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Chemical Energetics Created by S. Colgan; Modified by K. Slater

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1 Chemical Energetics Created by S. Colgan; Modified by K. Slater
Resources: Enthalpy Changes

2 IB Topic 5: Energetics 5.1: Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
5.1.1 Define the terms exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction and standard enthalpy change of reaction (ΔHo). 5.1.2 State that combustion and neutralization are exothermic processes. 5.1.3 Apply the relationship between temperature change, enthalpy change and the classification of a reaction as endothermic or exothermic. 5.1.4 Deduce, from an enthalpy level diagram, the relative stabilities of reactants and products, and the sign of enthalpy change for the reaction.

3 Heat and Temperature Heat is energy that is transferred from one object to another due to a difference in temperature Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of a body Heat is always transferred from objects at a higher temperature to those at a lower temperature 3

4 5.1.1 Define the terms exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction and standard enthalpy change of reaction (ΔHo). Exothermic Reaction: A process that releases heat to its surroundings. Products have less energy than the reactants Endothermic Reaction : A process that absorbs heat from the surroundings. Products have more energy than the reactants.

5 5.1.1 Define the terms exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction and standard enthalpy change of reaction (ΔHo). Standard Enthalpy Change of Reaction (∆H): The heat energy exchanged with the surroundings when a reaction happens under standard conditions (NOT STP… see below). Since the enthalpy change for any given reaction will vary with the conditions, esp. concentration of chemicals, ΔH are measured under standard conditions: pressure = kPa temperature = 25ºC = 298 K Concentrations of 1 mol dm-3 The most thermodynamically stable allotrope (which in the case of carbon is graphite) Only ΔH can be measured, not H for the initial or final state of a system. 5

6 5.1.1 Define the terms exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction and standard enthalpy change of reaction (ΔHo). Pseudonyms (other names) for H Heat of Reaction: Hrxn heat produced in a chemical reaction Heat of Combustion: Hcomb heat produced by a combustion reaction Heat of Neutralization: heat produced in a neutralization reaction (when an acid and base are mixed to get water, pH = 7) Heat of solution: Hsol heat produced by when something dissolves Heat of Fusion: Hfus heat produced when something melts Heat of Vaporization: Hvap heat produced when something evaporates Heat of Sublimation: Hsub heat produced when something sublimes Heat of formation: Hf change in enthalpy that accompanies the formation of 1 mole of compound from it’s elements (this has special uses in chemistry…)

7 5.1.2 State that combustion and neutralization are exothermic processes.
Exothermic reaction General Combustion Reaction Formula: Compound (usually hydrocarbon) + O2  CO2 + H2O + energy CH O2  CO H2O + 890kJ ∆H = -890kJ Neutralization Acid + Base  Salt + Water + energy HCl + NaOH  NaCl + H2O kJ ∆H = -57.3kJ

8 Heat flows out of the system Surroundings heat up
5.1.3 Apply the relationship between temperature change, enthalpy change and the classification of a reaction as endothermic or exothermic. Exothermic Heat flows out of the system Surroundings heat up Heat change (ΔH) < 0 (negative) C8H18+ 12½O2  8CO H2O ΔH = kJ mol-1 H2 + ½O2  H2O ΔH = -286 kJ mol-1 Endothermic Heat flows into the system Surroundings cool down Heat change (ΔH) > 0 (positive) H2O(s)  H2O(l) ΔH = kJ mol-1 ½N2 + O2  NO2 ΔH = kJ mol-1 8

9 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) 2H2O (l) + energy
Exothermic process is any process that gives off heat – transfers thermal energy from the system to the surroundings. 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) H2O (l) + energy H2O (g) H2O (l) + energy Endothermic process is any process in which heat has to be supplied to the system from the surroundings. energy + H2O (s) H2O (l) energy + 2HgO (s) Hg (l) + O2 (g) 6.2

10 6.5

11 Endothermic Reactions
5.1.4 Deduce, from an enthalpy level diagram, the relative stabilities of reactants and products, and the sign of enthalpy change for the reaction. Exothermic Reactions Products more stable than reactants (lower energy). ΔH = Hproducts – Hreactants Since the products have less energy than the reactants, the ΔH value is negative. Endothermic Reactions Products less stable than reactants (higher energy) Since the products have more energy than the reactants, the ΔH value is positive. 11

12 DH = H (products) – H (reactants)
Enthalpy (H) is used to quantify the heat flow into or out of a system in a process that occurs at constant pressure. DH = H (products) – H (reactants) DH = heat given off or absorbed during a reaction at constant pressure Hproducts < Hreactants Hproducts > Hreactants DH < 0 DH > 0 6.4

13 5.1.4 Deduce, from an enthalpy level diagram, the relative stabilities of reactants and products, and the sign of enthalpy change for the reaction. 13

14 REVIEW Endothermic Exothermic Definition Examples (2)
Change in Temperature ∆H value Direction of heat flow Stability of reactants Stability of products Bonding

15 REVIEW Endothermic Exothermic Definition
A process that absorbs heat from the surroundings A process that releases heat into the surroundings Examples (2) Combustion & Neutralization reactions Change in Temperature Decreases Increases ∆H value Positive Negative Direction of heat flow From surroundings into system From system into surroundings Stability of reactants More stable Less stable Stability of products Bonding Bond breaking Bond making

16 IB Topic 5: Energetics 5.2: Calculation of Enthalpy Changes
5.2.1 Calculate the heat energy change when the temperature of a pure substance is changed. 5.2.2 Design suitable experimental procedures for measuring the heat energy changes of reactions. 5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water 5.2.4 Evaluate the results of experiments to determine enthalpy changes. 16

17 Factors Affecting Heat Quantities
The amount of heat contained by an object depends primarily on three factors: The mass of material The temperature The kind of material and its ability to absorb or retain heat. 17

18 Heat Quantities The heat required to raise the temperature of 1.00 g of water 1 oC is known as a calorie Calorie (with a capital “C”): dietary measurement of heat. Food has potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of food. 1 Cal = 1 kcal = 1000 cal The SI unit for heat is the joule. It is based on the mechanical energy requirements. 1.00 calorie = Joules 18

19 q = heat (joules or calories) m = mass (g)
5.2.1 Calculate the heat energy change when the temperature of a pure substance is changed. Heat Energy Change q = m x c x ΔT q = heat (joules or calories) m = mass (g) c = specific heat (J g-1 oC-1) The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of a substance 1 oC. ΔT = change in temperature 19

20 5.2.1 Calculate the heat energy change when the temperature of a pure substance is changed.
How much heat in joules will be absorbed when 32.0 g of water is heated from 25.0 oC to 80.0 oC? q = m x c x ΔT q = ? m = 32.0 g c = 4.18 J g-1 oC-1 ΔT = = 55.0 oC q = 32.0 x 4.18 x 55.0 = 7,360 J When 435 J of heat is added to 3.4 g of olive oil at 21 oC, the temperature increases to 85 oC. What is the specific heat of olive oil? q = m x c x ΔT q = 435 J m = 3.4 g c = ? ΔT = = 64 oC 435 = 3.4 x c x 64 = 2.0 J g-1 oC-1 20

21 Heat Transfer Problem 1 Calculate the heat that would be required an aluminum cooking pan whose mass is 400 grams, from 20oC to 200oC. The specific heat of aluminum is J g-1 oC-1. Solution DQ = mCDT = (400 g) (0.902 J g-1 oC-1)(200oC – 20oC) = 64,944 J 21

22 5.2.1 Calculate the heat energy change when the temperature of a pure substance is changed.
How much heat in joules is required to raise the temperature of 250 g of mercury 52 oC? A 1.55 g piece of stainless steel absorbs 141 J of heat when its temperature increases by 178 oC. What is the specific heat of the stainless steel? 22

23 5.2.1 Calculate the heat energy change when the temperature of a pure substance is changed.
How much heat in joules is required to raise the temperature of 250 g of mercury 52 oC? q = m x c x ΔT q = ? m = 250 g c = 0.14 J g-1 oC-1 (Table 11.2) ΔT = 52 oC q = 250 x 0.14 x 52 = 1800 J A 1.55 g piece of stainless steel absorbs 141 J of heat when its temperature increases by 178 oC. What is the specific heat of the stainless steel? q = m x c x ΔT q = 141 J m = 1.55 g c = ? ΔT = 178 oC 141 = x c x 178 = J g-1 oC-1 23

24 Calorimeter: Reactions used to heat up an external source of water.
5.2.2 Design suitable experimental procedures for measuring the heat energy changes of reactions. Calorimeter: Reactions used to heat up an external source of water. Temperature change of water, mass of material and mass of water are measured. Use q = m x c x ΔT to solve for q then find the heat of reaction in kJ/mol of reacting substance. 24

25 Calorimetry the ΔH by measuring temp Δ's created from the rxn
Calorimetry involves the measurement of heat changes that occur in chemical processes or reactions. Determines the ΔH by measuring temp Δ's created from the rxn The heat change that occurs when a substance absorbs or releases energy is really a function of three quantities: The mass The temperature change The heat capacity of the material 25

26 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat
The ability of a substance to absorb or retain heat varies widely. The heat capacity depends on the nature of the material. The specific heat of a material is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 oC (or Kelvin) 26

27 Heat Transfer Problem 2 Let T = final temperature
What is the final temperature when 50 grams of water at 20oC is added to 80 grams water at 60oC? Assume that the loss of heat to the surroundings is negligible. The specific heat of water is J g-1 oC-1 Solution: DQ (Cold) = DQ (hot) mCDT= mCDT Let T = final temperature (50 g) (4.184 J g-1 oC-1)(T- 20oC) = (80 g) (4.184 J g-1 oC-1)(60oC- T) (50 g)(T- 20oC) = (80 g)(60oC- T) 50T = – 80T 130T =5800 T = oC 27

28 Using Thermochemical Equations
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. Using Thermochemical Equations Calcium oxide combines with water to produce calcium hydroxide and heat (exothermic reaction). CaO(s) + H2O(l)  Ca(OH)2(s) kJ OR CaO(s) + H2O(l)  Ca(OH)2(s) H = kJ How many kJ of heat are produced when 7.23 g of CaO react? Balance equation Moles CaO: 7.23 g/56.01 g/mol = mol Ratio using heat: x kJ = kJ kJ 0.129 CaO 1 CaO 28

29 Using Thermochemical Equations
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. Using Thermochemical Equations Sodium hydrogen carbonate absorbs 129 kJ of energy and decomposes to sodium carbonate, water, and carbon dioxide (endothermic reaction). 2NaHCO3(s) kJ  Na2CO3(s) + H2O(g) + CO2(g) OR 2NaHCO3(s)  Na2CO3(s) + H2O(g) + CO2(g) H = 129 kJ How many kJ of heat are needed to decompose 2.24 mol NaHCO3(s)? Balanced equation Moles NaHCO3(s) = 2.24 mol Ratio: x kJ = kJ 144 kJ 2.24 NaHCO3(s) mol Do sample problems 13 & 14 on page 304 Pg. 306: 15,16,18 29

30 Using Experimental Data
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. Using Experimental Data In a neutralization reaction, 25.0 mL of water containing mol HCl is added to 25.0 mL of water containing mol NaOH in a foam cup calorimeter. At the start, the solutions and the calorimeter are all at 25.0 oC. During the reaction, the highest temperature observed is 32.0 oC. Calculate the heat (in kJ) released during this reaction. Assume the densities of the solutions are 1.00 g mL-1. Use q = m x c x ΔT m = mass of solution = 50.0 mL x 1.00 g mL-1 = 50.0 g C = 4.18 j g-1 oC-1 ΔT = 32.0 – 25.0 = 7.0 oC q = 50.0 g x 4.18 J g-1 oC-1 x 7.0 oC = J = 1.5 kJ Pg. 302: 11 & 12 30


32 Hrxn = Hf products – Hf reactants
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. Using Thermodynamic Quantities (Standard Heats of Formation) Heat of reaction can be found by: sum the heats of formation of all the products – sum of heats of formation of all the reactants Hrxn = Hf products – Hf reactants Hf = standard enthalpy of formation. Energy required to form a compound from its elements. “standard” is a term used a lot in chemistry. It usually means that the values are experimentally determined and compared to an agreed upon reference value Since the Hf is given per mole, we must multiply by coefficients

33 Using Thermodynamic Quantities (Standard Heats of Formation)
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. Using Thermodynamic Quantities (Standard Heats of Formation) Using the table of thermodynamic quantities, calculate the heat of reaction for 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) Heat of reaction = Hf products – Hf of reactants Heat of products: Hf (SO3) = kJ/mol x 2 = kJ Heat of reactants = Hf (SO2) + Hf (O2) ( kJ/mol x 2) + (0) = KJ Heat of reaction = kJ – ( kJ) = kJ 33

34 Therefore it is exothermic
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. N2O4 + 3 CO  N2O + 3CO2 Hf products = 1(81 kJ mol-1) + 3(-393 kJ mol-1) = kJ/mol Hf reactants = 1(-9.7 kJ mol-1)+ 3(-110 kJ mol-1) = kJ mol-1 Hf products – Hf reactants = (-1098 kJ mol-1) – ( kJ mol-1) = -778 kJ mol-1 Hrxn = -778 kJ mol-1 Therefore it is exothermic Reactants Hf Products N2O4 9.7 kJ mol-1 N2O 81 kJ mol-1 CO -110 kJ mol-1 CO2 -393 kJ mol-1

35 Therefore it is exothermic
5.2.3 Calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction using experimental data on temperature changes, quantities of reactants and mass of water. Ca(OH)2(s) + CO2 (g)  H2O(g) + CaCO3 (s) Hf products = 1( kJ mol-1) + 1( kJ mol-1) = kJ/mol Hf reactants = 1( kJ mol-1)+ 1( kJ mol-1) = kJ mol-1 Hf products – Hf reactants = ( kJ mol-1) – ( kJ mol-1) = kJ mol-1 Hrxn = kJ mol-1 Therefore it is exothermic Reactants Hf Products Ca(OH)2 kJ mol-1 H2O kJ mol-1 CO2 kJ mol-1 CaCO3 kJ mol-1

36 IB Topic 5: Energetics 5.3 Hess’s Law & 5.4 Bond Enthalpies
5.3.1 Determine the enthalpy change of a reaction that is the sum of two or three reactions with known enthalpy changes. 5.4.1 Define the term average bond enthalpy 5.4.2 Explain, in terms of average bond enthalpies, why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic 36

37 C(diamond)  C(graphite)
5.3.1 Determine the enthalpy change of a reaction that is the sum of two or three reactions with known enthalpy changes. Hess’s Law: Reactions can be added together in order to determine heats of reactions that can’t be measured in the lab. C(diamond)  C(graphite) This reaction is too slow to be measured in the lab. Two reactions can be used that can be measured in the lab: a) C(graph) + O2(g)  CO2(g) H = kJ b) C(diam) + O2(g)  CO2(g) H = kJ Since C(graphite) is a product, write equation a) in reverse to give: c) CO2(g)  C(graph) + O2(g) H = kJ Now add equations b) and c) together: C(diam) + O2(g) + CO2(g)  C(graph) + O2(g) + CO2(g) H = kJ kJ = -1.9 kJ Final equation: C(diamond)  C(graphite) H = kJ 37

38 5.3.1 Determine the enthalpy change of a reaction that is the sum of two or three reactions with known enthalpy changes. Given the following thermochemical equations, calculate the heat of reaction for: C2H4(g) + H2O(l)  C2H5OH(l) a) C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) H = kJ b) C2H4(g) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H = kJ 38

39 5.3.1 Determine the enthalpy change of a reaction that is the sum of two or three reactions with known enthalpy changes. Given the following thermochemical equations, calculate the heat of reaction for C2H4(g) + H2O(l)  C2H5OH(l) a) C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) H = kJ b) C2H4(g) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H = kJ Since C2H5OH(l) is a product, write equation a) in reverse order: c) 2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)  C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) H = 1367 kJ Add equations b) & c) together, cancelling out substances on opposite sides of the arrow. Add the heat values to obtain the heat of reaction. C2H4(g) + H2O(l)  C2H5OH(l) H = -44 kJ 39

40 5.3.1 Determine the enthalpy change of a reaction that is the sum of two or three reactions with known enthalpy changes. Given the following thermochemical equations, calculate the heat of reaction for: C(s) + 2H2(g)  CH4(g) a) C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) H = -393 kJ mol-1 b) H2(g) + ½ O2(g)  H2O(l) H = -286 kJ mol-1 c) CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H = -890 kJ mol-1 40

41 5.3.1 Determine the enthalpy change of a reaction that is the sum of two or three reactions with known enthalpy changes. Given the following thermochemical equations, calculate the heat of reaction for: C(s) + 2H2(g)  CH4(g) C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) H = -393 kJ 2(H2(g) + ½ O2(g)  H2O(l)) H = 2(-286 kJ mol-1) 2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(l)) H = -572 kJ CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H = -890 kJ mol-1 CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)  CH4(g) + 2O2(g) H = 890 C(s) + 2H2(g)  CH4(g) H = -75 kJ 41

42 5.4.1 Define the term average bond enthalpy
Enthalpy changes of reactions are the result of bonds breaking and new bonds being formed. Breaking bonds requires energy Forming new bonds releases energy Bond enthalpy is the energy change required to break 1 mol of bonds or form 1 mol of bonds between two covalently bonded atoms in the gaseous state. Bond enthalpies for unlike atoms will be affected by surrounding bonds and will be slightly different in different compounds so average bond enthalpies are used. 42

43 Chemical Reactions In a chemical reaction Chemical bonds are broken
Atoms are rearranged New chemical bonds are formed These processes always involve energy changes 43

44 5.4.2 Bond Enthalpies One approach to determining an enthalpy change for a chemical reaction is to compute the difference in bond enthalpies between reactants and products The energy to required to break a covalent bond in the gaseous phase is called a bond enthalpy. Bond enthalpy tables give the average energy to break a chemical bond. Actually there are slight variations depending on the environment in which the chemical bond is located 44

45 Energy Changes Breaking chemical bonds requires energy
Forming new chemical bonds releases energy 45

46 Bond Enthalpy Table The average bond enthalpies for several types of chemical bonds are shown in the table below: 46

47 Bond Enthalpies Bond enthalpies can be used to calculate the enthalpy change for a chemical reaction. Energy is required to break chemical bonds. Therefore when a chemical bond is broken its enthalpy change carries a positive sign. Energy is released when chemical bonds form. When a chemical bond is formed its enthalpy change is expressed as a negative value By combining the enthalpy required and the enthalpy released for the breaking and forming chemical bonds, one can calculate the enthalpy change for a chemical reaction 47

48 Exothermic and Endothermic Processes
Exothermic processes release energy C3H8 (g) + 5 O2 (g)  3 CO2 (g) + 4H2O (g) kJ Endothermic processes absorb energy C(s) + H2O (g) +113 kJ  CO(g) + H2 (g) 48

49 Energy Changes in endothermic and exothermic processes
In an endothermic reaction there is more energy required to break bonds than is released when bonds are formed. The opposite is true in an exothermic reaction. 49

50 5.4.2 Explain, in terms of average bond enthalpies, why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic If the amount of energy required to break the bonds in the reactants is greater than the amount of energy released when bonds are formed in the products, the reaction is endothermic. average bond enthalpy reactants > average bond enthalpy products If the amount of energy required to break the bonds in the reactants is less than the amount of energy released when bonds are formed in the products, the reaction is exothermic. average bond enthalpy reactants < average bond enthalpy products 50

51 5.4.2 Explain, in terms of average bond enthalpies, why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic Use the following average bond enthalpies (kJ mol-1) to determine the heat of reaction for 3F2 + NH3  3HF + NF3 F-F = 158; N-H = 388; H-F = 562; N-F = 272 Energy in (kJ mol-1) 3F-F is 3(158) + 3N-H is 3(388) = kJ Energy out (kJ mol-1) 3H-F is 3(562) + 3N-F is 3(272) = 2502 kJ Since Energy in < Energy out, reaction is exothermic Heat of reaction is -864 kJ mol-1 51

52 5.4.2 Explain, in terms of average bond enthalpies, why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic Using the Bond Enthalpy Table, determine the heat of reaction for: CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH 52

53 5.4.2 Explain, in terms of average bond enthalpies, why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic Using the Bond Enthalpy Table, determine the heat of reaction for: CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH Energy in (kJ) 1CO (triple bond) H-H is 2(435) = kJ mol-1 Energy out (kJ) 3C-H is 3(393) + 1C-O is O-H is 464 = 1999 kJ mol-1 Since Energy in < Energy out, reaction is exothermic Heat of reaction is -55 kJ mol-1 53

54 Bond Enthalpy Calculations
Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction N H2  2 NH3 Bonds broken N=N: = H-H: (435) = Total = kJ Bonds formed 2x3 = 6 N-H: (390) = kJ Net enthalpy change = = kJ 54

55 5.4.2 Explain, in terms of average bond enthalpies, why some reactions are exothermic and others are endothermic In the 1960s NASA considered the relative merits of using hydrogen and oxygen compared with hydrogen and fluorine as rocket fuels. Assuming all the reactants and products are in the gaseous state, use bond enthalpies to calculate the enthalpy change of reaction (in kJ mol-1 of product) for both fuels. As mass is more important than amount in the choice of rocket fuels, which reaction would give more energy per kilogram of fuel? Bond enthalpies (kJ mol-1): H-H: 435; O O: 496; H-O: 464 kJ; F-F: 158; H-F: 562 55

56 Terms to Know Endothermic Exothermic Temperature Heat
Average bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Enthalpy of combustion Hess’ Law Standard conditions

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