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Mixed Bag True or False Brainstorming Definitions 1 Definitions 2 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Mixed Bag True or False Brainstorming Definitions 1 Definitions 2 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 QUESTION: It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that tools, machines, and materials are used safely ANSWER: TRUE

4 QUESTION: It isn’t important to contribute to a group endeavor by offering useful ideas, supporting the efforts of others, and focusing on the task. ANSWER: FALSE

5 QUESTION: Creativity is not closely linked to the development of technology. ANSWER: FALSE

6 QUESTION: The development of technology is a human activity and is the result of individual or collective needs and the ability to be creative. ANSWER: TRUE

7 QUESTION: Beginning in the 20 th century, people began to increase their capability by innovating and inventing. ANSWER: FALSE

8 QUESTION: What is the first step in any problem solving method? ANSWER: Identify the problem

9 QUESTION: What is brainstorming? ANSWER: Generating numerous alternative ideas while deferring judgment

10 QUESTION: True or False: Brainstorming involves testing and evaluating a problem solution. ANSWER: FALSE

11 QUESTION: Name two rules for brainstorming. ANSWER: No criticism allowed Work for quantity Hitchhiking welcome Freewheeling encouraged

12 QUESTION: Who was the first person to introduced the term “brainstorming?” ANSWER: Alex Osborn

13 QUESTION: The ability or power to produce original thoughts or ideas based on reasoning and judgment ANSWER: Creativity

14 QUESTION: A new product or system that has never existed before ANSWER: Invention

15 QUESTION: A human-made object ANSWER: Artifact

16 QUESTION: Human innovation in action that involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems ANSWER: Technology

17 QUESTION: A limit to the design process ANSWER: Constraint

18 QUESTION: A full size working model used to test a design ANSWER: Prototype

19 QUESTION: The study of the natural world through observation, identification, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanations ANSWER: Science

20 QUESTION: An improvement of an existing technological product system, or method of doing something ANSWER: Innovation

21 QUESTION: A desired specification of a product or system ANSWER: Criteria (also known as Criterion)

22 QUESTION: The profession involved in the development of processes, products, and systems that benefit mankind ANSWER: Engineer

23 QUESTION: True or False: New products and systems can be developed to solve problems or to help do things that could not be done without the help of technology. ANSWER: TRUE

24 QUESTION: True or False: A design brief is a written plan that identifies the problem to be solved and identifies the criteria and constraints related to the problem. ANSWER: TRUE

25 QUESTION: Define the following: Mean, Median, Mode ANSWER: Mean – average Median – middle number when numbers are in order least to greatest Mode – number that appears most frequently

26 QUESTION: What is the last step (#9) in the engineering design system? ANSWER: Redesign

27 QUESTION: True or False – Medical products like needle and blood samples are not harmful to the environment. True or False – Plastics emit hazardous waste as a by- product when burned or remain in landfills. ANSWER: FALSE TRUE

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