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Presentation on theme: "ZPMC ENERGY SAVING & ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY OF RTG & AGV"— Presentation transcript:


2 分析常规轮胎吊燃油消 耗大的主要原因 Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG
目录 分析常规轮胎吊燃油消 耗大的主要原因 Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG ZPMC节能环保型 轮胎吊、AGV ZPMC energy saving & environmental RTG & AGV 总结 Summary 前言 Preface page 2

3 常规轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机(简称轮胎吊或场桥) 消耗了码头燃油总消耗量的65-70%。
1、前言 Preface 常规轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机(简称轮胎吊或场桥) 消耗了码头燃油总消耗量的65-70%。 Traditional RTG consume 65-70% fuel of total consumption of the terminal. 集装箱码头轮胎吊燃油单耗平均在 升/自然箱, 其有效燃油利用率仅为20-30%。The fuel consumption of RTG is L/TUE, the utilization of fuel is only %. 码头节能减排、降低成本的重要途径 the important way for energy saving, emission reduction and lower the cost 提高轮胎吊燃油利用率Improve fuel utilization 取消采用柴油发电机供电 cancel diesel generator power set

4 分析常规轮胎吊燃油消 耗大的主要原因 Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG
目录 ZPMC节能环保型轮胎 吊、AGV ZPMC energy saving & environmental RTG, AGV 总结 Summary 前言 Preface 分析常规轮胎吊燃油消 耗大的主要原因 Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG page 4

5 2. 常规轮胎吊燃油消耗大的主要原因: Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG
柴油机功率配置过大 ( kW) The Diesel-Gen set power is too big ( kW) 柴油机低负荷运行时间比例过高(75-80%) The Diesel-Gen set mostly running with low load (75- 80%) 空载等候时间过长 (总运行时间的45%-55%) Long waiting time (45-55% of total running time) 起升下降和机构减速过程的再生能量没有得到利用 The regeneration power is wasted during hoist down and deceleration.

6 分析常规轮胎吊燃油 消耗大的主要原因 Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG
目录 前言 Preface 分析常规轮胎吊燃油 消耗大的主要原因 Reasons of high fuel consumption of traditional RTG 总结 Summary ZPMC节能环保型轮 胎吊、AGV ZPMC energy saving & environmental RTG, AGV page 6

7 Optimized Diesel- Gen RTG
2. ZPMC节能环保轮胎吊、AGV ZPMC energy saving & environmental RTG & AGV Battery RTG 锂电池节能轮胎吊 LNG Power RTG 燃气动力轮胎吊 Optimized Diesel- Gen RTG 优化的发电机组供 电节能轮胎吊 Utility Power RTG 市电节能轮胎吊

8 Energy-saving principle
2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG Energy-saving principle Configuration Construction Advantage Comparison 把大功率锂电池作为轮胎吊的主要动力源。 The high-power lithium battery as power supply of RTG. 大幅度地将柴油发电机组的功率配备从传统400多KW降低到50KW或更低, 小柴油机组 (或燃气组)主要用于为锂电池充电。如有其它充电方式,甚至可以取消发电机组。 Reduce the power of D-G(or G-G) set from 400kW to 50kW or lower, diesel (LNG gas) engine is only for lithium batteries charging. If there are other charging ways, even can cancel D-G set. 起升下降和机构制动产生的再生能量,电池能够全部吸收,并提供给下次动作用。 In lifting down and institutions brake produce renewable energy, the battery can absorb the regenerative power when hoist down and deceleration. 不启动柴油发电机组,轮胎吊仍能进行装卸作业和等待。 The RTG can work and wait without engine working.

9 Energy-saving principle
2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG Energy-saving principle Configuration Construction Advantage Comparison

10 2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG
Energy-saving principle Configuration Construction Advantage Comparison Small power diesel-gen set and battery house 小柴油机组和电池房 Lithium Battery in battery house 电池房内电池组

11 Energy-saving principle
2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG Energy-saving principle Configuration Construction Advantage Comparison 保留了常规轮胎吊 的灵活性和机动性 Keep the flexible and versatile of traditional RTG. 1 与常规市电轮胎吊相比,减少 了转场时的切换环节,提高了 工作效率,减少故障点。 Compared with city power RTG, reduce the power connection when yard transfer, improve work efficiency, reduce fault point. 2 特别适用于堆场形状不 规则或电力缺乏的码头 Especially suitable for irregular stack yard or lack of city power of terminal. 3

12 Energy-saving principle
2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG Energy-saving principle Configuration Construction Advantage Comparison 保留了常规轮胎吊 的灵活性和机动性 Keep the flexible and versatile of traditional RTG. 1 节能减排效果显著,明显优于 市场上现有的节能型轮胎吊。 Better energy saving and emission reduction, obviously better than other energy-saving model RTG on market. 4 与常规市电轮胎吊相比,减少 了转场时的切换环节,提高了 工作效率,减少故障点。 Compared with city power RTG, reduce the power connection when yard transfer, improve work efficiency, reduce fault point. 2 锂电池应用前景广阔,使用成 本将日益降低。 Lithium battery broad prospect of application, use cost is reduced. 5 特别适用于堆场形状不 规则或电力缺乏的码头 Especially suitable for irregular stack yard or lack of city power of terminal. 3

13 2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG
Energy-saving principle Configuration Construction Advantage Comparison Test RTG Test RTG in Nantong Base Hoist power: 170kw Hoist speed: 23/46 M/min Hoist height: 18M Trolley power: 15kw X2 Test Result Test Method Tradition RTG(L) Hybrid RTG(L) Fuel Savings( %) Standby(30min) 5.35L 3.3kwh=0.95L 82.2% No Load(10 cycles) 13.25L 17.14kwh=4.94 L 62.7% 15Ton (10 cycles) 13.9L 16.38kwh=4.72 L 66.04% 30Ton (10 cycles) 15.44L 18.04kwh=5.02 L 66.32% Spreader running sequence

14 2.1 锂电池节能轮胎吊 Energy-saving RTG - Lithium Battery Driven RTG
Battery Driven RTG in WaiGaiQiao port 锂电池节能轮 胎吊在外高桥 码头

15 柴电混合动力AGV(柴油发电机组+锂电池)新加坡PSA
2.1 锂电池节能AGV Energy-saving AGV - Lithium Battery Driven AGV 柴电混合动力AGV(柴油发电机组+锂电池)新加坡PSA Diesel- electricity Mixed Power AGV (Diesel-Generator +Lithium Battery Driven) Singapore PSA Port


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