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Graphic adapted from Citizenship in Teacher Education Prepare teachers and administrators who passionately defend all students. Teach.

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1 Graphic adapted from


3 Citizenship in Teacher Education Prepare teachers and administrators who passionately defend all students. Teach and model alternative methods of assessment in courses. Prepare teachers and administrators who know their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Educate teachers and administrators regarding norm-referenced and criterion- referenced tests. Model engaging citizenship.

4 Engaged Citizen-Educators Speak candidly with administrators and board members prior to action. Keep issue(s) pure—convince others to join through the integrity and justice of the cause. Start small and non-confrontational—build an advocacy group. Differentiate between speaking as a school employee and a concerned citizen. Keep personal activism outside your school. Maintain detailed, dated records of actions and conversations with employers.

5 Will free speech be protected? Will we be protected if we… publicly speak out against testing? encourage parents or students to boycott tests? write editorials in local papers? expose testing problems in local schools? instigate letter campaigns, petitions, or rallies?

6 How might teacher educators make a difference? How might you make a difference?

7 Resources on.html

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