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19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project1 Elisabeth Porteneuve Kuala Lumpur, 19-24 July 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project1 Elisabeth Porteneuve Kuala Lumpur, 19-24 July 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project1 Elisabeth Porteneuve Kuala Lumpur, 19-24 July 2004

2 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project2 Is an Internet World an image of the gravitating Earth? NATLD LACTLD CENTR AFTLD APTLD ARIN LACNIC AfriNIC RIPE

3 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project3 Lesson from NRO Numbers Resource Organization 1.First phase: –ASO in ICANN 1.0 2.Second phase: –NRO – MoU between regional IP Registries –NRO Council is ICANN/ASO Council –NRO is auto-financing its activities 3.Third phase: –NRO sign an agreement with ICANN 2.0 ARINLACNICAfriNICRIPEAPNIC

4 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project4 Lesson from NRO Numbers Resource Organization NRO Benefits: –distributed international structure of IP Registries supporting ICANN, with NRO Council being part of ICANN ARINLACNICAfriNICRIPEAPNIC

5 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project5 5 Regional ccTLD Organizations (1) and World-wide ccTLD Alliance 5 regional ccTLD organizations –AFTLD (Africa region) legally incorporated in Mauritius in 2002 (?) –APTLD (Asia Pacific region) legally incorporated in 2003 in Malaysia, APTLD Secretariat run by TWNIC –CENTR (European region) legally incorporated in the UK since January 1999 –LACTLD (Latin America and Caribbean region) legally incorporated in ?, MoU signed in September 2001 –NATLD (North America region), created in 1999 NATLDLACTLDCENTRAFTLDAPTLD

6 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project6 5 Regional ccTLD Organizations (2) and World-wide ccTLD Alliance World Wide Alliance of Top Level Domain-names –Since 1998 the wwTLD have been providing for the community a website, mailing lists, organizing meetings and name server training –By a collective effort of many, the ccTLD Managers have today an up to date archives of their activity, decisions and dissonances, documents and communiqués of all meetings since 1999 on the website –As said Budi Rahardjo from Indonesia about cctld-discuss list: [...] this mailing list is the only de facto global ccTLD community. Granted, it is an informal one. But if it serves the purpose, then so be it. NATLDLACTLDCENTRAFTLDAPTLD

7 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project7 ccTLD World-wide Aliance MoU Proposal (1) Proposed First phase: –Regional ccTLD Organizations sign a MoU to create a global, open forum for all the 240+ ccTLD Managers « one entity, two functions » (inside and outside ICANN) following Accra meeting idea NATLD LACTLD CENTR AFTLD APTLD

8 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project8 ccTLDs MoU – structure 1.Executive Committee –to appoint an Operational Unit Manager, –to establish budget and present it to members for approval 2.Operational Unit –to keep contact with all ccTLD Managers, –to keep up to date the main mailing list, –to keep contact with regional ccTLD organizations, –to organize all ccTLD global meetings –to keep agendas, notes and documents related to the ccTLD activities on the ccTLD website, –to organize name server training. NATLDLACTLDCENTRAFTLDAPTLD

9 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project9 ccTLD World-wide Aliance MoU Proposal (2) Proposed Second phase: Regional ccTLD Organizations agree: –To work with the ccNSO to review Bylaws –That the ccTLD activities shall be auto-financed Benefit: Distributed international structure of ccTLD regional organizations supporting ICANN, with an open forum to all ccTLDs: no dominance, neutrality, independence NATLDLACTLDCENTRAFTLDAPTLD

10 19-20 Jul 2004ccTLD project10 ccTLD World-wide Aliance MoU Proposal (3) Proposed Third phase: –Regional ccTLD Organizations / ccNRO/ sign an agreement with ICANN 2.0 NATLDLACTLDCENTRAFTLDAPTLD


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