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US Foreign Policy defending and advancing national interests abroad.

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Presentation on theme: "US Foreign Policy defending and advancing national interests abroad."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Foreign Policy defending and advancing national interests abroad

2 What is Foreign Policy? the general plan followed by a nation in defending and advancing national interests, especially its security against foreign threats. Protagonist = President Constitution basis presidents authority in foreign policy allows the president to deal with other nations Protagonist = President Constitution basis presidents authority in foreign policy allows the president to deal with other nations

3 Presidents Power on FP President is... 1) commander in chief of armed services 2)power to make treaties 3)appoints US ambassadors and heads of executive departments 4)receives or refuses ambassadors of foreign countries Carol Mosley Brawn

4 Congressional Power in FP foreign is mentioned 5 times in Article 1 of the constitution (legislative branch) 1. create legislation 2. declare war 3. raise revenues and dispense funds 4. support, maintain, govern and regulate army 5. call our militias 6. regulate commerce with foreign nations 7. define and punish offenses against the law of nations **Congress has only declared war 5 times


6 Foreign Policy Agencies Department of State Presidents Foreign policy department Lead by Secretary of State Clinton President decides breath of influence Department of Defense Lead by secretary of defense Gates Then Joint Chiefs of the military National Security Council CIA - central intelligence agency NSA - National Security Agency Homeland Security??

7 20c History of US FP 19th century isolationism do to expansion in own hemisphere...Monroe? 20th century WWI brings US into European affairs, “world safe for democracy” standards? WWII SUPER power!! kick those Nazis! COLD war?? Containment!! Arms Race

8 Nation building! Demo for all Treaties with Non communist nations NATO vs UN Cold War leads to Nation building in 3rd world Korea and Vietnam Cold war comes to a head Nixon Doctrine: Only use US military to intervene where “it makes a real difference and is considered in our interest” Standard?

9 End of Cold War, on to HOT war -Reagan and Gorbachev end cold war with INF treaty and tearing down of Berlin wall -Hot War on Terrorism 1)Desert Storm to asure oil 2)civil wars in Somalia, Yugoslavia, and Iraq. 3)Sept 11, 2001 -US as last superpower = super policeman? -Bush Doctrine?? = preemptive action Standard?

10 Foreign Policy 2 global policy “we choose to deal with challenges now rather then leaving them for future generations (Bush 06).” our foreign policy is very much global policy it covers... social, environmental, economic and military interests Should this be the UNs job?

11 What drives our Foreign Policy? Is it our economic interests here and abroad? -protecting our oil and trade interests? -does our consumption cause problems in foreign countries? -China and Africa? WTO! NAFTA! -Human rights violations abroad Africa and China again!! -do we use our money to make or stop this from happening?... are we above this?

12 Environmental Issues

13 Matt Damon Rant in Good will hunting

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