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NERF – WRAP update Jenny Robinson. WRAP update Update on support available from WRAP Work areas for 2011 iESE and WRAP – joint working Forthcoming information.

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Presentation on theme: "NERF – WRAP update Jenny Robinson. WRAP update Update on support available from WRAP Work areas for 2011 iESE and WRAP – joint working Forthcoming information."— Presentation transcript:

1 NERF – WRAP update Jenny Robinson

2 WRAP update Update on support available from WRAP Work areas for 2011 iESE and WRAP – joint working Forthcoming information & case studies

3 WRAP support – some changes New business plan for 2011 – 2015 will be published in June New Director – Marcus Gover Integrated, internally, our collections and sorting teams; now “Collections and Quality” not “Local Government Services” Will be taking forward our work on business waste, reuse and mixed plastics New areas include recycling ‘on the go’

4 Local authority support Direct 1:1 operational support is available but will be more focused in scope… We will continue to be a source of good practice information, case studies and benchmark data Training courses – events for 2011/12 now on the website and will be added to during the year We will continue to develop 'Recycle Now' & 'Love Food Hate Waste' and develop collateral for reuse campaigns – but our direct funding for local authority campaigns will no longer be able and advisory support will be limited.

5 1:1 Advisory support will be available for LAs going to market to procure new collection service contracts (where any framework arrangements are not suitable) LAs not going to market, but who are planning major service changes and looking to improve their services e.g. through the addition of new materials for recycling LAs looking to enter joint working/partnership arrangements to facilitate the harmonisation of services LAs who market their own dry recyclables to obtain competitively priced contracts with reprocessors/traders

6 WRAP & iESE joint working We both provide support to local authorities We both receive funding from Defra We both have to be more focused in the future in terms of the amount and type of support we can offer LAs Therefore.. We need to avoid potential for duplication We need to ensure programmes are complementary and take account of local government needs We need to ensure priorities identified by Defra are addressed

7 Joint working MoU Recently reached Agreement on an MoU (to be promoted more widely shortly) This sets out –Key areas for support with specific responsibilities for delivery –Areas where closer collaboration is required Sets out a basis for – discussing, planning, and reviewing our activities –Annually reviewing the scope of the MoU with Defra

8 Key areas for support WRAP Lead –Reuse, recycling & residual waste collections – good practice information and 1:1 support (as outlined in earlier slide) –Recycling ‘on the go’ –Behaviour change and communications –Training courses, workshops, events iESE Lead (will be offered nationally) –Organisational transformation –Service ‘health check’ reviews –Joint working & partnerships –WIN

9 Collaborative working - procurement iESE Framework contracts for waste services (e.g. SE, London, West Midlands) Framework contracts for commodities (e.g. home composting bin) WRAP Non–framework procurement of collection / recycling services Joint / selling or marketing of recyclable materials

10 On-going work due for publication soon.. Zero Waste Places case studies Partnership communications case studies Information and good practice on bulky waste collections for recycling and reuse Information and good practice on business waste collections – this builds on the work of the LA BREW centre –Dry recycling collections, co-collections, trade waste recycling centres Update of kerbside cost modelling (Autumn)

11 Contact details: To discuss what we can do for you please email or ‘phone me! 07971 166043 Plenty of useful information on our website:

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