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Using CQUINS to improve COPD care on discharge from Acute Trust

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1 Using CQUINS to improve COPD care on discharge from Acute Trust
Dr Vince Mak Consultant Physician – North West London Hospitals Clinical Lead in Respiratory Medicines Management – NHS London

2 What is CQUINS? Commissioning for Quality and Innovation payment framework since 2008 A form of QoF for Providers – except payment is of money that the Provider has already earned Provider has to prove it has reached a level of quality before payment made

3 Monetary Value of CQUINS
2011/12 –worth 1.5% of total Provider yearly outturn (Up 0.5%) For NWLH = 1.5% of £250million = £3.75million 0.3% is allocated to the 2 National CQUINS leaving 1.2% for locally negotiated goals

4 National CQUINS 2 Obligatory National CQUINS
VTE Assessment Improving Patient Experience VTE target is set at 90% of all eligible patients Patient experience goal is locally negotiated

5 Local (Regional) CQUINS
Explicit requirement on commissioners to collaborate in order to agree a single CQUIN scheme per provider Each scheme has to have the National plus any number of locally agreed CQUINS from a local “Pick List” determined by SHA

6 What is a Local CQUIN? CQUIN Goals should be agreed between commissioners and providers, with clinical engagement locally, and should reflect both local priorities and priority areas Each CQUIN goal must be measurable, using a defined indicator The number of goals and indicators included within a CQUIN scheme should be determined locally to ensure that improvement is focused appropriately and that the scheme is not unnecessarily complex

7 COPD Discharge Bundle Produced by CHLARC NW London
Care Bundle applied to all patients admitted with known COPD as a primary diagnosis 5 evidenced based interventions that known to improve quality of care and reduce readmissions and further exacerbations

8 What is CLAHRC? CLAHRC NW London (Collaboration in Leadership and Applied Health Research and Care Alliance of academic and healthcare organisations working to develop and promote a more efficient, accelerated and sustainable uptake of clinically innovative and cost-effective research interventions into patient care Part of National Institute of Health Research

9 5 Key Elements of COPD Discharge Bundle
Smoking Cessation Assessment for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Disease Education and formulating self management plan with prescribed rescue pack Check of adequate inhaler technique by competent trainer Adequate Follow up arrangements made (either community, Hospital OPA or GP)

10 Discharge Bundle April 2011Final

11 Discharge bundle as a CQUIN
On NHS London Pick List (of 10) Taken up by at least 4 Acute Trusts within London so far Target is 75% of all COPD admissions in first year will have bundle completed by discharge 90% in second year

12 Monetary Value of COPD CQUIN
In NWLH Trust – 1.2% of outturn = £3million (0.3% allocated to National CQUINS) 3-4 local CQUINS chosen (including falls assessment, patients assessed within 12 hours of admission) Value = £0.75-1million per CQUIN

13 Outcome Acute Trusts motivated to perform (£1 million!!!!!)
Patients get ideal care, improved QoL and reduced readmissions Should significantly reduce expenditure for COPD Good example of QIPP

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