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School Direct (Primary) Induction Training Day 1 7 th September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "School Direct (Primary) Induction Training Day 1 7 th September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Direct (Primary) Induction Training Day 1 7 th September 2015

2 Being a trainee Being at a new school is just like being in Reception again (it doesn't get any easier!) Every lesson will take about 6 hours to plan and just as long to recover You worry about EVERY eventuality going wrong in your lesson If something does go wrong you doubt your whole career in teaching IT CAN BE VERY SCARY!!

3 Introductions School Direct Team Claire Murray Debbie Twineham Jo Heffer Elaine Norstom Karen Piper Carol Rogers – Bucks All contact details in the handbook

4 Getting to know you… Name Previous experience Why teaching? Interesting fact Be prepared to feedback on each other to the group.

5 Accessing Information http://rbwm- http://rbwm- Password protected – scitt2015

6 Context GTP to School Direct 14 years established Small Borough 2 consortiums Primary 27 and Secondary 14 Primary Salaried and Training

7 Consortiums 34 Schools 27 Trainees Salaried – 19 trainees Training Route – 8 trainees 2 Nursery School 4 First School 2 Infant School 15 Primary School 1 Middle School 3 Special School

8 Different School Direct Routes Salaried - at least 3 years work experience - part of school staff - can teach up to 90% - 6 week second placement Training - Supernumerary - Term 1 and 2 20% Teaching - Term 3 and 450% Teaching -Term 5 and 670% Teaching -8 week second placement -Reading Week

9 OFSTED May 2013 Good with many outstanding elements High calibre of trainees Early phonics, Mathematics, behaviour Attainment Employment

10 Attainment Phase2010 - 20112011-20122012-20132013-20142014-2015 Pass100% Primary Outstanding or good 100%93%100%94%93% Primary - 8 outstanding 28%, 17 good 61%, 2 Satisfactory 7%

11 Employment 2010-20112011-20122012-20132013-20142014-2015 Primary100% Primary Employment within RBWM 86%100%72%79%

12 School Direct Salaried Route RBWM/BNU RBWM – QTS BNU - Post Graduate Certificate in Educational Practice

13 Teaching Standards There are 8 standards and a part 2 Within each standard there are several bullet points Sort the bullets points to come under the correct heading

14 Presentation 1 – 30% of Module 1 PrimaryFriday 2 nd October SecondaryThursday 8 th October This is an individual theoretical 10 minute presentation based on the work of Carol Dweck. Essential summer reading is: Mindset: the New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck (2006) Trainees are ask to discuss the following quote. "Everyone is born with a tremendous exploratory spirit, but some more than others have this inquiring inquisitiveness, getting into everything, a tenaciousness that lends itself to a growth mindset." Carol Dweck What do you think is the role of the teacher in ensuring that the exploratory spirit of all learners is fully developed?


16 Induction Day 2 September 8 th 2015 Mentor and Trainee Training

17 Introductions School Direct Team Claire Murray Debbie Twineham Jo Heffer Elaine Norstom Karen Piper Carol Rogers – Bucks All contact details in the handbook

18 Consortiums 34 Schools 27 Trainees Salaried – 19 trainees Training Route – 8 trainees 2 Nursery School 4 First School 2 Infant School 15 Primary School 1 Middle School 3 Special School

19 Two groups Mentors: What makes an outstanding trainee? Trainees: What makes an outstanding mentor?

20 Accessing Information http://rbwm- http://rbwm- Password protected – scitt2015

21 Terms 1 and 2 Planning for Progression Suggested 20% timetable – salaried Training route 20% - trainees are supernumerary Starters – plenary- building up to whole class Interview key people – SENCO, subject leads etc Observations – different subjects, classes, schools Lesson plans and evaluations for ALL lessons Every lesson observed (written feedback given) Weekly mentor meetings Reflective log Presentation – Carol Dweck Assignments - 3 modules, Planning for Progression (3000 words), Comparative Study (4000) and Understanding the Professional Role (2000) Handbook information vital re assignment content and submission dates: Pupil Development Study, Comparative Study and Reflective Study Assignment 1 Pupil Development Study p. 31 Tutorials 20.11.15 and 04.03.16 RBWM Observation visits completed with mentor ( terms 2, 3/4 and 5) using Ofsted criteria linked to Teaching Standards

22 Terms 3 and 4 Comparative Study Salaried - 1 in 3 lessons observed (written feedback) Training route 50% of lessons observed Weekly mentor meeting Second school placement (contrasting environment /phase) Salaried: One week w/b 8 th Feb 2016 then term 4 until Easter break ( 22.02.16 – 24.03.16) Training route: 5 weeks from Jan, 1 week reading week and 2 weeks back in Lead School before Easter break Assignment – Comparative Study p.33 RBWM Observation visit 2 to be completed with mentor

23 Term 5 and 6 Understanding the Professional Role Timetable for teaching: Salaried – up to 80% Training route - 70% At least 5 written observations a week Weekly mentor meeting Group presentation – phonics Reflective Study 2000 words p.35 Portfolio – evidence files to be reviewed and content finalised RBWM Observation- provisional grade discussed with mentor Final Assessment – external moderator

24 Time allocation 10% PPA and 10% School Direct time This is in addition to central training Based on 4 days a week ( 5 hours a day x 4 days = 20 hours, 10% PPA = 2 hours x 2 = 4 hours a week)

25 Gathering Evidence Standards File Professional File Planning/Teaching File Training File

26 Standards File - 8 signatures per standard - at least 6 pieces of evidence - variety of signatures - over 5 terms Keep all evidence and then choose best to show progression File each week

27 Gathering Evidence for Standards Look at the standard you have been given List all the different ways you can gain evidence to show you have understanding of that standard

28 Assessment Mentor observations Accredited Provider Observations Termly Scheduled Report Needs Analysis Mentor Meeting External Moderator Cause for Concern

29 Termly Assessments Mentor Grading 1a, b, c, (meeting standards) 2 (working towards standards) 3 (insufficient opportunity), 4 (not meeting the standard) Final Assessment Cause for concern

30 Professional File ‘At a glance’ file Needs Analysis Assignment feedback Presentation feedback External Observations Scheduled Termly Reports Mentor Meeting Minutes Framework sheets Observations carried out by trainees

31 Planning/Teaching File Subject Audit Planning - Long, medium, short term planning, Schemes of Work Class/Set information Lesson Plans Evaluations Assessments Examples of pupils’ work Lesson observation feedback

32 Training File Central training notes School Inset notes External Training

33 Role of Mentor ( Page 10 Handbook) Ensure attend Central Training Weekly mentor meeting (page 50) Written lesson feedback Ensure deadlines are met (checklist page 40) Read through and support with assignments and presentations Ensure weekly frameworks are sent each Friday Complete termly assessments Second Placement Needs Analysis

34 Reflective Log

35 Reflective Log: becoming a reflective practitioner ‘reflection is a form of thinking that deals with more complex or unstructured issues in a considered manner. It may be a matter of ‘making sense of ideas, or ‘re-ordering thoughts’. Jenny Moon


37 Group Activity: The Park Deeper reflection =better learning Individually, read the version 1 of an incident which took place in The Park. Which features do you consider are reflective? Discuss these features as a group and one member act as scribe to collect ideas/feedback to whole group Read each version and then note reflective features After version 4,discuss how accounts have changed – list in your groups how accounts have deepened

38 Deepening reflection entails the following shifts: from description to reflective account from no questions to questions to responding to questions emotional influence is recognised, and then handled increasingly effectively there is a ‘standing back from the event’ self questioning, challenge to own ideas recognition of relevance of prior experience the taking into account of others’ views metacognition - review of own reflective proceses

39 10 handy tips for mentoring a trainee!!

40 10. Nothing is too obvious

41 9. No surprises!

42 8.Share and Steal!!

43 6.Take a step back

44 4. Let them know your secrets

45 3. Powerpoints= Nervous breakdown!

46 2. Prepare for tears!

47 1. Don’t say the T word!!


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