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Graphic Communications Chapter 4.  Distinctive designs of visual symbols that are used to compose a printed page.  Ie: Magneto, Times New Roman, Baskerville,

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Presentation on theme: "Graphic Communications Chapter 4.  Distinctive designs of visual symbols that are used to compose a printed page.  Ie: Magneto, Times New Roman, Baskerville,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphic Communications Chapter 4

2  Distinctive designs of visual symbols that are used to compose a printed page.  Ie: Magneto, Times New Roman, Baskerville, Garamond, Gothic, Papyrus  Characters are the individual visual symbols in a particular typeface  A, F, H, @, 5, 9,

3  The art of expressing ideas in printed form through the selection of APPROPRIATE TYPEFACE. ▪ Example: using a modern style typeface for a new electronic device. Dell Computers Leading the Way in Technology

4  Uppercase  Lowercase  Body Height  Ascender  Descender  Base Line  Waist Line  Counter  Point size  Hairline  Stem  Stroke  Serif  Set Width

5  Nicolas Jenson from France  Designed the style known as “ Roman ” in 1469, based on monuments made by Romans nearly 1500 years earlier.  Developed a lower case alphabet based on his “ Roman ” Uppercase alphabet.

6  Claude Garamond, 1540 ▪ Elegant and refined typeface influenced by Roman  Anton Janson, 1675 ▪ Lightened lines for better printing  William Caslon, 1722 ▪ Lighter lines, open designs  John Baskerville, 1750 ▪ Designed solely for printing  Giambattista Bodoni, 1780 ▪ Greater difference between light and heavy elements

7  Roman (Serif) Times New Roman  Sans serif Myriad Pro  Square serif Rockwell  Black Letter Old English  Script French Script  Novelty Showcard Gothic  ItalicItalic (of any typeface)

8  Families- bold, italic, bold italic  Series- range of sizes of each typeface in a family  Font- consists of all the characters that make up the typeface

9  Points- vertical height of type  Picas- line length and composition depth  Em- height and width of “M”  12-point type: 12 points wide and 12 points high  En- half of an em  Units- splitting an em into equal spaces  Set size- width of a character

10  Tracking - Tight, normal, loose  Justifying type- lines are equal in length  Kerning- closing space between certain characters to improve appearance and readability

11  How easy or difficult it is to read printed matter (Readability)  Consider the purpose  readability, aesthetics  Factors:  Visibility, letter forms, definition, type size, line length, and leading

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