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HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM Sept 17, 2012 1. Recent Highlights and News-I The PMT deliveries are now completed. The PMT and Base Boards System tests.

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Presentation on theme: "HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM Sept 17, 2012 1. Recent Highlights and News-I The PMT deliveries are now completed. The PMT and Base Boards System tests."— Presentation transcript:

1 HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM Sept 17, 2012 1

2 Recent Highlights and News-I The PMT deliveries are now completed. The PMT and Base Boards System tests with a QIE system has started at CERN-904. We have approved the Base Board Production. (Reports from IOWA and CERN Tests are available) Worked on the New HV system and formed a committee to evaluate the RFP responses.. Received a detailed report from German and Alexi. Both power supplies (CAEN and Bulgarian) were tested and evaluated at CERN E-pool using professional equipment and high expertise level of pool technicians. The HV RFP and decision committee members are: Germain, Alexi, Ianos, S.Los, M.Miller, D.Winn from HF and Magnus and S. Lusin from CMS Coordination. The charge to this committee is written and we had our committee meeting on Friday August 3 rd. The information provided by the HF Upgrade group was well received. There were some questions regarding Dynode 9-10 powering “Synchronization “ in the base board –S.Los has responded to this question. The decision is taken by this committee and we received the final recommendations by the PRR Committee to with CAEN. I have formed a sub-committee to prepare this purchase thru CAEN and CERN E-pool and members are S.Lusin, German and Alexi. We have decided on the shield length- 54 mm (looks good !! the presentation by Ianos during HF meeting on May 14 th ) and got confirmation by Pawel. Mike Fountain has started with the production. 2

3 Recent Highlights and News-II There is an agreement for a new cable purchases– Thanks Chris Tully, Jeremy Mans and Pawel De Barbaro for this. There is also a strong support from Austin and Magnus on this. Special thanks to Joel helping on this. HF new front end integration was presented by Ianos to the HCAL as well as to the CMS TC. The HF Electronics Packaging as well as the agreement within HCAL that we should pursue the Winchester Cables presented by Terry Shaw. Terry Shaw and Ianos have finalized the specs and they will be getting the quotes soon. Developing our “Project Org Chart” adding Brazilian Universities and ITU, Istanbul. Alberto Santoro and Gilvan-Augusto Alves are named as Co-L2’s for Brazil in our org chart. E.Gulmez BU-Istanbul is L2 for Turkey. We were reviewed by the USCMS on August 31 st. 3

4 PMT Deliveries We have all the PMT’s delivered and have the data---- our group is re- checking all the parameters of these characterization measurements. The data will then go to Ugur Akgun for his final check and authorization to load on the DB. The DB loading will be done by George and Garrett and I am assuming that this will take a couple of days. The PMT's are shipped regularly to CERN. We have an automated shipping procedure from Iowa Shipping, Customs and CERN receiving. Several people are on this e-mail tracking program list from Iowa and CERN Site and monitoring the shipping and delivery. We stopped our shipping for about 2 weeks in August 6th since there was a concern at CERN receiving our PMT's securely. The total shipped PMT's to CERN on September 11 was 1117/1800. We are keep shipping daily from Iowa to CERN. Our ast day of shipping from Iowa is on October 15th hence hoping to complete our 1800 PMT shipping task by that day. 4

5 HCAL MILESTONES HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 All done, tested and delivered to CERN 12/7/2012 (expecting a delay for the production of the base and adaptor boards which includes 20% spares. However we expect that 216 will be available by January 10 to populate all of the ROBOXes). Sergey will receive the boards on Sep. 26, and have something ready in hand to send to Iowa on 27 th. (about 12 boards) Iowa will do a fast QC tests, so Oct. 02 they'll be shipped to CERN via International High Priority Fedex. After which: 25% - at CERN by Oct.31 50% - by Nov. 31 75% - by Jan. 10 100% - by Feb. 10 (Base boards will be delivered paired with Adapter boards). 5

6 HF Schedule 6

7 Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012 Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012 New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012 New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012 Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 2/11/2013 Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 1/26/2013 Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 1/26/2013 Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 2/22/2013 HF Plus Moved into Garages 3/7/2013 TO BE CHECKED HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012 HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 7

8 PCB production 12x Jumper base board production/checking jumper board testing PCB production Board assembly/testing Testing and QC at Iowa First shipment of PCB's to CERN 50% board production done All done, tested and delivered to CERN 3/1/12 --- 4/15/12 4/15/12 ---5/15/12 5/15/12—6/15/12 6/15/12– 12/1/12 6/30/12 - 7/15/12 7/31/12 (Int. Milestone) 10/1/12 (Int. Milestone) 12/7/12 (Int. Milestone) SL SL, IS, AM SL MM, JC, DS, ZJ, GF, JK ZJ SL 8

9 PMT's Delivery dates at CERN Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 05/15/12 06/01/12 06/15/12 07/01/12 08/01/12 08/14/12 09/01/12 09/14/12 9

10 Test stand setup Test new box ( set-up new ROB) Produce and assemble test equip Establish Testing Procedures Produce Test stand equipment AM Tests new Box New ROBOX at 904- operating Move New ROBOX to SX5 Test Stands at SX5—operating 4/23/12 - 5/15/12 3/31/12 - 6/30/12 4/23/12 - 7/31/12 4/15-6/30 5/15 - 6/7/12 7/31/12 - 8/31/12 1/26/13 2/28/13 IS, AM IS, MF, PD, TK AM, IS, AP IS, MF, PD, TK AM, HB, EB AM, IS, AP, GA, YG AM, IS, AP, GA, YG, SD, YOz, FO, SS, SC, NB Adding two students Marcos and Thiago from Brazil. 10

11 ROB mechanics Finalize Shield dimensions All materials ordered Start shipment to CERN CERN P5 Setup HF+ mechanics pre-assembly ROB Completion Dates 25% completion 50% completion 75% completion 100% completion Production contingency 04/01/12 - 05/14/12 09/15/12 11/14/12 - 12/01/12? 12/1/12 - 03/01/13 05/01/12 - 06/31/12 07/01/12 - 08/31/12 09/01/12 - 10/31/12 11/01/12 - 12/21/12 12/22/12 - 02/28/13 ZJ, ET, GF, JC, JK, DS Olga, TK, PD, (+2 crews x2) 11

12 12 Assembly and Testing Base board population learning/training Populate and test baseboards HF+ Q1 (27) HF+ Q2 (54) HF+ Q3 (81) HF+ Q4 (108) HF- Q1 (135) HF- Q2 (162) HF- Q3 (189) HF- Q4 (216) 07/31/12 - 08/21/12 08/22/12 - 09/07/12 09/07/12 - 09/22/12 09/22/12 - 10/07/12 10/07/12 - 10/22/12 10/22/12 - 11/07/12 11/07/12 - 11/22/12 11/22/12 - 12/07/12 12/07/12 - 12/22/12 AM, IS, DK, MK, OK AM, IS, FO, EA, MK, OK, EE, OO, BU, MY, SD, YOz, HO, KD

13 Activities on HF (HF+ HF-) HF + HF+ ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing “Integration”/commissioning HF+ Up HF - HF- ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing “Integration”/commissioning HF- Up 2/11/13 - 02/25/13 2/26/13 – 4/12/13 4/13/13 – 2/1/14 3/1/14 – 5/1/14 9/10/14 - 9/21/14 2/26/13 – 3/27/13 3/28/13 – 5/31/13 6/01/13 – 3/1/14 3/1/14 – 5/1/14 9/18/14 – 9/30/14 13 ~4 months contingency

14 Integration group -Milestones LS1 CMS Open 2/11/13 -11/24/14 CMS Ready for Beam 11/24/14 HF PMT replacement 2/27/13 – 3/25/14 HF out of Garage 7/23/14 - 7/23/14 HF Down after MMT 8/20/14 – 9/02/14 HF +Z Up 9/10/14 9/21/14 HF –Z Up 9/18/14 – 9/30/14 14

15 Gantt Chart Integration group 15

16 16

17 TC Schedule LS1 17 DateTask 2/11/13Install HFs tracking system 2/11/13Remove HF strain sensor fibers 2/18/13Open HF+ T2 BSC PLT 2/19/13Prepare+lower HF+on 3 risers 2/20/13lower HF+ to ground level 2/20/13Open HF- T2, BSC +prepare for lowering 2/21/13lower HF- to ground level 2/21/13lower HF on 2 risers 2/25/13Move HF+ in garage 2/27/13Move HF- in garage 2/27/13Replace HF pmts 3/12/14Insert HF/CT2-Z BP 8/20/14Lower HF-Z 9/11/14Bring HF-Z to normal position + install T1-Z 11/5/14CMS ready for beam

18 HF Schedule Gantt Chart 18

19 HF Upgrade Project Funding FY 2013 We provided an excel file describing of our request for the LS1 operations and the details of new HV system cost estimate. Need new HV budgeted in the project files Need new cables budgeted in the project files Need a minimum of 200 additional PMT’s to meet DOE “Spare” 15% guidelines LS1 2013-14 ( US and International collaborators ??) 19

20 Cable & PMTs Cable Purchases (2 Anode Readout) PMT Box Pigtails350$216.75$75,862.50* ~10% Spares Included 5m Cables350$505.14$176,799.00* ~10% Spares Included Adapter Cables350$191.94$67,179.00* ~10% Spares Included PC Board Connectors360$250.00$90,000.00* ~10% Spares Included Cable Testing Technician Time (1 U.S. + 1 CERN)2$7,500.00$15,000.00*4 Weeks test for 350 cables PO Change Order PMT Shipping, dark boxes, cables, additional PMT box machining and material 1$21,000.0$21,000.00*FY 2012 Spare PMTs PMT Purchase200$1,000.00$200,000.00 20

21 Backup-I 21

22 ROB with new adapter boards and recessed connectors 22

23 Components of new design 23 Kapton insulator Plate2 (G-10) Plate1 (Grade XX Garolite) New signal connectors and/or connector support Sleeve Upgrade HF ROBOX PMT + socket Base board + adapter board Shield

24 Summary of components PartsNumber neededApproximate production time * Completed Plate2’s764 months41 (54%) Shields18244 months>840 (46%) Insulators18242 monthsProduction starts ~10 September. Spacer tubes3044 Days322 (100%) Connector plates1522 weeks0 Connector mounting extensions 1522 weeks? Only needed if re-cabling postponed 0 Custom hardware76 sets3 Days0 Assembly jigs21 Day0 Hardware (off shelf)76 sets-0 Strain relief bars288 PC fab?.(Fermilab)- CLI housings762 weeks- 24 * Production will be in batches spread out over the year. Expect >3/4 done by fall. Finished by end of year, but have few months contingency in early 2013. Depends on cabling decision and final cabling connector specs. Expect to place order by Oct1

25 Winchester cabling solution Consists of 3 parts: Cable for inside PMT Boxes, 5m cables to FEE, Adapters to connect to existing FEE

26 Assessment of Winchester cables mechanical properties Four complete sets of cables were provided in advance of the October 2011 testbeam period. Diameter of cable ~2cm. Minimum bend radius of ~10cm easily attained. Cables are robust, and very pliable. Suggested improvements: –Cable is stiff at the shrink tubing used to terminate the outer sheath. This could present some difficulties if too long as tightest bends are required near the ends of the cables. –Would prefer longer and knurled connector nuts so that they could be turned by hand without need of a screw driver. Over tightening of jack screws on the existing D-sub connectors has been a persistent problem. –Cable connectors should be identically keyed so that cables can be easily swapped. Very important for rapid trouble shooting and fast cable replacement if necessary. –Would like grips on cable connectors to ease connecting/disconnecting. –Would like protection of the contacts to prevent damage during handling and installation. Modifications discussed with Winchester in July. Essentially excepted.

27 HF QIE Card 27

28 HF Card concept Dual QIE board unit 2x24 channels =48 / unit 6U crates with 1.2” module spacing. 28

29 Cable integration Lower level cable storage under floor Upper level cable storage shelves Cable volume will substantially increase Detailed evaluation was performed to confirm that the proposed solution was feasible given the space constraints within the HF shielding and support structures (also for 4-anode readout). Cable storage areas remain accessible when HF’s are in garages. - keeps HF cabling off critical path of UXC activities. 29 Critical choke point Cable exit port in shielding Cable at front of racks Critical choke point

30 Schedule Scenarios Purchase of the cables is subject to the spending profile Scenarios: 1) Purchase all cables within the next 3 months and be ready for installation during LS1. Later on, FE Electronics replaced. 2) Purchase cables for single quadrant within next 3 months, Delay purchase of remaining cables into 2013, but in time to install at end of LS1. Requires investment in infrastructure for testing/burn on the surface. Pushes cabling and commissioning to end of LS1. 3)Put cable purchase off for X years, and install cables at time of FE electronics upgrade. Uncertain when this could happen. Big job, risky for a short shutdown.

31 Current status Meeting with Winchester July 25 - Make quote good through Oct.2012. - Two quotes, one for total cable purchase, another for all pigtails, and 50 long+adapter cables. - Essentially accepted list of modifications. - Delivery time of 3+ months. - 75 ohm board mount connectors are in production (will be for 10 years). Simulation to be performed by Winchester.

32 Backup -II 32

33 LS1 Plans 33

34 SCOPE HF work to be done during LS1: PMT Replacement Cable upgrade for new FEE (part of LS2) HV PSU Installation 2 34

35 35

36 36 Readout boxes on HF There are 36 readout boxes on each HF for a total of 72 boxes. Boxes are located at a radius of ~1.3m from the beam axis. Each box houses 24 PMT’s and serves ~ a 10 degree slice of the detector. (total number of PMT’s on HF is 1728) All of these boxes are to be dismounted, reworked on surface, tested, and remounted.

37 ROB work flow Work starts as soon as HF’s are in garages and boxes accessible. Refurbishment will happen in SX5, HCAL alcove Boxes will be processed in groups of “quadrants”, 9 boxes that make up 90 degrees in phi on HF. Boxes will be remounted and commissioned by quadrants (Smallest unit due to shared HV). Burn in and commissioning happens whenever services are available. – Off critical path. Have flexibility here Remove boxes from both HF’s RP screening Disassembly Refurbishment Testing Remount on HF’s Testing/burn-in, commissioning UXC USC Sourcing 37

38 Cable work 38 Reception of cables Inspection, testing (continuity, & mapping) Labeling/bar- coding Bundle, installation prep. Cable installation Remove existing FE cables Cleaning and consolidation of existing cables and services Installation / modification of cable storage Including other CMS subsystems Re build rack cable supports Testing, Commissioning ROB install Cabling will be performed in units of quadrants. Ideally cable prep, and installation work is pipelined with ROB work to maximize testing, burn-in, and commissioning in the UXC. Estimate 1 week to cable a quadrant, two weeks for first one. ( 9 weeks total).

39 Work area Cabling at racks Cable routing and storage under floors Cable routing and storage At upper level racks Readout box removal/install, Cabling inside outer shielding (ROB area) Protection from activated areas may be needed Removal of collars, CASTOR table. Scaffolding for access to boxes and cables Sourcing: will require ~1 week/HF where access to garages would limited 39

40 ROBOX Work Flow LS1 Start: Feb, 11, 2013 LS1 End: Nov 24, 2014 PMT Replacement: 27 Feb 2013 - 25 Mar 2014 HV PSU Replacement (USC): April 2013 Bring HF+ to its nominal position: 10 Sep 2014 - 22 Sep 2014 Bring HF- to its nominal position: 18 Sep 2014 - 30 Sep 2014 40

41 HV Installation We plan to finish HV power supplies installation by May 1 st, 2013 latest.This is based on the estimate that mid May could be the earliest to power the first HF quadrant. Also based on availability of CAEN PSUs. Alexi M. and + helper will finish the installation German M. will commission the new system with existing PVSS. ~1 week to do installation. ~1 week for commissioning. This planning assumes that the HF HV patch panel and interlock interfaces have been produced, tested, and ready for installation (as well as CAEN system). 41

42 LS1 Cabling We planned to benefit from LS1 to do as much as possible to prepare HF for the future upgrade (multi-anode readout). During LS1 we target for the following objectives: Consolidation and clean up of cables and services. (~8 weeks) Includes removal of existing front end signal cables Includes the time spent on cables and services from other subsystems. Modification, preparation of HF structures for cable storage (~2 weeks) Prepare racks as much as possible for future electronics. (~1 week) Could be absorbed in consolidation step above (~8 weeks) Install new cables (~1 week/quadrant + 1 week for first one = 9 weeks 42

43 Base Boards-Old Dates 80% of Sockets are assembled and tested 20% of Adapter boards are assembled Base boards should arrive from assembly house by Sep. 10 1. 80% of PMT sockets are assembled and tested 2. 20% of Adapter boards are assembled 3. Base boards have to be delivered from assembly house by Sep. 10 Further production plans As soon as we have Base boards from assembly house stop Socket assembly and switch to final assembly/testing of Base/Adapter board sandwiches (by that time we should have enough sockets for installation quantity of the boards – 216) 216 sets for installation should be ready by Dec.01 S.Los recommends purchasing the second set of board-to-board connectors for the future multi-channel Adapter board, before they become obsolete (  $3K) 43

44 Back-up III

45 HF2013 Organization Chart 45

46 HF US Manpower IOWA : U.Akgun, E.Albayrak, B.Bilki, W.Clarida, P.Debbins, A.Mestvirisvili*,J.P.Merlo*,M.Miller, J.Nachtman, J.Neuhaus, Y.Onel, F.Ozok*, I.Schmidt*,S.Sen*, J.Wetzel. *Stationed at CERN New Iowa Graduate Students K.Dilsiz, T.Harrington, V.Khristenko, M. Haytmuradov, H.Ogul, E.Tiras. Iowa Undergraduate Students L.Adams, J.Buffon, J.Corso, G.Funk,G.Jia, J.Kingyon, D.Squires, D.Southwick Baylor: Kenichi Hatakeyama and students Fairfield : D.Winn and students FERMILAB: S.Los, T.Shaw FIU: G.Martinez Maryland: S.Eno and students Mississippi : L.Cremaldi and students HF FE R&D Additional US groups Princeton : C.Tully and students Minnesota: J.Mans and students 46

47 New Info From Turkish Manpower ITU, Istanbul, Turkey GROUP –KEREM CANKOCAK WILL APPLY FOR SABBATICAL for 2013 HF preparation and installation Ozlem Ozcelik (presently at CERN, until the end of 2012) Cemsinan Deliduman (presently at CERN, until September 2012) Onur Fikri Ozturpan (July & August) Other related work (online software, DPG analysis, calibration, etc.) Fuat Ilkehan Vardarli (presently at CERN, until the end of 2012) Huseyin Bahtiyar (September, November, December) Mete Yucel (September, November, December) Esra Barlas (September, November, December) Kerem Cankocak (presently at CERN, until December of 2012) For the 2013, ITU will apply to fund for 5 people regarding HF system tests. 47

48 CU Adana + BU Istanbul For 2013 The CU group asked from their funding agency for support at CERN for their PhD students ( 4 experienced students) for 6 months each and one new PhD student for 10 months. They will be spending 50% of their time on LS1 work. The 7 young faculty members (Kenan Sogut, Numan Bakirci, Sertac Ozturk, Huseyin Topakli, Salim Cerci, Deniz Sunar Ceci, Bayram Tali) They submitted a new project proposal to their funding agency in which they are asking for 45 months of support both for 2013 and 2014. with 50% on the average time spent on LS1 activities. The BU has currently 1 faculty member without M. Kaya and 2 graduate students until end of December 2012. For 2013 the BU asked one more additional graduate student support during the LS1. 48

49 Brazil RIO-CBPF : Alves Gilvan, Henrique Gomes, E Souza Moacyr Pol, Maria Elena, Jorge Molina, Marcos and Thiago. RIO-UERJ: Carvalho Wagner, Oguri Vitor, Santoro Alberto and Sznajder Andre. SAO PAULO UNICAMP : De Moraes Gregores, Eduardo Novaes Sergio F, Edmilson Manganotte and Jose Chinellato. 49

50 Backup IV 1800 PMT’s Characterization Data plots 50








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