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Inclusion and the role of the instrumental tutor Sept 2nd 2013.

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1 Inclusion and the role of the instrumental tutor Sept 2nd 2013

2 Why? OFSTED recommendations 2011 Schools, all other funded providers of music education, and providers of Continuing Professional Development should work together to: challenge inequalities in musical opportunities and participation among pupils and between schools by: regularly monitoring the participation and retention of pupils from different groups in musical activities developing strategies that lead to increased participation in musical activities by under-represented groups of pupils, particularly boys, pupils with special educational needs, pupils known to be in receipt of free school meals, and children who are looked after ensuring that additional funding and opportunities reach the schools and pupils in most need. OFSTED recommendations 2011 Schools, all other funded providers of music education, and providers of Continuing Professional Development should work together to: challenge inequalities in musical opportunities and participation among pupils and between schools by: regularly monitoring the participation and retention of pupils from different groups in musical activities developing strategies that lead to increased participation in musical activities by under-represented groups of pupils, particularly boys, pupils with special educational needs, pupils known to be in receipt of free school meals, and children who are looked after ensuring that additional funding and opportunities reach the schools and pupils in most need.

3 Monk’s Walk Plan: to access County Remissions process and the school will provide an instrument Low take up of this offer Poor attendance - funding lost Is our instrumental tuition system as it stands able to sustain musical learning with these children from very different backgrounds to those traditionally learning a musical instrument and what role can instrumental teachers play? Plan: to access County Remissions process and the school will provide an instrument Low take up of this offer Poor attendance - funding lost Is our instrumental tuition system as it stands able to sustain musical learning with these children from very different backgrounds to those traditionally learning a musical instrument and what role can instrumental teachers play?

4 The model Drum teacher previously very successful in mentoring a student with challenging behaviour and SEN SEN team accompanied him to lessons and bought a drum kit Teacher = mentor crucial to this approach Positive knock-on effect across the school Look at how to expand this with range of students including low attenders, SEND, FSM etc Drum teacher previously very successful in mentoring a student with challenging behaviour and SEN SEN team accompanied him to lessons and bought a drum kit Teacher = mentor crucial to this approach Positive knock-on effect across the school Look at how to expand this with range of students including low attenders, SEND, FSM etc

5 The model 5 hours of instrumental teacher time Spread across a range of instruments: drums, rock bands, singer/songwriting, woodwind-4 teachers with training from school SEN/behaviour teams To include 15 mins per week admin time for the teachers Range of students selected with SEN and behaviour management team and feeder primaries input Extra curricular group and performances 5 hours of instrumental teacher time Spread across a range of instruments: drums, rock bands, singer/songwriting, woodwind-4 teachers with training from school SEN/behaviour teams To include 15 mins per week admin time for the teachers Range of students selected with SEN and behaviour management team and feeder primaries input Extra curricular group and performances

6 Barriers Lack of time in a 20 minute lesson Many schools and many students Technique and note reading vs ‘instant’ playing Unclear roles within the system Communication Lack of time in a 20 minute lesson Many schools and many students Technique and note reading vs ‘instant’ playing Unclear roles within the system Communication

7 Something to think about My instinct is that my peris expect parents and school staff to take on unrealistic responsiblity for pupil practice, without giving clear advice about what is required; hopefully we'll come up with a plan to link school, parents and peris more productively to improve matters.

8 Task Thinking about the student groups identified above (FSM, EAL, SEND, RoE etc.) what role should the following play in an inclusive instrumental system in school? Head of Music/Music Co-Ordinator Music Service Parents Students Thinking about the student groups identified above (FSM, EAL, SEND, RoE etc.) what role should the following play in an inclusive instrumental system in school? Head of Music/Music Co-Ordinator Music Service Parents Students

9 Role of Head of Music-what HoD think they should do “my own role tends to be helping to resolve problems between peri staff and parents, and promoting the uptake of lessons to pupils (then getting them to practise once they've started learning!)” “I make a considerable effort to involve my peri staff with classroom teaching” “arranging timetables” “Talk to staff and make them feel a valuable member of the team” “tea and coffee” “my own role tends to be helping to resolve problems between peri staff and parents, and promoting the uptake of lessons to pupils (then getting them to practise once they've started learning!)” “I make a considerable effort to involve my peri staff with classroom teaching” “arranging timetables” “Talk to staff and make them feel a valuable member of the team” “tea and coffee”

10 Role of Music Service-what HoD think “They do all the PAYE admin finance employment stuff” “Provide staff and training” “They do all the PAYE admin finance employment stuff” “Provide staff and training”

11 Role of Parents-From a MW survey July 2013 15-20% return of surveys “Pupil is learning two instruments which are taught on the same day. Sometimes both music tuition times occur in the same school lesson” “Communication between school and tutor could improve due to a missed lesson note being sent home during exam time” “As a parent, could do with term/half termly targets and maybe an end of term report, tracking progress and attitude. Also hope to have a practice plan for summer holidays so progress is not lost.” 15-20% return of surveys “Pupil is learning two instruments which are taught on the same day. Sometimes both music tuition times occur in the same school lesson” “Communication between school and tutor could improve due to a missed lesson note being sent home during exam time” “As a parent, could do with term/half termly targets and maybe an end of term report, tracking progress and attitude. Also hope to have a practice plan for summer holidays so progress is not lost.”

12 Has anyone asked the students? As I have chosen not to have exams I think my teacher feels that my lesson has no value as she runs through 5 minutes so I only have 10 minutes however I should have 15 minutes. When she doesn't turn up she sends a letter home to say I have missed a lesson!

13 What about... Sharing of student information SEN, CP etc Attending lessons Practice Class work/instrumental tuition how can one support the other? Repertoire, a differentiated approach and sharing the best ideas, extra curricular for all Sort this, sort inclusion issues? Sharing of student information SEN, CP etc Attending lessons Practice Class work/instrumental tuition how can one support the other? Repertoire, a differentiated approach and sharing the best ideas, extra curricular for all Sort this, sort inclusion issues?

14 Using technology - iPad Makewaves - badges, video, audio, can be accessed at home and at school iPad to take registers, leave comments, email contact with parents, relevant reporting 15 minute per week admin time Makewaves - badges, video, audio, can be accessed at home and at school iPad to take registers, leave comments, email contact with parents, relevant reporting 15 minute per week admin time

15 Useful websites mrsgowersclasses Lucy Green Ear Playing Project Twitter mrsgowersclasses Lucy Green Ear Playing Project Twitter

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