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Washington State Tribal Emergency Response Commission June 2005 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Tribal Emergency Response Commission June 2005 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Tribal Emergency Response Commission June 2005 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council

2  Proposal  Create a consortium of the eight Tribes in Region I Homeland Security called the Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  For the purpose of governing the needs assessments, scope of work and deliverables as outlined later.

3 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Identified Need:  The Region I Homeland Security Tribes are at a severe disadvantage to address Emergency Management and Homeland Security Mandates and Initiatives due to lack of funded personnel to perform these functions.  Particularly as compared to the counties in the region with staff and existing infrastructure

4 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Lummi Nation  Nooksack  Samish Tribe  Sauk-Suiattle  Stillaguamish  Swinomish  Tulalip Tribes  Upper Skagit

5 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Deliverables:  Create the Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Engage Broader Tribal Participation in Emergency Management  Create Contact Information for all levels of relevant agencies and Tribes in emergency management  Conduct Needs Assessments

6 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Deliverables:  Tribal Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans  Basic Emergency Management  Commodity Flow Studies  Tier II Reporting  HIVA  Hazard Mitigation Plans

7 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Deliverables:  NIMS Implementation Plans  Resolutions, Directives, Ordinances  Mutual Aid Agreements/Intra-Local Agreements  Public Administration Plans (FEMA Required for Tribes)  Strategic Plans  Training/Plans  Quarterly meetings with other Regions with the intent of future inclusion

8 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Identifying Sources of Funding:  EPA  Federal HLS  State HLS  County HLS  State EMD  HMEP - Fed DOT - $300,000 for Tribes for FY 06  EMPG - Michelle Sabin  USDA - Darla O’Connor  Historical Preservation  United States Navy  Immigration & Customs

9 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Sustainability:  Our mission will be to create long term solutions and established emergency management plans that will sustain the individual Tribes.  Program sustainability is being researched  Services  Membership  Industry  etc

10 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Support  Have verbal commitments of support from…  FEMA  State EMD  WSP  Lummi Police  Tulalip Police  Possible from GOIA, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, & more

11 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Support  Letters of support from the eight tribes  From the highest elected official  Draft/sample letter provided by Lynda

12 Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council  Support  Letters of support Completed  Each participating tribe

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