DUE NEXT CLASS.

2 Motives: Holy War Since 711, Muslim Moors had ruled Spain. Spanish kings engaged in a holy war to re- conquer Spain (la Reconquista). In 1492 the Reconquista ended. All the Muslims and Jews were expelled from Spain, at great cost to the Spanish culture and economy. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella began the “Spanish Inquisition” to search out secret non-Christians and get them out of Spain.

3 Economic Motives Spain’s rival Portugal had recently found a route to India. All of Europe wanted an easy route to India’s spices and China’s silk. The land route was blocked by the Islamic and generally hostile Ottoman Empire. Spain wanted to find a more direct route Christopher Columbus – a mariner from Italy--believed that there was a direct route across the Atlantic to India.

4 Portugal’s Route to India. What are some of the challenges to this route as a way of trading with India?

5 The Mission Columbus was funded by the King and Queen to: 1.Find a direct route to India. 2.Bring Christianity to the people. 3.Find gold. Left on 3 ships in August of 1492.

6 Land! Landed in the Bahamas in October 1492 – Thought he was in India so he named the people “Indians.” Searched other nearby islands such as Hispaniola (modern day Haiti/DR).

7 Map of Hispaniola

8 Task – Day 1 and 2  1. In your groups, write up a 1 page defense against the charges in the indictment. This will be presented orally to the whole class. You should read the other groups’ pages as a form of opposition research. The goal is to argue that somebody else should be convicted—not your group!  2. Before the trial one member from each group will be admitted to the jury, sworn to neutrality, to determine the outcome of the case.  3. Mr. Butkevich will act as the prosecutor (YES!!!) and call each group up to defend their case. They will also state who they believe is guilty and why.  4. The jury will question each group.  5. Each group will then get to ask 1 question to make other groups look more guilty.  6. The process repeats until each group has presented.

9 Student Roles Defense Attorney’s (2 people) – You will defend your case to the class Reader (1) – You will read all documents aloud to your group Artist (1-2) – You will create a visual of your groups argument DON’T FORGET—You need a 1 page written affidavit defending yourself and casting blame on the other groups.

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