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Sculpture Greek: Etruscan: Nude Clothed Stoic Marble Movement

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1 Sculpture Greek: Etruscan: Nude Clothed Stoic Marble Movement
Idealized Weight Bering leg is straight Etruscan: Clothed Movement Terracotta Metal Work (bronze) Terracotta sarcophagus Emphasis on pattern Protruding lower lip Ash Urns Both: Archaic Smile Idealized Anavysos Kouros

2 Portraits Etruscan: 1st Century BC Naturalistic Features
Appear to have a cast mold appearance Terra Cotta Portrait of a Boy 4th century Etruscan Slightly idealized Individualized Bronze 1st Century Etruscan Portrait Head of Bearded man “Brutus”- Roman 1st Century Individualized

3 Roman Sculpture Orator – Aulus Metellus Roman name
Etruscan Words on Toga Realistic (roman) facial features Clothing and laced boots (roman)

4 Etruscan Statuary “Mars” 4th Century BC Classical era
Carries sacrificial bowl (patera) Style found in Greek sculptures Greek Sculptures would not be clothed Emphasis of pattern in uniform 7 large separate casts Bronze

5 Animal Sculpture Capitoline Wolf
Etruscans were talented Bronze sculptors. Etruscan sculpture maintains a decorative nature including geometric details such as in the mane of both the chimaera and wolf below. The Winged Lion from Vulci (middle) carved In volcanic stone reduce the level of detail possible. Capitoline Wolf Related to the story of Romulus and Remus Babies were added in the Reconnaissance Wounded Chimaera from Arezzo (Etruscan) In the “Iliad” - Bellerophon rode against the chimaera on Pegasus. Classical Emphasis

6 Painting Etruscan: Best examples are the Tombs at Tarquinia in southern Etruria. Myths only otherwise seen in Greek pottery Myths are associated with the deceased accomplishments during their life !!!Dividing of Chamber walls becomes a style Romans will adopt.!!! Nature is printed life size compared to human form (Etruscans believed Gods spoke to them through nature –animals, weather, phenomenon's) (Greek would minimize nature and emphasize human form) Scenes of everyday life with vibrant colors of red, blue, purple, and green

7 Etruscan Tomb of Tarquinia
Ambush of Troilius by Achilles, from Tomb of the Bulls, Tarquinia Climbing Rocks and Diving from Hunting and fishing tomb Hunting birds and fishing tomb of hunting and fishing

8 Tarquinia Etruscan tomb cont.
Tomb of the Lionesses Checkered ceiling- Etruscan Style Men were painted dark and women painted white (common practice in Etruscan and Greek)

9 Head of Velia (tomb of Orcus)
Etruscan Tomb with Greek Styles Greek vision of beauty Classic Greek style Romans will later borrow the same ideals of beauty: Straight forehead to nose Large eyes Full but small lips Firm rounded chin Hair parted in middle and drawn to sides Outlining or silhouetting the face and body

10 Like the Etruscans the Romans will steal mythological images and other imitations from Greek prototypes. Etruscan- Tomb of the typhon (taruinia) Greek: Great Altar at Pergamon180 BC

11 Founding of Rome Romulus and Remus Romulus and Remus were twin brothers. They were abandoned by their parents as babies and put into a basket that was then placed into the River Tiber. The basket ran aground and the twins were discovered by a female wolf. The wolf nursed the babies for a short time before they were found by a shepherd. The shepherd then brought up the twins. When Romulus and Remus became adults, they decided to found a city where the wolf had found them. The brothers quarreled over where the site should be and Remus was killed by his brother. This left Romulus the sole founder of the new city and he gave his name to it – Rome. The date given for the founding of Rome is 753 BC.

12 The Aeneid by Virgil Based off the Odyssey by Homer.
About the Trojan Aeneas’s travels to find Rome Youtube video summarizes: Virgil makes Aeneas the ancestor of the roman people. He escaped Troy with his son and ancestral gods to Latium Virgil (author) was a patron of Augustus Aeneas’s son founded another city –Alba Longa later to be a large Latin City

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