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Power, Politics, And Authority

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1 Power, Politics, And Authority
Chapter 19 Power, Politics, And Authority

2 Chapter Outline Defining the State Power and Authority
Theories of Power Government: Power and Politics in a Diverse Society The Military

3 The Institutions of the State
Institutions comprise the state as the organized system of power and authority in society: Government Legal system Police Military 

4 Types of Authority Weber postulated that there were three types of authority in society: Traditional Charismatic Rational-legal 

5 Theories of Power in Society: Pluralism
Interprets…. The State As representing diverse and multiple groups in society Political Power As derived from the activities of interest groups and as broadly diffused throughout the public Social Conflict As the competition between diverse groups that mobilize to promote their interests Social Order As the result of the equilibrium created by multiple groups balancing their interests

6 Theories of Power in Society: Power Elite
Interprets…. The State As representing the interests of a small, but economically dominant, class Political Power As held by the ruling class Social Conflict As stemming from the domination of elites over less powerful groups Social Order As coming from the interlocking directories created by the linkages among those few people who control institutions

7 Theories of Power in Society: Autonomous State
Interprets…. The State As taking on a life of its own, perpetuating its own form and interests Political Power As residing in the organizational structure of state institutions Social Conflict As developing between states, as each vies to uphold its own interests Social Order As the result of administrative systems that work to maintain the status quo

8 Theories of Power in Society: Feminist Theory
Interprets…. The State As masculine in its organization and values (that is, based on rational principles and a patriarchal structure) Political Power As emerging from the dominance of men over women Social Conflict As resulting from the power men have over women Social Order As resulting from the patriarchal control that men have over social institutions

9 Political Participation
The U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts among democratic nations. The higher a person’s social class, the higher the likelihood that she or he will vote. When Black Americans are approached directly by party representatives, the likelihood that they will vote increases substantially.

10 Political Participation
Race, ethnicity, and gender influence political attitudes and behavior. Women are more likely than men to identify and vote as Democrats and to have liberal views. The gender gap is manifest in women’s views on peace keeping, gun control, and compassion issues.

11 Political Power: Who’s in Charge?
Most of the members of Congress are White, well educated, men from upper-middle or upper-income backgrounds. In the Senate of the 108th Congress (convening in 2003), there are 14 women, 0 African Americans or Latinos, 2 Asian Americans, 1 Native American. Many members of Congress are millionaires, and have large financial interests in the industries they regulate.

12 The Military The function of the military is to defend the nation against external (and sometimes internal) threats. Considered one of the most hierarchical social institutions. There is a strong connection between the military and corporate America, through the military-industrial complex.

13 Race and the Military Desegregation of the armed forces has promoted awareness among Black Americans of their right to equal opportunities. Currently 34% of military personnel are racial Minorities – 20% African American, 8% Hispanic, and 6% other racial minorities. African Americans and Latinos earn more in the Military, but don’t share the earnings premium of white veterans.

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