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What the story is about. There has been murders on young Rithmatists. Some of the best in the school in fact. All three of the murders have been off campus.

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Presentation on theme: "What the story is about. There has been murders on young Rithmatists. Some of the best in the school in fact. All three of the murders have been off campus."— Presentation transcript:


2 What the story is about. There has been murders on young Rithmatists. Some of the best in the school in fact. All three of the murders have been off campus and now parents are pulling their kids out of the school even though all of the murders have been off campus. Even worse a Rithmatist is the murderer. Can they find out before The United Isles fall and the Tower in Nebrask destroys everyone.

3 Characters, Rithmatic patters, and places The next few slides will be about characters, Rithmatic patters, and places.

4 Joel Joel is not a Rithmatist but he knows a lot about it and is fascinated by it. He barely does his homework and likes to eavesdrop on Professor Finch because he is a Rithmatic Professor. Naslar took over in a duel and now Finch is a tutor and got assigned a big project on the murders and Joel, after a talk with Principle York is Finch’s research assistant.

5 Melody Melody has trouble drawing Rithmatic defenses and Professor Finch is tutoring her during the summer. She is very good with lines of making. (See slide 9)

6 Professor Finch He makes perfect lines except when he is dueling. That’s why he lost to Naslar who took over his position as Rithmatic defense teacher. Now he is a tutor and Principal York asked him to help with the murder.

7 The United Isles The Tower has wild chalklings who try to destroy The United Isles. The United Isles say after a Rithmatist turns 17 they go to Nebrask to fight the wild chalklings for a decade. The next slide will have a picture of The United Isles.


9 The four Rithmatic lines

10 Pop Quiz Where is the tower located? A. New Britannia B. Nebrask C. Michigan D. East Carolina

11 Pop Quiz What is this line classified as in Rithmatics? A. Line of Vigor B. Line of warding C. Line of forbiddance D. Line of making

12 Exploration: Geometry Quiz How many faces does a cube have? 6 faces

13 Exploration: Geometry Quiz How many edges does a cube have? 12. edges

14 Exploration: Geometry Quiz How many vertices does a cube have? 8 vertices

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