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Ending the war in Vietnam 1969- 75. The Key Steps  Vietnamization 1969 - 75  Paris Peace Talks 1968- 73  The impact of détente  Ceasefire and Peace.

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Presentation on theme: "Ending the war in Vietnam 1969- 75. The Key Steps  Vietnamization 1969 - 75  Paris Peace Talks 1968- 73  The impact of détente  Ceasefire and Peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ending the war in Vietnam 1969- 75

2 The Key Steps  Vietnamization 1969 - 75  Paris Peace Talks 1968- 73  The impact of détente  Ceasefire and Peace  Vietnamization 1969 - 75  Paris Peace Talks 1968- 73  The impact of détente  Ceasefire and Peace

3 Point 1- What is meant by Vietnamisation?  South Vietnamese would take over all aspects of the war- ‘putting its own house in order’  Began in 1969 when Nixon ordered the withdrawal of 25,000 troops from Vietnam  US would still supply weapons, arms and equipment  Further troops would be withdrawn as and when ARVN forces could replace them  April 1970- a further 150,000 US troops withdrawn  By 1971 400,000 troops had been withdrawn. Only 140,000 remained  South Vietnamese would take over all aspects of the war- ‘putting its own house in order’  Began in 1969 when Nixon ordered the withdrawal of 25,000 troops from Vietnam  US would still supply weapons, arms and equipment  Further troops would be withdrawn as and when ARVN forces could replace them  April 1970- a further 150,000 US troops withdrawn  By 1971 400,000 troops had been withdrawn. Only 140,000 remained

4 Nixon’s motives for Vietnamisation  Change in policy motivated by political concerns- Nixon’s chances of re- election in 1972  Public Opinion- University campus protests- e.g. Kent State University, Ohio 1970  Influence of Nixon’s Secretary of State- Henry Kissinger  Nixon realised that creating a democracy in South Vietnam was not going to happen  Change in policy motivated by political concerns- Nixon’s chances of re- election in 1972  Public Opinion- University campus protests- e.g. Kent State University, Ohio 1970  Influence of Nixon’s Secretary of State- Henry Kissinger  Nixon realised that creating a democracy in South Vietnam was not going to happen

5 ‘Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy’ ‘Realpolitik’ ‘Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy’ ‘Realpolitik’

6 Point 2 The Paris Peace Talks  Three groups at the conference ( USA, NV, SV)- also outside interest from China and USSR  USA wanted South Vietnam to ‘determine its own destiny without foreign interference’  North Vietnamese- wanted US troops out. Return to the Geneva agreement. Reunification without US interference  Talks lasted for five years  Three groups at the conference ( USA, NV, SV)- also outside interest from China and USSR  USA wanted South Vietnam to ‘determine its own destiny without foreign interference’  North Vietnamese- wanted US troops out. Return to the Geneva agreement. Reunification without US interference  Talks lasted for five years

7 Point3 - What was Détente?  The negotiations must be set in the context of the ‘thaw’ in Cold War relations between East and West at this time  Impact of Nixon’s visit to China in May 1970- improved relations with one of the NVA’s patrons  Nixon made the most of divisions between the USSR and China to try and negotiate a ceasefire in Vietnam  The negotiations must be set in the context of the ‘thaw’ in Cold War relations between East and West at this time  Impact of Nixon’s visit to China in May 1970- improved relations with one of the NVA’s patrons  Nixon made the most of divisions between the USSR and China to try and negotiate a ceasefire in Vietnam


9 Point 4- Ceasefire and Peace  January 1973- Ceasefire agreement A) Withdrawal of all US troops B) Foreign forces to leave Cambodia and Laos C) NV to recognise the SV govt D) Elections to reunite S and N Vietnam to be held E) US prisoners of war to be returned by NV  January 1973- Ceasefire agreement A) Withdrawal of all US troops B) Foreign forces to leave Cambodia and Laos C) NV to recognise the SV govt D) Elections to reunite S and N Vietnam to be held E) US prisoners of war to be returned by NV


11 Tasks 1) What was the impact of Vietnamisation? (see pages 50-52) Make sure you know what ‘fragging’ is 2) What happened in Vietnam between 1973- 1975 (pages 54-57) 1) What was the impact of Vietnamisation? (see pages 50-52) Make sure you know what ‘fragging’ is 2) What happened in Vietnam between 1973- 1975 (pages 54-57)

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