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U NIVERSITY OF D ELAWARE. A LUMNI Percentages 27% in-state 73% out of state 58% women 42% men 79% white/non-Hispanic 21% other Personal Opinion Extremely.

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2 A LUMNI Percentages 27% in-state 73% out of state 58% women 42% men 79% white/non-Hispanic 21% other Personal Opinion Extremely nice & helpful students Not extremely diverse at all Very calm & comfortable atmosphere

3 T YPE OF S CHOOL FACTS Public University Four – year Coed Suburban Personal Opinion Main St. is AMAZING Very cute & fun Many restaurants & shops Job opportunities

4 M ORE F ACTS Undergrads: 16,384 37% h.s. GPA 3.75 + 26% h.s. GPA 3.5 + 19% h.s. GPA 3.25 + 12% h.s. GPA 3.0 + 42% top 10 th of grad class 78% top ¼ of grad class 97% top ½ grad class

5 P ICTURES Arts Center Biotech building Lab >

6 & AGAIN … Residence Halls Student Center

7 & MORE

8 MAIN STREET !! Just some Main street Favorites

9 P ROS & C ONS PROS Job opportunities Around shops & such Not a city BUT not completely country Close to home (for me) In-state tuition CONS Far from Medford (6 hour drive) Diversity isn’t exactly amazing

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