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Mounting different drives on one partition Nick Tulley Physics & Nuclear Medicine City Hospital, Birmingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Mounting different drives on one partition Nick Tulley Physics & Nuclear Medicine City Hospital, Birmingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mounting different drives on one partition Nick Tulley Physics & Nuclear Medicine City Hospital, Birmingham

2 Why? Making use of low cost large disk drives Enable the use of RAID storage Archiving ‘Report Screens’ for on-line access Organising data into ‘years’ for logical retrieval

3 Too many drives A large drive means a large index (CINDEX) These are very slow to load Split the data into YEAR drives! Use names: 2003, 2004 however... Seven years data on small disks Where is the study I’mlooking for? Mount ALL the drives

4 Yearly Archives Use drive names: 2003, 2004 Name of mount points limited: Name must start “img” Only 5 characters Use: /img03, /img04

5 Example Installation Three Gamma cameras Four Odyssey base stations Three acquisition stations One ‘data store’ (Linux)

6 Philips Odyssey Computer System Layout GEAxis Gamma Cameras Prism XP WatsonGinger Ernie Acquisition Stations Ollie Stan Reporting Stations Base Stations Fred EricHolmes Album (Linux) Remote RAID Disk Storage Data Storage

7 The basic set up Odyssey workstation (Unix) Remote Storage (Linux)

8 On the Linux system: Create a new directory for your data Create a mount point in the root directory Make it available to named remote computers On the Prism workstation: Create a new directory for the mount point Build the Clinical Index Tell disk manager about the new mount point Creating ‘Yearly Archives’

9 Logon as administrator [pwd needed]. su root Create the 'real' directory on large drive. mkdir -m 777 /imgdata/images1999 Create the mountable 1999 directory in root. mkdir -m 777 /img99 Forge a 'link' between them. mount --bind /img80/images1999 /img99 E.g. 1999: On Linux (1)

10 Change to /etc directory cd /etc Run 'vi' (or other) editor. vi exports Type a new line. /img99 eric(rw) Make the new directory available. exportfs -ra E.g. 1999: On Linux (2)

11 Logon as administrator [pwd needed]. su root Create the 1999 directory in root. mkdir -m 777 /img99 Logoff from root. exit Create the Clinical Index (CINDEX). cibuild -d /img99 E.g. 1999: On Prism (1)

12 Change to (home)/prism/site directory cd site Edit the SiteEnv file nedit SiteEnv Find the 'DISKLIST' entry Ctrl-F DISKLIST Add the new directory to the mount list #/album:/img99 Setenv DISKLIST “eric:/img4 # album:/img99 #” E.g. 1999: On Prism (2)

13 Can use large disk drives on other systems Currently tested for Linux Would work on Server 2003 (SFU needed) More secure data (RAID) Convenience of on-line Report Screens Splitting data into ‘years’ avoids large, slow Clinical Index Conclusion

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