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Labor Policy Keiichiro HAMAGUCHI. Chapter 1 General Introduction and Historical Overview.

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1 Labor Policy Keiichiro HAMAGUCHI

2 Chapter 1 General Introduction and Historical Overview

3 (1)Industrial Revolution and Pre-war Labor Policy Japan’s industrialization started at the last period of 19th century (100 years after the British Industrial Revolution) Japan’s Factory Law enacted in 1911, enforced in 1916 Trade Union Law proposed but failed Militarism promoted workers’ protection.

4 (2) Post-war Reform in Labor Policy Post-war reform: the starting point of current labor legislations. 1945 Trade Union Law established “three basic labor rights”. 1947 Labor Standards Law established 8 hours/day and 48 hours/week. 1947 Employment Security Law prohibited fee-charging private placement and labor supply business.

5 (3) The Age of Modernization “Modernization of Labor Market” = labor market based on skills and jobs 1958 Vocational Training Law combined in-house training and public training. 1966 Minimum Wage Law, minimum wages fixed by tripartite council 1972 Industrial Health and Safety Law provided H&S management system.

6 (4) The Age of Company-centrism 1973 Oil Crisis changed the policy direction. 1974 Employment Insurance Law urged employment maintenance, instead of dismissal. 1986 Older Persons Employment Law urged employment until 60 (tightened in 1994). 1987 Rev. of Labor Standards Law set workweek at 40 hours (completed in 1997). 1985 Equal Employment Opportunity Law urged gender equality (tightened in 1997).

7 (5) The Age of Market Principle Neo-liberalism came to Japan in 1990s. 2001 Rev. of Employment Measures Law promoted re-employment, instead of maintenance. 1998 & 2003 Rev. of Labor Standards Law deregulated working time and contract. 1999 & 2003 Rev. of Worker Dispatching Law deregulated temporary work business.

8 (6) Development of Labor Administration -1922: Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce 1922-1938: Social Policy Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs 1938-1947: Ministry of Health and Welfare 1947-2000: Ministry of Labor 2001-: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ILO Convention No.150 on Labor Administration ILO Conv. No.144 on Tripartite Consultations ILO Conv. No.81 on Labor Inspection

9 (7) International Labor Organization ILO founded in 1919 by Treaty of Versailles Conventions and Recommendations set minimum standards of basic labor rights.

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