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English 9 Vocabulary Unit. Philanthropist Example: Oprah Winfrey is a well-known philanthropist, for she gives millions of dollars to various charities.

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Presentation on theme: "English 9 Vocabulary Unit. Philanthropist Example: Oprah Winfrey is a well-known philanthropist, for she gives millions of dollars to various charities."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 9 Vocabulary Unit

2 Philanthropist Example: Oprah Winfrey is a well-known philanthropist, for she gives millions of dollars to various charities in the hopes of helping others. Definition: lover of humanity; someone who wants to increase the well being of humankind, often by charitable donations.

3 Philately Example: He was successful in his hobby of philately; his rare flower stamp collection was worth $50,000. Definition: collection or study of stamps

4 Philology Example: Because he loves English literature, he majored in the field of Philology. Definition: study of language and literature

5 Philosopher Example: Famous philosophers such as Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato questioned the nature of human existence and the structure of human society. Definition: lover of, or searcher for, wisdom or knowledge; person who regulates his or her life by the light of reason

6 Philharmonic Example: It was no surprise that Mrs. Hernandez, who categorized herself as a philharmonic woman while alive, left her sizeable estate to the National Symphony Orchestra. Definition: Devoted to or appreciative of music; a symphony orchestra or the group that supports it.

7 Bibliophile Example: Though his family knew he was a bibliophile, they were shocked to see, upon walking into his home, books stacked so high and so deep that one had to walk through each room like it was a maze. Definition: A lover of books.

8 Xenophile Example: After traveling to Indonesia for missionary work, Kate became quite a xenophile, loving all aspects of the foreign culture in which she had immersed herself. Definition: A person attracted to that which is foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners, or cultures

9 Aerophile Example: Buddy, an aerophile since he was a child, was crushed when he was denied entrance to the Air Force Academy due to poor grades and poor eyesight. Definition: a lover of aviation or the operation of an aircraft.

10 Neophilia Example: Many students seem to have neophilia, for as soon as the newest cell phones are on the market, they must buy them. Definition: love for what is new or novel

11 Homework Use every vocabulary word in a sentence. The word’s sentence must demonstrate its meaning. Phil/Philo- loving, fond of

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