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Silently answer one of the following questions:  What motivates someone to be good in life? What motivates YOU to be good?  What is the benefit to living.

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Presentation on theme: "Silently answer one of the following questions:  What motivates someone to be good in life? What motivates YOU to be good?  What is the benefit to living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silently answer one of the following questions:  What motivates someone to be good in life? What motivates YOU to be good?  What is the benefit to living a moral life? Do-now:

2 Hinduism is an important religion in India. This is the Hindu symbol for Om. It represents the divine.

3  “God is one, but wise people know it by many names.” Stop & Jot: interpret this quote

4  Hindus believe in many gods. As such, Hinduism can be considered polytheistic.  However, Hindus believe that every god is a manifestation of one Supreme Being.  Brahman is the Supreme Being. Key Point #1: Many gods, One Force

5 Hindus believe in many gods. However, Hindus believe that every god is a manifestation of a single, Supreme Being.

6  Unlike Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Hinduism has no single holy book.  However, there are many significant Hindu writings.  The Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, and the Vedas are important Hindu writings. Key Point #2: No Single Holy Book

7 The Bhagavad-Gita is a conversation between a warrior and a god.

8  Hindus belief in cause and effect or Karma  “what goes around comes around”  If a person does a good deed, he will be rewarded in the future. Key Point 3: Beliefs

9 Think of Karma as what goes around, comes around.

10  Hindus also believe in reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that a person’s soul is reborn after death.  A person’s karma determines his reincarnation.

11  Hindus also believe in a caste system. The caste system is a fixed social class system.  A Hindus is born into his caste and must remain in his caste a lifetime.  Brahmins (Priests), Warriors, Merchants, and Farmers are Hindu castes. Key Point #4: The Caste System

12 These are the Sanskrit names for the four castes.

13  Every caste has its rules.  Dharma is the Sanskrit word for the rules of caste.  Marrying in your caste is an example of dharma. Dharma

14 Hinduism is the dominant religion of India.

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