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Do Now: Friday, Oct. 23 Objective: Muscular System Diseases

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Friday, Oct. 23 Objective: Muscular System Diseases"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Friday, Oct. 23 Objective: Muscular System Diseases
Do Now: Think of as many diseases of the muscular system that you can and write anything that you know about each. You need at least THREE!

2 Shin Splints Description: Pain in the shin (tibia)-usually during exercise. Causes: Calf muscles stretched, causing shin muscles to be over-used to compensate.

3 Shin Splints

4 Shin Splints Treatment
Anti-inflammatory, ice, reduced exercise for a few weeks (rest)

5 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Description: Fatigue (> 6 mos) with headaches, sore throat, muscle/joint pain. Sleep and rest DON’T HELP Causes: Unknown - genetic, stress related, an infection, or an autoimmune disorder.

6 Chronic Fatigue Syndrom

7 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment
Pacing (setting daily schedules for activities, exercise and other uses of energy)

8 Muscular Dystrophy Description: Muscles very weak, break down, replaced with fat deposits. On-set any age, FAST or SLOW progression. Causes: Genetic - varies based on underlying cause. Atrophy means muscle lost

9 Muscular Dystrophy

10 Muscular Dystrophy

11 Muscular Dystrophy Treatment
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy to work the muscles so that they will continue to function.

12 Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Description: Repeatedly occurring numbness, tingling, burning or pain in fingers. Causes: Tendon/muscle inflammation puts pressure on nerves into the hand (median nerve).

13 Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

14 Carpel Tunnel Syndrom

15 Carpel Tunnel Syndrom

16 Carpel Tunnel Treatment
Stretching, brace, surgery, anti-inflammatory

17 Myasthenia Gravis Description: Muscle fatigue that gets better with rest but worse with activity. Eyelids, facial expressions, talking, swallowing, limbs. Causes: Autoimmune disorder where body attacks muscles.

18 Myasthenia Gravis

19 Myasthenia Gravis Treatment
Thymus gland surgery

20 Tendinitis Description: Pain, stiffness, burning around a joint. Worse with exercise & stress. Causes: Tendon inflamed due to stretching or fatigue. What do tendons connect?

21 Tendinitis

22 Tendinitis

23 Tendinitis

24 Tendinitis Treatment Anti-inflammatory drug, physical therapy, RICE with gradual return to exercise RICE means Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate

25 Pyomyositis Description: Fever, muscle pain, pus-filled abscesses in the muscles, fatigue Causes: Bacteria infection of the skeletal muscles (gluts, quads)

26 Pyomyositis

27 Pyomyotis

28 Pyomyositis

29 Pyomyositis Treatment
The abscess within the muscles must be drained surgically and then treated with antibiotics. What other infection does this remind you of?

30 Fibromyalgia Description: Chronic, widespread fatigue; pin on touch; sleep disturbance; muscle twitching. At least 3 mos, fail “pressure points test” Causes: Unknown but genetic.

31 Fibromyalgia

32 Fibromyalgia Treatment
Exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, drugs

33 Do Now: Friday, Oct. 23 Objective: Patient Rounds Do Now:
Name one difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue disorder. Why do people get shin splints and what is the treatment? Reminder: Quiz on Monday on Skeletal System Diseases and Treatment. Multiple choice questions (10) Patient Rounds (5)

34 Worksheet Corrections
Diagnosis and Treatment Worksheet Review Answers

35 Patient Rounds With a partner, fill out the chart below by first diagnosing the disease, explaining at least two reasons how you came to that conclusion (must be out of the notes), and by explaining at least two treatments that you would recommend.

36 Practice On the back of your sheet, create TWO of your own descriptions to diagnose in complete sentences. Circle at least two key words in the description. Diagnose the disease. Provide the treatment.

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