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Cool Halo Gas in a Cosmological Context Kyle Stewart “Team Irvine” UC Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation Workshop 8-20-09 Kyle Stewart “Team Irvine” UC Santa.

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Presentation on theme: "Cool Halo Gas in a Cosmological Context Kyle Stewart “Team Irvine” UC Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation Workshop 8-20-09 Kyle Stewart “Team Irvine” UC Santa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cool Halo Gas in a Cosmological Context Kyle Stewart “Team Irvine” UC Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation Workshop 8-20-09 Kyle Stewart “Team Irvine” UC Santa Cruz Galaxy Formation Workshop 8-20-09 Collaborators: James Bullock, Betsy Barton (UCI) Tobias Kaufman, Lucio Mayer (UZH) Jürg Diemand, Piero Madau (UCSC) James Wadsley (McMaster), Ari Maller (NYCCT)

2 Outline Theoretical Motivations –Baryonic content of DM halos –Gas accretion via gas-rich mergers Observing Cool Halo Gas –Unresolved / open questions The Simulation: VL2 + GASOLINE –Covering Fraction –Kinematics: Halo Gas vs. Galaxy

3 Motivations How do galaxies acquire their cool gas? –Cold flows? Cloud Fragmentation? (e.g. Keres et al. ‘09, Dekel & Birnboim ‘06, Maller & Bullock ’04, most of Tuesday’s talks…) Gas rich mergers? –Stewart et al. 09 3

4 Small halos have a lot of gas and few stars (especially at z~1) 4 Stewart 2009 Abundance matching (Conroy & Wechsler ‘09) + baryonic TF

5 Gas-rich mergers & galaxy assembly 5 Stewart et al. 2009 ~30% of an L* galaxy’s baryons accreted in Major, gas-rich mergers over it’s history (since z=2). ~20% of bright galaxies at z~1 have had a Major, gas-rich merger in last Gyr (not based on this plot)

6 Motivations How do galaxy acquire their cool gas? How can we test ideas? Absorption-systems as probes of cool halo gas… 6

7 Observing Gas Around Galaxies: QSO (Mg II) D ~ 100 kpc (or less) Image from Tripp & Bowen (2005) 1)Covering Fraction 2) Cloud vs. Galaxy Kinematics

8 Observing Gas Around Galaxies: 1)Covering Fraction 2) Cloud vs. Galaxy Kinematics But what ARE they? Spherical halo gas? Cold Filaments? Pressure-confined gas clouds? Outflowing winds? Tidal Streams? Mg II C f ~20-80% e.g. Tripp & Bowen ’05; Tinker & Chen ‘08; Kackprzak et al. '08

9 Observing Gas Around Galaxies: 1)Covering Fraction 2) Cloud vs. Galaxy Kinematics Kacprzak et al. ‘09 (submitted) 7/10 Mg II absorbers show velocities that co-rotate with galaxy

10 Galaxies Probing Galaxies 10 z~0.5 z~0.7 Rubin et al. ‘09 Keck/LRIS absorption spectrum Cool gas ejected from host galaxy during past merger? Spatially-extended complex of cool clouds at d>17kpc from galaxy (with high velocity width)

11 Our Simulation: VL2 (initial conditions) + GASOLINE (sph code) Diemand et al. ‘08 Wadsley et al. ‘04 Some stats: WMAP3 cosmo:   =0.24,  =0.76, h=0.73, σ 8 =0.77,  b =0.042 m DM, m gas, m star ~3e5, 4e5, 1e5 M sun, Np~4 million. Sph smooth len: 332 pc. Final halo mass M vir ~2.e12 M sun ‘Blast-wave’ feedback of Stinson et al. ‘06; Haardt & Madau ‘96 UV field; NOTE: no strong blow-out winds Log  HI [M sun /pc 3 ]= [-8, -1] Log  stars [M sun /pc 3 ] = [-7, 1]

12 Results: Covering Fraction R outer ~ 50 kpc (comoving) N grid ~ 1000 R inner ~ 5 kpc (comoving) LOS “covered” if N(HI) >10 16,18,20 atoms/cm 2

13 Results: Covering Fraction Note: VL2 chosen to be quiescent at late times Fragmented Flows + Mergers Cold flows (and mergers) (averaged over 3 projections) Covering Fraction Depends on Recent Gas Accretion!

14 Gas and Galaxy Kinematics: Log  HI = [-7, 1] LOS velocity [-250 to +250 km/s]

15 Gas and Galaxy Kinematics: Log  HI = [-7, 1] LOS velocity [-250 to +250 km/s]

16 Summary: High-res SPH simulation of VL2 halo with gas + stars Extended cool halo gas betrays a complex assembly history: – Gas-rich & star-poor mergers are common and responsible for much of the halo gas (especially at z<2) –These mergers would be invisible to pair-counts at fixed luminosity Cool halo gas tends to co-rotate with the galaxy, as indicated by observations. This gas includes clouds, streams, and other complex structures – the gas that will build the galaxy itself. Covering Fraction for cool gas depends on recent gas accretion: smooth (or fragmented) filaments, mergers, etc. Covering fraction in VL2 remains high well past the time associated with the canonical cold flow epoch, as a result of mergers and infalling fragments. 16

17 Extra Slides: 17

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