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Leveraging the ‘Social’ in Social Networking to Advance Your Career Laura DeCarlo Association Executive Director – Career Directors International Master.

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging the ‘Social’ in Social Networking to Advance Your Career Laura DeCarlo Association Executive Director – Career Directors International Master."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging the ‘Social’ in Social Networking to Advance Your Career Laura DeCarlo Association Executive Director – Career Directors International Master Career Director ~ Certified Expert Resume Writer ~ Certified Career Management Coach ~ Certified Employment Interview Consultant ~ Certified Internet Job Search Expert ~ 360 Reach Branding Assessment Certified ~ Credentialed Career Manager ~ Certified Web Portfolio Practitioner ~ International Job & Career Transition Coach © 2009 Career Directors International Professional association of Resume Writers, Career Coaches & Career Managers

2 Session Agenda  Social networks to advance your career - how to use LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to identify career opportunities.  Profile management and maximization – how to put your best face forward in your network profiles  Information Transparency & the Internet WayBack Machine – how to make sure your blog posts, comments, articles, and photos don’t come back to haunt your career for years and years.  Friend segmentation and information safeguarding – how to separate out what mom, the boss, and your friends can see on your Facebook profile.  Bonus social career resources – sites for job search, resume management, salaries, and more. 1

3 Yin & Yang of Information Transparency Privacy Statement from the blog, Pigs Don’t Fly ( “Gen Y just doesn't care about their privacy. Speaking as one of them, I am not worried about the information that goes up on my social networking profiles. I share personal information every day and tagged in photos every Monday morning after a big weekend. And there are some shocking ones. The reason I bring this up is because Gen X's are constantly telling me that this is going to affect my career with employers frowning upon such behaviour. But I disagree. Sooner or later employers are going to release that the high majority of Gen Y have at least one Facebook photo that shows them partying, drinking or worse. Interestingly, I don't have a problem with complete transparency or the need to hide what I do in my own time.” Pigs Don't Fly © Copyright Zac Martin 2009 “One in five employers uses social networks in hiring process: says one third of hiring managers rejected candidates based on what they found.” ( - Fired for Facebook (Video) – MSNBC – “Team Obama applicants face Web checks of Facebook pages, blog posts: Incoming administration seeks history of social network profiles, blog posts, e-mail and IM” ( - 2

4 Is Transparency Worth it?  85B websites archived from 1996 to a few months ago:  If you put it out there, and it’s not password protected, they can find it.  Can’t just walk away: Facebook owns your content with an “irrevocable, perpetual, non- exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license…” There’s no rewind on the Internet! 3

5 Three Key Social Networks for Your Career: LinkedIn What is Linkedin? LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 35 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with your trusted contacts. LinkedIn allows you to network and connect for opportunities while building your professional brand by sharing your knowledge and expertise. 4

6 Maximizing LinkedIn for Your Career Add connections to increase visibility and request introductions. Take advantage of your whole profile to be more connectable. Create a custom URL and set site to public, full view for search engines. Use Advanced Search to find people with similar expertise, jobs, and companies. Get to know companies and interviewers by searching for them. Join groups to network with like individuals, and further build your brand. Announce your ‘search’ or goal to your network and with your groups. Get linked in recommendations from colleagues, employers, professors, etc. Take part in Q&As to attain expert badge status in a topic area. Upload presentations that show your expertise. 5

7 Three Key Social Networks for Your Career: Facebook What is Facebook? Reach over 200 million active users on Facebook with very little investment. Since 2008, Facebook has had an average of 250,000 new users join its site every day. Over 30% of users hold professional careers in areas such as sales, education, and technical fields. The fastest growing demographic on Facebook is of users of 25 years and above. More of a personal network but has applications for your career, especially if you are a consultant or small business owner. Let’s you reach people when their guard is down since it’s a ‘friend’ site. 6

8 Maximizing Facebook for Your Career Segment personal and professional networks; prospective employers should not be able to see inappropriate personal groups, photos, or posts. Search for professionals by name or search for companies. Network with friends, family and business colleagues. Join/start groups for networking with like individuals and sharing expertise. Announce events or programs to your network or globally. Upload videos, photos and slideshare presentations. Consulting? Create a company page. 7

9 Let it All Hang Out - with Friend Lists 1 st - Set up Friend Lists! - Go to Friend page. - Click ‘make new list’. - Name list and save. - Add friends. 2 nd - Set List Privacy! - Click ‘settings’, screen top right. - Click ‘manage’ next to Privacy. - Pick ‘customize’ in pull downs. - Add ‘exceptions’. You can be yourself but not with the boss, your mom, or your best friend’s grandma who all want to join you on Facebook! What to do? 8

10 Three Key Social Networks for Your Career: Twitter What is Twitter? Twitter is a micro-version of blogging – you can post only 140 characters per ‘tweet’. So, why would you do such a crazy thing? To spread the word about what you are doing, gain a following, learn and network with others, find what you are looking for, and demonstrate your expertise. 9

11 Maximizing Twitter for Your Career Follow others and post informative tweets to create an ever-growing audience. Establish a powerful micro-bio to express who you are to your audience. Perform topic searches and be found by others performing topic searches. Create a network -- find and follow experts/people without gaining permission first. See who those you follow / who follow you are following for more relevant connections. – schedule tweets and search all posts by keyword to find topics. – set up a desktop version for monitoring / participating. – follow hashtag (#) posts or posts grouped by topic. – search user profiles to find recruiters in your field. – get listed in a database. Twitter search – Twist – view and follow popular discussion trends on Twitter. 11

12 Bonus Social Career Resources Job Search Engine for Twitter: TwitterJobSearch - Create a social network for your area of expertise (or join an existing one): Ning - Rising in popularity, social network similar to LinkedIn: Xing - Create a social media resume: VisualCV – Also, and Social sharing and Internet posting of resumes: Resume Bucket - Find people by name in a job search: Wink People Search - Ask the newest social strategies for job search: Mashable Blog – 100 places online to find jobs (categorized by field): Search for actual salaries (and jobs) - Take your PowerPoint presentations viral (more proof of expertise): Slideshare - Learn about creative commons licenses for ebooks and PowerPoints - 12

13 Question & Answer Session Please ask your questions. 13

14 Presenter Contact Laura DeCarlo, Executive Director & President Career Directors International Phone: 321-752-0442 E-mail: Website: Need expert help with your career? © 2009 Career Directors International Professional association of Resume Writers, Career Coaches & Career Managers

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