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University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education Diploma in Computing Retention Study Nic Hollinworth and Raymond Flood.

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1 University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education Diploma in Computing Retention Study Nic Hollinworth and Raymond Flood

2 Background Two year diploma in computing Distance learning via the Internet Six study units per year, each with an assignment at the end of it Each year includes a one week summer school held in Oxford Exam is held during summer school

3 Background Students work mainly from web pages, but also supplement study with text book Course material online in the form of web pages and audio-visual material Students are allocated tutor groups, and each has about 20 students or less Support is via email and bulletin board

4 Our concern was … Some student dropout is expected, particularly around the first course units Reasons for withdrawal were collected by course administrator over last 5 years Circumstances change, and it appears that some dropout cannot be prevented Tracking has been very difficult!

5 Our concern was … Students also withdrawing later in the course, after significant investment This seemed to be a change of priority, with the course ranking lower Were we doing everything possible to prevent unnecessary dropout? How could we find out more?

6 Objectives of the study We wanted to know: The times during the course when students leave, or are most likely to leave The reasons given by students for leaving the course The significance of the given reasons for leaving The reasons given for continuing

7 Objectives of study We asked students who stayed, rather than those who withdrew The rationale: Data provided by students who withdrew was patchy Students remaining on the course may be more objective about reasons for leaving

8 Methodology Obtained data through a questionnaire Not the first choice, but the only way given the circumstances The questionnaire was given to students during one of the summer school lectures So we had a captive audience!

9 Dropping out 2/5 of students on the course had considered dropping out (both years) Main reasons: Insufficient time for study and assignments Key times: Around units 3 and 4 (module 1 students) Around units 5 and 6 (module 2 students) Programming !

10 Motivational Factors For students who’d considered dropping out Satisfaction of completing the course Not wanting quit once started on something Investment of time and/or money But not: Help from tutor or tutor group members Course notes reading materials

11 Demotivational Factors Year 1: Cannot keep up with course materials High flyers on web board make me feel stupid Year 2: Insufficient feedback on tutor board Insufficient feedback on assignments

12 What kept you going? All students: Sense of achievement I do not easily give up Self development Incentive to do well Least important: Help or support from family and friends Help or support from tutor Joint 1 st both years Both years

13 Why do others drop out? 1.Family commitments, external factors 2.Not enough time for studying and working 3.Difficulties organising time 3.Unaware of commitment required Not significant: The course is too long Too many assignments

14 Encouraging students to stay 1.Provide real-time chat for specific topics 2.Show value of diploma and how it compares to other courses 3.Make personal contact by telephone 4.Spend more time at beginning bonding as a group 5.Show relevance of course to careers

15 What can we do about it? Try to provide ‘better quality’ support  but how can we improve?  what needs to change?  will it make any difference? Place more emphasis on study skills Tutors more pro-active in identifying problems early on Show options available after the course

16 Conclusions The study provided some useful data This was used to help identify weak areas Prior to the current run of the course, changes have been made These were discussed with tutors during staff development day in December Dropout from current cohort has improved

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