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JMX David Moran 10/20/03. Agenda Overview Managed Beans Services Remote API J2EE Management Implementations Future Directions Demo.

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1 JMX David Moran 10/20/03

2 Agenda Overview Managed Beans Services Remote API J2EE Management Implementations Future Directions Demo

3 Benefits JMX is an API to for managing java applications. Abstract the instrumentation for management information to a common interface to facilitate integrated management. Distribute management by moving management functions to the agents. Realtime deployment of services and updates. Possible to use to manage any application or device (via JNI or SNMP etc..)

4 JMX Architecture Agent Layer (MBeanServer) Agent Services Notifications Monitors/Timers MLET Instrumentation Layer MBeans Java Application Application Server Manageable Device RMI Connector HTML Adapter SNMP Adapter SNMP RMI Management Layer Java Client Web Browser SNMP Manager (HP OpenView)

5 MBeanServer The core of the agent. It provides a registry for MBeans. Allows clients to discover and execute operations exposed by the MBeans Makes available various services to facilitate management (I.e. monitoring, scheduling, etc) Use “ObjectName” class to register objects with the MBeanServer

6 Instrument your resources as MBeans MBean stands for “managed bean” MBeans can represent a physical device or an application You decide which attributes and methods you want to expose for management. Use design patterns similar to JavaBeans MBeans are exposed in an agent.

7 Standard MBeans The simplest MBean Provides a static representation of a manageable resource. Implements a management interface of attributes and methods that a device or application exposes for management.

8 Notifications Can be used to inform registered listeners with important events or state changes. Similar to the java event model Register once to all types of notifications Can supply a filter to say which notifications it is interested in.

9 Dynamic MBeans Useful if the management interface is not stable. The management interface is defined at runtime. Developer is responsible for checking the validity of the invocations.

10 DynamicMBean Interface > DynamicMBean getAttribute(String attribute) setAttribute(Attribute attribute) getAttributes (String[] attributes) setAttributes(AttibuteList attributes) getMBeanInfo() invoke(String actionName, Object[] params)

11 Model MBeans Most flexible and thus most complicated MBeans Extension of the dynamic MBean Developers do not write an MBean class The agent must supply the RequiredModelMBean and the Management Interface is defined outside of the Bean via setter methods. Features include persistence, logging, and attribute caching.

12 Connectors/Adapters A connector makes a Java Management Extensions (JMX) API MBean server accessible to remote Java technology- based clients. Adapters are similar to connectors except they provide protocol translations (I.e. SNMP, HTML, etc.)

13 Agent Services Mlet; (Management Applet) Dynamically adds class files to the server either locally or from a remote location. Relation Service; Allows the definition of relationships between Mbeans Monitors: Observe Mbean attributes and emit notifications when values change. Timers: Emits user defined notifications at specific times.

14 JMX Remote API Adds remote capability to the JMX spec Makes the JMX agent accessible from outside the JVM. Developed through the JCP JSR 160 Standard support via RMI Optional support via TCP Sockets (JMXMP) API is as close as possible to the API defined by the JMX API. Also support discovery/lookup services and defines security between the client and server. As with RMI code must handle communication exceptions

15 J2EE Management An MBean can get data directly from an EJB by invoking its access methods. An MBean can receive data being pushed from an EJB. Registers and Deletes an MBean with a JMX agent upon creation and destruction of an EJB

16 J2EE Management Spec JSR77 This specification represents a model of the J2EE application server, and its subcomponents, that all J2EE-compliant application vendors are required to expose Requires JMX Part of J2EE 1.4 spec Specifies the MEJB, which is a session bean, to expose the agent to remote clients.

17 Available JMX Implementations Sun JMX 1.2.1 and Remote API 1.0 RI JDMK value added product for purchase. JBOSS JBOSS-MX JMX Compliant Implementation available MicroKernal Application architecture is based on JMX Agent technology. NetManage Various products for sale to help build and manage applications via JMX MX4J OpenSource Implemenation of JMX 1.1 Currently working on 1.2 Currently working on Remoting API

18 Future Directions Use of metadata Persistence Reliable event handling Master-agent/sub-agent functionality Manageability for J2EE™ apps

19 Demo Login Monitor Login Screen User Jboss Application Server UserInfo Entity Bean Jmx Agent UserInfoMgr MBean Management Console User Login (increases login counter) Web Browser Talks to MBeanServer Retrieve number of Logins Enable/Disable login permissions

20 Books JMX in Action Benjamin G. Sullins, Mark Whipple Publisher: Manning Publications Company Benjamin G. SullinsMark Whipple JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions Marc Fleury, Juha Lindfors Marc FleuryJuha Lindfors Publisher: Sams Java and JMX: Building Manageable Systems Heather Kreger, Ward K. Harold, Leigh Williamson, Ward Harold Publisher: Pearson Education Heather KregerWard K. HaroldLeigh Williamson Ward Harold Java Management Extensions J. Steven Perry J. Steven Perry Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates, Incorporated JMX Programming Mike Jasnowski Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated Mike Jasnowski

21 References Sun JMX Page: JMX Forum JBOSS MX: smx.jsp smx.jsp AdventNet: Interview with Chris Ebro JSR77 Aricle

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