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Today’s Journal Question  What do you think is the most important managerial skill to possess? Why?  Choose from Conceptual, Technical, or Human.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Journal Question  What do you think is the most important managerial skill to possess? Why?  Choose from Conceptual, Technical, or Human."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Journal Question  What do you think is the most important managerial skill to possess? Why?  Choose from Conceptual, Technical, or Human

2 Four Management Functions

3 Functions of a Manager  A manager’s job can be broken down into 4 functions. Planning Planning Organizing Organizing Leading Leading Controlling Controlling

4 Functions of a Manager  A manager's job consists of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the resources of the organization.  These resources include: HumanHuman FinancialFinancial Raw MaterialsRaw Materials TechnologyTechnology InformationInformation

5 Planning Function  Planning involves devising a scheme (or plan) for attaining the goals of the organization  Ex. The C.E.O. of General Motors wants to be a leader in hybrid/green vehicles

6 Organizing Function  Organizing involves gathering and arranging the necessary resources to carry out the plan.  Ex. Finance Department Manager invests more money into green vehicle research and Human Resources Manager increases the number of employees working on the project.

7 Leadership Function  Leading involves motivating employees to achieve the organization’s goals  Ex. G.M. executives offer the chance to win a free hybrid car to any employee who provides ideas to improve their hybrid cars.

8 Control Function  Controlling is monitoring the activities and members of the organization and making corrections if they are not helping the organization reach its goals.  Ex. Managers of the various departments monitor to make sure employees are working towards a better hybrid and not wasting time or materials.

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