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A level reform – planning for a 2015 start GCSEs in English and maths will be developed for first teaching from September 2015 other GCSE subjects will.

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Presentation on theme: "A level reform – planning for a 2015 start GCSEs in English and maths will be developed for first teaching from September 2015 other GCSE subjects will."— Presentation transcript:

1 A level reform – planning for a 2015 start GCSEs in English and maths will be developed for first teaching from September 2015 other GCSE subjects will be introduced in 2016 new linear A levels in English language, English literature, the sciences, history, geography, psychology, art and design, sociology, business studies, economics and computing will be available for first teaching from September 2015 new linear A levels in maths, further maths and languages will be introduced in 2016



4 Edexcel

5 Key differences A levels to become linear and to be taken over two years with students sitting their exams at the end of the course AS level qualifications to become standalone and not to contribute to the full A level. The new AS level to be as intellectually demanding as A level and cover half the content of a full A level an advisory body, created by the Russell Group of Universities, to provide advice on the content of those A levels most commonly required for entry to leading universities. new linear A levels in the facilitating subjects to be available for first teaching from September 2015 and first assessment in summer 2017.

6 New A levels: subject content consultation Launch Date: Friday 25 October 2013 Closing Date: Friday 20 December 2013 dex.cfm?action=consultationDetails&consultatio nId=1934&external=no&menu=1

7 Any key points to raise during the consultation period?

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