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The Civil War 1861-1865. Facts: One of the most important events in American History. Bloodiest War in American History. Saw major advances in technology.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil War 1861-1865. Facts: One of the most important events in American History. Bloodiest War in American History. Saw major advances in technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil War 1861-1865

2 Facts: One of the most important events in American History. Bloodiest War in American History. Saw major advances in technology. Has a lasting impact on our lives and the way America is run today.

3 Causes of the War What caused the Civil War? – No, slavery was not the major cause. – Power was the dominant issue. Political Economic Social – In all of these areas the North was more powerful than the South. Why? How?

4 Union vs. Confederacy USACSA Population21.5 million9 million Railroads21,700 miles9,000 miles Factories110,10020,600 Work Force1,170,000111,000 Bank Deposits$207 million$47 million Currency$56 million$27 million Corn (bushels)446 million280 million Wheat (bushels)132 million31 million Oats (bushels)150 million20 million Cotton (bales)4,0005,000,000 Tobacco (pounds)229 million199 million Horses4.2 million1.7 million Donkeys & Mules300,000800,000 Milk Cows5.7 million2.7 million Beef Cattle6.6 million7 million Sheep16 million5 million Pigs16.3 million15.5 million

5 Causes of the War The North vs. the South – The North developed more factories than the South in the early 1800s. Why? – The North was wealthier and more technologically advanced. – More immigrants went to the North too. – More people meant the North had more members in Congress and more votes when it came to electing a President. – This terrified the South.

6 Causes of the War Election of 1860 – Abraham Lincoln was the first Presidential Candidate to ever speak out against slavery. – He got almost no votes in the South, but he was elected anyway. map map What message did this send to the South? – His victory scared many Southerners who feared that the North would dominate them. – They chose to leave the United States and set up their own nation. The Confederate States of America

7 Technology and the War The war was very bloody because the weapons were much better but the armies still fought using old-fashioned tactics.

8 Gettysburg

9 Civil War Technology The biggest advance in the war was the use of rifles. – They fired bullets farther and more accurately than the musket.

10 Technology and the War The war also saw advances in naval warfare.

11 Civil War Medicine and Health Another cause of the high death toll was the poor medical care and lack of knowledge about health. – Medicine was very primitive - many died from infections and poor medical care. – Men also died from eating and drinking contaminated food and water. – More died from disease than bullets and bombs.

12 Civil War Medicine

13 Civil War Armies Another reason for the high numbers of casualties was the huge sizes of the militaries. – Union Forces – 2,213,000 – Confederate Forces – 1,050,000 The current US military has 1,500,000 active personnel.

14 The Course of the War The war can be looked at in two halves. – The early part of the war was dominated by the South almost everywhere. How? Why? – The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point. Massive 3 day battle in Pennsylvania – The second half of the war was dominated by the North.

15 The End of the War The Civil War ended in April 1865. – General Lee surrendered to General Grant. US losses – 365,000 CSA losses – 260,000 Lincoln was shot a few days later. – Why? By Who? There was no agreement in Washington DC about what to do once the war ended.

16 Legacy of the Civil War Racism and discrimination – This got worse after the war in the South. Why? One nation… The Northern victory kept the nation united. Government powers – the federal government is supreme over the states. Lasting hard feelings: – Northerners still look down on the South and Southerners still feel superior to Northerners. – “Keep the South clean…put a Yankee on a bus” – The Confederate Flag Lasting pride: – Re-enactors Re-enactors – Movies – Books – National Parks and Monuments

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