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Future GOES Satellite Product Upgrades Donald G. Gray Office of Systems Development NOAA/NESDIS, Washington, DC Satellite Direct Readout Users Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Future GOES Satellite Product Upgrades Donald G. Gray Office of Systems Development NOAA/NESDIS, Washington, DC Satellite Direct Readout Users Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future GOES Satellite Product Upgrades Donald G. Gray Office of Systems Development NOAA/NESDIS, Washington, DC Satellite Direct Readout Users Conference For The Americas December 9-13, 2002 OVERVIEW GOES-12 Imager Changes AWIPS Implementation Plans – Satellite Data and Products GOES-N+ Launch Schedule Future GOES Sensor Technology & Product Improvements GOES Products Website:

2 Overview GOES-12 Imager Changes AWIPS Implementation Plans – Satellite Data and Products GOES-N+ Launch Schedule Future GOES Sensor Technology & Product Improvements

3 GOES-12 Imager Changes Move to 75W; Replace GOES-8 in April 2003 Water Vapor Channel - Change from 8km to 4km horizontal resolution GOES-8/10 12 Micron Channel 5 (Split Window) - Sea Surface Temperature - Volcanic Ash GOES-12 13.3 Micron Channel 6 (Atmospheric/Surface Temp) - 8km GOES-12/13, 4km GOES-O,P - Cloud Top Pressure - Improved Height Assignment: Cloud Drift Winds

4 GOES-12 4km Water Vapor Channel

5 A mid-level water vapor feature associated with moderate turbulence was depicted better by the GOES-12 imager than either of the operational GOES-8 or GOES-10 imagers. One report of turbulence aloft was over Alamosa (ALS) CO. GOES-12 4km Water Vapor Channel

6 4 x 4 km (GOES-M) 8 x 8 km (Current GOES) 6.7 µm GOES-12 Imager Upgrades Clear-air mountain waves in water vapor imagery

7 ORA/ASPT 4 x 4 km8 x 8 km 6.7 µm GOES-12 Imager Upgrades Clear-air mountain waves in water vapor imagery (Indicative of Clear Air Turbulence)

8 GOES-12 13.3 μm Atm/Sfc Temperature

9 GOES-12 Imager -- Cloud Top Pressure

10 Overview GOES-12 Imager Changes AWIPS Implementation Plans – Satellite Data and Products GOES-N+ Launch Schedule Future GOES Sensor Technology & Product Improvements

11 AWIPS Implementation Plans Satellite Data and Products Build 5.2.2 200220032004 Build 5.1 2 OB1 OB2 OB3 OB4 GOES-12 Patch GOES DPI GOES Sndgs Manual SPE’s GOES-12 Fix POES Sndgs GOES Winds GOES Sounder Imagery Polar Blended Imagery Marine Winds Future Builds: GOES Cloud Amount, Auto Precip Estimator, Polar Non-Sounding Products (marine sfc winds TPW, rain rate, soil moisture, surface type), Two Satellite Composite, Fire Product,Volcanic Ash

12 Build 5.1.2 Feb 2002 GOES Derived Product Images 1546GMT 06 Sep 2002 Lifted IndexTPW Skin TemperatureCloud Top Height

13 GOES Precipitation Estimates Manual Satellite Precipitation Estimate Build 5.2.2 Oct 2002 0615GMT – 0845GMT 06 Sep 2002 Automated Satellite Precipitation Estimate OB? Hourly Rate 0400GMT 01 Sep 2002

14 POES Soundings OB1 Feb 2003 12 Hour Coverage – 850mb H2O Mixing Ratio All Weather (execpt heavy precip), ~ 6 Hourly Temporal Coverage

15 OB2 Jun 2003 GOES Winds Water Vapor Winds Infrared Winds Water vapor winds supplement IR winds in clear areas Will be able to combine wind set in AWIPS

16 OB3 Oct 2003 GOES Sounder Imagery Upper Level Water Vapor (Channel 12) Lower Level Water Vapor (Channel 10)

17 OB4 Feb 2004 Ocean Surface Winds (Scatterometer)

18 OB4 February 2004 Ocean Surface Winds (Scatterometer)

19 Overview GOES-12 Imager Changes AWIPS Implementation Plans – Satellite Data and Products GOES-N+ Launch Schedule Future GOES Sensor Technology & Product Improvements

20 GOES-N and Beyond Launch Schedule

21 GOES-N and Beyond Timeline Planned Activation DatePlanned Launch DateProjected Operations Projected On-Orbit StorageFuel Reserve @ End of Projected LifeNo Spare

22 Overview GOES-12 Imager Changes AWIPS Implementation Plans – Satellite Data and Products GOES-N+ Launch Schedule Future GOES Sensor Technology & Product Improvements

23 23 Future GOES Sensor Technology and Product Improvements –Meet simultaneous global, synoptic and mesoscale data needs –Eliminate seasonal eclipse outages –Improve the temporal and spatial resolution of the Imager –Improve the spatial coverage and vertical resolution of the Sounder Primary Goals

24 Future GOES Sensor Technology And Product Improvements Improved severe weather detection/forecasting Improved cloud phase and droplet size information Improved temperature/water vapor soundings Improved satellite derived winds Improved observation of large scale flow Improved sea surface temperatures Improved depiction of stability Improved surface emissivity Improved quantitative precipitation estimates Improved mesoscale model performance Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES)

25 25 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) 14 - 18 channel large focal plane array.5 km VIS resolution 2 km IR resolution 15 minute full disk coverage 5 minute CONUS coverage 1000 x 1000 km coverage/30 sec

26 26 ABI Channel Selection –11.2  : clouds, low level water vapor, fog, winds; –0.64  : daytime clouds, fog, aerosol, vegetation –6.15  : upper tropospheric flow, winds –3.90  : nighttime low clouds, fog, fire detection –12.3  : low level water vapor, volcanic ash –13.3  : cloud top parameters, heights for winds –7.00  : mid-tropospheric flow, winds –1.61  : daytime clouds/snow, water/ice clouds –8.50  : sulfuric acid aerosols, cloud phase, sfc –10.35  : cloud particle size, sfc properties –0.86  : daytime clouds, fog, aerosols, NDVI –1.375  : daytime thin cirrus detection

27 27 Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) –5 times faster than present Sounder; Scan the region within 65 deg. of satellite zenith/ 1 hr –10 km horizontal resolution –1K, 10% RH accuracy/.5km layer (sfc–500 mb) –1K, 10% RH accuracy/ 1-2 km layer (500-300 mb) –1K, 20% RH accuracy/1-2 km layer (300-100 mb)

28 28 HES: Hourly Coverage

29 HES Nears Raob-like Depiction of Atmosphere while Providing an Order of Magnitude Increase in Temporal Resolution RAOB (USA) - over land - 1 hour ascent - 300 km separation - 12 Z and 00Z only HES (USA) - land and ocean areas - nearly instantaneous obs - 10-50 km separation - hourly repeat/RSO capability A doubling of the critical low-level moisture information (from the current sounder) current interferometer Information Content for Moist Atmospheres Number of channels

30 Advances Provided By HES A Geosynchronous Interferometer (HES) will * depict water vapor as never before - mesoscale features of moisture for short-term forecasting * characterize life cycle of clouds - ice / water cloud - cloud particle sizes (better cloud initializations within models) * measure surface temperatures (land and sea) - improved SSTs * distinguish atmospheric constituents with improved certainty - volcanic ash (useful for aircraft routing) With complementary improved weather observing system, HES * enables the best mix of observations of weather systems Using improved NWP models, HES provides * improved winds at more levels for hurricane intensity and trajectory forecasting * improved high resolution moisture / temp fields for QPF * improved cloud information with 4DVAR assimilation for better 2-3 day forecasts

31 31 Summary: Benefits of ABI & HES: –Improved multi-spectral observation Improved detection of low level inversions Improved observation of water vapor Improved cloud phase and droplet size information Improved satellite derived winds Improved observation of large scale flow Improved Sea Surface Temperatures Improved depiction of stability Improved surface emissivity Improved Quantitative Precipitation Estimates Improved mesoscale model performance * All-weather sounding capability still not realized

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