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The Vocation of Peter and Andrew (Duccio). Donatello (David in Bronze)

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Presentation on theme: "The Vocation of Peter and Andrew (Duccio). Donatello (David in Bronze)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vocation of Peter and Andrew (Duccio)

2 Donatello (David in Bronze)

3 The Trinity Massachio

4 The Adoration of the Magi Botticelli

5 The Birth of Venus Botticelli

6 The Alba Madonna (Raphael)

7 The School of Athens (Raphael)

8 The Pieta and Moses at the tomb of Pope Julius II

9 Michaelangelo, The David


11 Mona Lisa and anatomy sketches Leonardo DaVinci

12 Da Vinci (The Last Supper)

13 Florence Dome (Brunelleschi)

14 Temptation and Expulsion (Sistene Chapel ceiling Mike)

15 Last Judgment

16 Creation (Mike, Sistene Chapel)

17 Northern Renaissance Durer Van Eyck Bruegel Rubens

18 Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride –Jan van Eyck


20 Albrecht Durer Knight, Death, and the Devil

21 Albrecht Durer

22 Peter Bruegel Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap

23 Peter Bruegel Peasant Wedding

24 Peter Bruegel The Wedding Dance

25 Rubens Christ on the Cross

26 Rembrandt – Philosopher in Meditation

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