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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

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1 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

2 Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Understanding Knowledge Right Judgment (Counsel) Courage (Fortitude) Reverence (Piety) Wonder and Awe (Fear of the Lord)

3 Basics of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to the baptized and strengthened in the confirmed. There are worldly counterparts to the Gifts of Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom. For example: Knowledge of car repair, the stock market, or foreign languages is worldly knowledge, not properly a Gift of the Holy Spirit.

4 Presuppositions of the Gifts of Holy Spirit
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are supernatural. Transcend the ordinary powers of the human person. Infused by God. Cannot be acquired on one’s own. God is the unique mover or formal cause. Acts proceeding from the gifts are materially human, but formally divine. Like the melody of a guitarist is materially from the guitar, but formally from the guitarist who plays it.

5 Distinguishing Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding
Object of Wisdom pertains to God and eternal things. Object of Knowledge pertains to created things and how they relate to our final end. Object of Understanding pertains to grasping revealed truth in its fullest meaning.

6 Gift of Knowledge Supernatural habit allowing the intellect to apprehend rightly concerning the relation of created things to our final end. Because created things tend either to God or away from God, the Gift of Knowledge allows us to apprehend these things properly. Helps us to: 1) apply teachings of our faith to daily life, 2) know the proper value of created things, and 3) avoid the misuse of created things.

7 Gift of Wisdom Supernatural habit allowing us to judge rightly concerning God and eternal things. By this Gift, we begin to instinctively love what God loves, and will what God wills. Increasingly come to see things from God’s perspective. Helps us to: 1) increase desire to be in union with God, 2) increasingly see any good short of God as folly, and 3) perfect our love of neighbor.

8 Gift of Understanding Supernatural habit allowing us to intuit revealed truths and even natural truths more deeply. Increasingly discloses the meaning of Sacred Scripture. Helps us to: 1) more profoundly appreciate God’s providence, and 2) see the tremendous significance of even the most ordinary acts.

9 Gift of Right Judgment (Counsel)
Supernatural habit allowing us to be guided rightly on our pilgrimage to eternal life. Natural example of right judgment: need for experienced guides if one were to climb Mt. Everest. Supernatural example: need for the saints to guide us along the path to eternal life.

10 Gift of Fortitude (Courage)
Supernatural habit allowing us to persevere along the path to eternal life. Allows us to more clearly realize that salvation entails sacrifice, love entails commitment, and holiness entails self-denial. Spiritual “muscle” and readiness to sacrifice whatever we are asked to in order to our goal: union with Christ now and in eternity.

11 Gift of Reverence (Piety)
Supernatural habit allowing us to be more deeply faithful to God. By this Gift, we begin to love the Giver even more than the Gift. Allows us to love God more than belongings, personal preferences or goals, and even friends and family.

12 Gift of Wonder and Awe (Fear of the Lord)
Supernatural habit allowing us to reject separation from God. Two Types: Servile fear: means that we serve God because we realize that to reject God we place ourselves outside of His saving graces. Filial fear: means that we never want to offend the One who deserves all of our love.

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