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Pretest Review (Day 2) Reviewing skills needed to succeed in Geometry.

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Presentation on theme: "Pretest Review (Day 2) Reviewing skills needed to succeed in Geometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pretest Review (Day 2) Reviewing skills needed to succeed in Geometry.

2 Agenda 1. Warm Up 2. Review Homework 3. Review for Pretest (Day 2) #1-13.

3 Homework Please get out your agenda and record tonight’s homework. Homework: 1. “Geometry –Review for PreTest” #15-26. 2. Parent Signature on Course Expectations. 3. REMINDER: PreTest is Monday, September 15.

4 Learning Objectives Objectives 1. Identify and/or recognize: points, lines, segments, rays. 2. Identify special pairs of angles. 3. Find area and perimeter of a triangle. 4. Find the area and circumference of a circle.

5 Warm Up

6 The Coordinate Plane: Has 4 quadrants The origin is at (0,0) Coordinates are (x, y). x is horizontal coordinate, y is vertical coordinate

7 Perimeter, Area, and Circumference Perimeter: The sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon (called circumference for circles) Units of measurement: in, yds, ft, miles, meters, etc… Area: The number of square units a polygon encloses Units of measurement: in 2, cm 2, mi 2, etc…

8 Triangle: Area = b h

9 Pythagorean Theorem  Used to find the missing side length of a right triangle.  MUST be used on a right triangle  c is the hypotenuse, a and b are the legs of the right triangle a 2 + b 2 = c 2

10 Circle: Radius: r Diameter: d =2r Circumference: Area: d r

11 Let’s Practice! Try Problems #1-5 with the person next to you. I will select some of you to put your answers on the board. Be ready!

12 Solving a System of Equations with 2 variables: Example: Solve for x and y. Since y is isolated in equation 1, we can use the substitution method. Substitute 3x-5 from the first equation in for y in the second. Then solve for x. Use this value to find y.

13 Solving a System of Equations with 2 variables: Now, it’s your turn! Try #7 on your classwork. Check your answer with the person behind you.

14 Simplifying Radicals A radical is in simplest form when the number under the radical sign has no perfect square factors other than 1. Example: 1. Try these: 2. 3.

15 Solving Quadratic Equations using the Square Root Method 1. Isolate the term. 2. Take the square root of both sides. 3. Don’t forget the +/- Example: 1. Solve for x. Why?

16 Let’s Practice! Complete #6-10 and #12 on the classwork. Be prepared to present and explain how you got your answers.

17 Vocabulary Line:  A series of points that extends in 2 opposite directions without end  Can name a line by any two points on the line with a line above it, or by a single lower case letter. (Please note: In Geometry, it is important to use the correct notations!!)

18 Use the following image to answer the question.  Name a line.

19 Vocabulary Segment: part of the line consisting of 2 endpoints and all the points between them How you name a segment: Use the 2 endpoints with a straight line above. Ray: part of a line consisting of one endpoint and all the points of the line on one side of the endpoint How you name a ray: Endpoint must be first, then any other point on the ray; write an arrow pointing to the right above

20 Examples: 2. A BABC 1. Read “segment AB” or “segment BA” Read “Ray AB” or “Ray AC”. DO NOT write Ray BA or Ray CA. Must name endpoint first!!

21 Angles: Complementary 2 angles that add up to 90˚ Supplementary: 2 angles that add up to 180˚ All straight angles form a line, therefore measure 180˚

22 Triangles:

23 Let’s Practice. Complete #11 and #13 on your classwork. Compare your answer with the person to your right. Be prepared to explain your answer to the class. Don’t forget to use the proper notation!

24 Nice work, Mathletes!

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