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ELECTROLYTES. Electrolytes One of the most critical assays performed Often the key in differentiating one disorder from another.

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2 Electrolytes One of the most critical assays performed Often the key in differentiating one disorder from another

3 Body Environments External – Subject to heat & cold Internal – Relatively constant state of fluid, pH, and temp – Electrolytes are strictly internal

4 Body Fluid Containment Intracellular – Inside the cell Extracellular – Outside the cell

5 Electrolytes…... Will break-up or “dissociate” when placed in a solution When the molecule breaks-up, the individual ions (electrolytes) will carry either a + or – charge called cation & anion The + portion separates from the – portion to form electrically charged particles, giving the name “electrolyte”

6 Electrolytes….. Dissociation gives electrolytes the ability to control acid-base balance The body has approximately 310 mEq/l of electrolytes at any given time – 155 mEq/l + charged, 155 mEq/l – charged Most disorders involving electrolytes and their functions involve an imbalance between these figures

7 Electrolytes….. The body’s ability to maintain water/buffer will be affected of the cations outweigh the anions or vice versa All electrolytes, both + and – are found either intracellularly or extracellularly

8 Sodium (Na + ) One of the most commonly analyzed cation Greatest extracellular concentration Major role – Acid-base balance by combining with bi-carbonate and phosphate to neutralize bases – Osmosis and water balance

9 Sodium (Na + ) As serum sodium levels increase/decrease, the amount of water present will increase/decrease accordingly Normal Range 136-146 mEq/l

10 Potassium (K + ) Counter-balance for sodium (opposite) Greatest intracellular concentration

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