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Today’s Schedule – 05/13 PPT: Background of the Vietnam War HW: – Continue reading assigned sections (see board) – Quiz on Vietnam Reading: Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Schedule – 05/13 PPT: Background of the Vietnam War HW: – Continue reading assigned sections (see board) – Quiz on Vietnam Reading: Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Schedule – 05/13 PPT: Background of the Vietnam War HW: – Continue reading assigned sections (see board) – Quiz on Vietnam Reading: Monday

2 Domino Theory Fear that if one Southeast Asian country fell to communism others would follow

3 Background Vietnam was a French colony during the 1800s Ho Chi Minh was a communist rebel – Headed the Vietminh political party which strived for independence – Used people’s sense of nationalism to gather support Republic of Vietnam – Established by French in response to Ho Chi Minh – Emperor was Bao Dai In May of 1954 the Vietminh defeated the French

4 Divided Vietnam Geneva Accords – Meeting of major world powers and political leaders in Vietnam after the French were defeated – Decided to divide Vietnam at the 17 th parallel North Vietnam – Communist – Led by Ho Chi Minh South Vietnam – Led by Ngo Dinh Diem

5 US Involvement After WWII Truman had pledged to aid nations threatened by communism – Had sent money to support French efforts in Vietnam – After French defeat continued to support South Vietnam Included sending military advisors – Official start of involvement in Vietnam War

6 Fall of Diem Filling government posts with family members US financial aid being used corruptly Sent farmers off their land to separate from communist influences Forced predominantly Buddhist country to adopt Catholic practices – Buddhist monks began to burn themselves in protest US made it known it would not object to an overthrow of Diem November of 1963 Diem was assassinated


8 Communist Advancements New government in South Vietnam was militant and unpopular – Unable to control army effectively Communist guerrillas known as the Viet Cong gained loyalty of many South Vietnamese – Had the support of Ho Chi Minh

9 Johnson’s Foreign Policy on Vietnam Three weeks after Diem was assassinated JFK was also assassinated When Johnson took over he was concerned that if the US did not continue to stay involved in Vietnam it turn into another China – He did not want to be the president under whose term this happened Choices – War: skeptical of success of full fledged war – Withdraw: did not want to damage image of US global authority Ultimately Johnson chooses to escalate the war

10 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution In August of 1964 Johnson claimed the North Vietnamese torpedoed US destroyers in international waters (Gulf of Tonkin) – Later shown that attacks did not occur Johnson asked Congress for the authority to “take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of the US and prevent further aggression” Gave Johnson complete control over all US actions in Vietnam without an official declaration of war


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