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Types of Maps How many are there?.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Maps How many are there?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Maps How many are there?

2 What is a MAP? A 2-dimensional graphical representation of the surface of the earth.

3 Choropleth Maps A thematic map in which ranked classes of some variable are depicted with shading patterns or colors for predefined zones.

4 DOT MAP A thematic map in which a dot is used to represent some frequency of the mapped variable.

5 ISOLINE MAP A thematic map with lines that connect points of equal value.

6 PHYSICAL MAP A map that shows the physical features on the landscape.

7 POLITICAL MAP A map that shows the political boundaries of the landscape.

A thematic map in which the size of a symbol varies in proportion to the frequency or intensity of the mapped variable

9 REFERENCE MAP A general-purpose map that shows recognizable landmarks, roads, and political units.

10 MAP PROJECTION A systematic method of transferring a spherical surface to a flat map.


12 Questions to answer 1. What is the most significant omission of Behaim’s 1492 globe? 2. What is the large land mass in the left side of the right globe of the 1492 map? 3. What continent makes its first appearance in the 1716 globe?

13 Besides missing Antarctica, what do you judge to be the most inaccurate feature of the 1761 globe?

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