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ACCOUNTING JOBS By: Alex Blecker. Actuary As an actuary it is your job predict how long a person will live. You will need a bachelor's degree and major.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCOUNTING JOBS By: Alex Blecker. Actuary As an actuary it is your job predict how long a person will live. You will need a bachelor's degree and major."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCOUNTING JOBS By: Alex Blecker

2 Actuary As an actuary it is your job predict how long a person will live. You will need a bachelor's degree and major in mathematics, statistics, or actuarial science. The median salary is $96,700 which you can be paid right out of college. This job is average when it comes to flexibility and stress so those factors should not be a problem. The unemployment rate for this job is 4% which is less then the nation’s unemployment rate.

3 Marketing Manager You will be coming up for ideas to make commercials and other types of advertisements. Most Marketing Managers have a Bachelor’s degree or higher and a background in management, economics, statistics, etc. The median salary is a high $123,120. The only downside of the job is that it has an above average stress-level but just remember how much you’re getting paid and that should not be a problem.

4 Mathematician If math was always your favorite class in high school and if numbers are your thing this is the job for you. You develop and conduct theories and conduct research in the math field. For training you really need to have a Master’s degree in mathematics. The median salary is a good 103,720 and this job is very flexibly. The stress level for this job is average meaning it is no more than any other job.

5 Management Analyst You are hired to help improve a companies efficiency and maximize profits. A Bachelor’s degree is required to get this job but most employers only hire people with a Master’s degree. The median salary is $79,870 for this job which is a decent salary. This job is expected to grow 18.6% over the next ten years and this job above average when it comes to flexibility.

6 Business Operations Manager Every company big or small needs a business operations manager. Their job hiring staff and managing budgets. They also make company policies and decide what customers would want to buy. Their median salary is a good $96,430. Many business operations managers have a Master’s degree but a Bachelor's degree in business administration is acceptable. The only downside is that it has a above average stress level,but that is the case in most jobs in this field.

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