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Romanticism vs. Naturalism (Hawthorne and Gilman) Mr. David Holdredge AP English Lecture WVHS.

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2 Romanticism vs. Naturalism (Hawthorne and Gilman) Mr. David Holdredge AP English Lecture WVHS

3 American Romantic Literature (1810-1865) Cooper, Thoreau, Irving, Emerson, Hawthorne Cooper, Thoreau, Irving, Emerson, Hawthorne Feeling/emotion over reason Feeling/emotion over reason Individual expression is more important than law and custom Individual expression is more important than law and custom Importance of imagination Importance of imagination Anti-materialism Anti-materialism Philosophical belief of the time: Transcendentalism Philosophical belief of the time: Transcendentalism

4 Five Elements of Romantic Literature Writing is no longer didactic; purpose is to entertain. Writing is no longer didactic; purpose is to entertain. Literature glorifies the land; celebrated wilderness. Literature glorifies the land; celebrated wilderness. It expressed the desire to escape from society and return to unspoiled nature. It expressed the desire to escape from society and return to unspoiled nature. Characters are larger than life. Characters are larger than life. Plots=heroic events, passionate love, &/or mysterious/supernatural events. Plots=heroic events, passionate love, &/or mysterious/supernatural events.

5 Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) Father (a sea captain) died when N. was four Father (a sea captain) died when N. was four Mom w/ family returned to her family’s home. Mom w/ family returned to her family’s home. Injured in a childhood accident & as a result, he was unable to take part in any outdoor activities. Injured in a childhood accident & as a result, he was unable to take part in any outdoor activities. Result: Introverted, avid reader, fascinated in family heritage, and lonely. Result: Introverted, avid reader, fascinated in family heritage, and lonely.

6 Hawthorne continued William Hawthorne  Came from England (1630) and rose to political power in Salem; infamous William Hawthorne  Came from England (1630) and rose to political power in Salem; infamous John Hawthorne  son of Wm., judge during the Salem Witch Trials John Hawthorne  son of Wm., judge during the Salem Witch Trials Family cursed? Family cursed? Attended Bowdon College Attended Bowdon College Buddies with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Franklin Pierce, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau. Buddies with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Franklin Pierce, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau.

7 Common Themes in Hawthorne’s Writing Struggle between Puritan philosophy and basic human instincts. Struggle between Puritan philosophy and basic human instincts. The problem of sin (psychological) The problem of sin (psychological)

8 Other notes on Hawthorne Spent 12 yrs. writing and revising tales Spent 12 yrs. writing and revising tales Never felt comfortable even with friends. Always silent in groups; only spoke with them on an individual basis. Never felt comfortable even with friends. Always silent in groups; only spoke with them on an individual basis. The Scarlet Letter (1850)—Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Pearl, & Arthur Dimmesdale The Scarlet Letter (1850)—Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Pearl, & Arthur Dimmesdale The House of Seven Gables (1851) The House of Seven Gables (1851) “Young Goodman Brown” takes place during Samhain “Young Goodman Brown” takes place during Samhain

9 Naturalism (1870-1940) Newer, harsher version of Realism Newer, harsher version of Realism Avoids discussions on morality Avoids discussions on morality Calls for extreme objectivity & frankness Calls for extreme objectivity & frankness Characters of low social and economical class Characters of low social and economical class Portrays lives dominated by environment & heredity Portrays lives dominated by environment & heredity Portrays an amoral & indifferent world; pessimism is common Portrays an amoral & indifferent world; pessimism is common Frank treatment of gender issues & sexuality Frank treatment of gender issues & sexuality Nature viewed as a blind force. Nature viewed as a blind force.

10 Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) Gilman is often studied by social historians interested in the advocacy of women’s rights…..horror tales Gilman is often studied by social historians interested in the advocacy of women’s rights…..horror tales Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe Father left after Charlotte’s birth Father left after Charlotte’s birth Mom left alone to support two kids Mom left alone to support two kids

11 Gilman continued Charlotte tried to gain her father’s favor, but she was continually rejected. Charlotte tried to gain her father’s favor, but she was continually rejected. Experienced poverty & instability as Mom searched constantly for a home they never found. Experienced poverty & instability as Mom searched constantly for a home they never found. 24 yrs. old  spending time as an art teacher; married Charles Stetson (artist) 24 yrs. old  spending time as an art teacher; married Charles Stetson (artist) Had a child (1885) entered into a depression Had a child (1885) entered into a depression

12 Gilman 3 Became a patient of S. Weir Mitchell (famous Philadelphia physician) Became a patient of S. Weir Mitchell (famous Philadelphia physician) Treatment: total bed rest and enforced isolation from all activities—physical & mental. Treatment: total bed rest and enforced isolation from all activities—physical & mental. Result: almost drove Charlotte insane & created “The Yellow Wallpaper” for Dr. Mitchell. Result: almost drove Charlotte insane & created “The Yellow Wallpaper” for Dr. Mitchell. 1935  committed suicide in order to avoid the torments of inoperable cancer. 1935  committed suicide in order to avoid the torments of inoperable cancer.

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