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DL JP 75 and MD PaysageFautif 46 Duchamp, Paysage Fautif, 1946 (Wayward Landscape)

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Presentation on theme: "DL JP 75 and MD PaysageFautif 46 Duchamp, Paysage Fautif, 1946 (Wayward Landscape)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DL JP 75 and MD PaysageFautif 46 Duchamp, Paysage Fautif, 1946 (Wayward Landscape)

2 MD Boîte-en-Valise 35-41 Duchamp, Boîte-en-Valise, 1941

3 MD Large Glass 15-23 Duchamp, Large Glass, 1915 - 23

4 MD Large Glass diagram

5 MD Etant Donnés 46-66 Duchamp, Etant Donnés, 1946-66

6 MD Etant Donnés 46-66 Kurt Schwitters. The Cathedral of Erotic Misery (Merzbau), Hanover. 1924-37 (destroyed).

7 LHOOQ in 291 and LHO,19

8 Rrose Selavy 21 Duchamp, Rrose Selavy, 1921

9 Belle Haleine 21; Rrose Selavy

10 Belle HaleineL 21 and detail

11 MD Bicycle Wheel 13; MD Bottlerack 14 Duchamp, 1913 - 1914

12 MD/RM Fountain 17

13 RR White Painting 51 Rauschenberg, White Painting, 1951

14 RR Black Painting 51 and Black Painting 52-53 Rauschenberg, Black Painting, 1951-3

15 RR and JC Auto Tire Print 53 Rauschenberg and John Cage, Tire Print, 1953

16 RR Monogram 55-59 and Odalisk 55-58 Rauschenberg, Monogram 1955-9 Rauschenberg, Odalisque, 1955-9

17 RR Bed 55; WdK, Woman I 50-52 Rauschenberg, Bed, 1955 De Kooning, Woman I, 1950-2

18 RR Bed 55; WdK, Woman I 50-52 Rauschenberg, Bed, 1955 Schwitters, Cherry Picture, 1921

19 RR Bedl FP St. Vierge 15

20 RR Dirt 53 and Gold Painting 55 Rauschenberg, Dirt, 1953, Gold, 1955

21 RR, Erased de Kooning 53; MD LHOOQ Rauschenberg, Erased de Kooning, 1953

22 RR Factum I and II 57 Rauschenberg, Factum I and II, 1957

23 RR Factum I and II 57 Cy Twombly, School of Athens, 1961

24 JJ Flag 54-55 and Green Target 55

25 JJ, Painted Bronze 60 Rivers, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1953

26 JJ Gray Alphabets56; Numbers 58-59 Johns, Alphabet, 1956 Johns, Numbers, 1958

27 JJ, Book and Drawer 57

28 JJ Target w PC and 4 Faces 55

29 Morris I Box Morris, I-Box, 1962

30 JJ Painting with 2 Balls 60 Johns, Painting with Two Balls, 1960

31 JJ, Painted Bronze 60


33 MD Large Glass and JJ Target PC Johns, Target, 1955

34 JJ Target PC 1955 and Etant Donne

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