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3D Object Representations graphics scenes contain solid geometric objects trees, flowers, clouds, rocks, water representations surface ↔interior models.

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Presentation on theme: "3D Object Representations graphics scenes contain solid geometric objects trees, flowers, clouds, rocks, water representations surface ↔interior models."— Presentation transcript:

1 3D Object Representations graphics scenes contain solid geometric objects trees, flowers, clouds, rocks, water representations surface ↔interior models procedural models physically based models boundary representations (B-reps) space-partitioning representations

2 Polygon Surfaces (1) set of surface polygons enclose object interior = Boundary Representation (“B- rep”) wireframe representation of a cylinder with back (hidden) lines removed

3 polygon tables (B-rep lists) geometric and attribute tables vertex, edge, polygon tables consistency, completeness checks

4 Polygon Surfaces: Data Structure

5 Polygon Surfaces: Plane Equation Ax+ By+ Cz+ D = 0 Cartesian coefficients A,B,C,D normal (A,B,C) distance to origin D

6 Polygon Meshes efficient data structures for tiled surfaces triangle strip n-2 triangles for n vertices

7 quadrilateral mesh (n-1)x(m-1) quadrilaterals

8 Curved Lines and Surfaces defined by mathematical functions (implicit, explicit, parametrically) set of data points (surface fitting) tesselation to get polygon mesh aproximation triangles quadrilaterals... (planar?!)

9 Quadric Surfaces defined by second degree equations (quadrics) – sphere – ellipsoid – torus – paraboloid – hyperboloid

10 Quadric Surfaces: Sphere implicit parametric φ φ θ π θ π φ θ π φ π sin cos sin, - cos cos, - /2 /2 z r y r x r = = ≤ ≤ x2 + y2 + z2 = r2

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