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Thursday 22 nd October. 7B1 7BL 7L1 7E1 7EG 7G1 106 Pupils (88%) Summer Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 22 nd October. 7B1 7BL 7L1 7E1 7EG 7G1 106 Pupils (88%) Summer Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 22 nd October

2 7B1 7BL 7L1 7E1 7EG 7G1 106 Pupils (88%) Summer Projects

3 Really pleased with how they have settled ▪ Only 1 coastguard search required  Two Induction Days Beneficial  65 pupils with 100% Attendance  Autumn Term 1 Assembly 130+ Certificates to be awarded  Pastoral Team Identified Pupils of Concern Peer Mentors assigned  Tutors have been excellent Positive start to the day



6  FFace the speaker.  OOrganised and ready to learn.  CCommunicate appropriately.  UUnderstand the task? Ask questions.  SSit up, listen and engage.

7  Strike 1 – First warning, make it a ‘win-win’ situation.  Strike 2 – Final warning.  Strike 3 – Farewell.


9 Home learning is an important part of your child’s education. Up to 6 months valuable learning time can be lost by not completing homework. Homework helps to reinforce classroom learning.

10 8 ways to help support your child with their home learning.

11 Encouraging the use of their planner/exercise book to write notes on homework set and to prepare their work ready for the next lesson.

12 Ensure your child has a quiet space to complete homework. Perhaps you could choose this space together. Perhaps: A central location this may be the dining room or the kitchen table. Having their own study area, usually at a desk in the bedroom. Or, if this is not possible encourage the use of Testwoods homework clubs as an alternative.

13 Check homework is of a good standard: Neatly presented Clearly titled Completed as well as they can Includes their name

14 Support the use of a memory stick so there is a link between schoolwork and homework. Remember to remind your child to save work frequently when using a computer and memory stick to avoid work being lost or deleted.

15 Have all the necessary equipment to hand for completing homework: Pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener and ruler Coloured pencils, scissors and a glue stick Lined and plain A4 paper A calculator A Dictionary

16 It is a good idea to discuss with your children the nature of the homework, to make sure that they understand what they are supposed to do, and then to guide them as they do the first one or two items.

17 Review homework tasks to check for neatness and accuracy. If presentation is not as neat as they can do it is acceptable to ask them to rewrite the work. If you find mistakes, you may want to say “I found three mistakes” or show them without giving them the correct answer.

18 Build in incentives. Try to encourage your son/daughter to reward themselves as they complete tasks. This encourages your child to become an independent learner.

19 What can I do if I need help? Teachers are always pleased to talk to parents who wish to discuss homework— put a note in the planner, email the member of staff or telephone the school if you are at all concerned.

20  Information on  Progress  Attitude to learning  Behaviour points  Achievement points




24  Report three times  One with comments  Plus a parents evening  Can always contact tutor, teacher, Mr Jenkins or Mrs Kennedy.

25  Accelerated Reader – Library, Miss Housham  My Maths – ICT1, Mrs Morley  VERSO, SAM Learning – ICT2, Mr Ball  Survey after third session.

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