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1 IX. Managing Funds & Payments Invoicing Workflows.

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1 1 IX. Managing Funds & Payments Invoicing Workflows

2 2 Copyright Statement All of the information and material inclusive of text, images, logos, product names is either the property of, or used with permission by Ex Libris Ltd. The information may not be distributed, modified, displayed, reproduced – in whole or in part – without the prior written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. TRADEMARKS Ex Libris, the Ex Libris logo, Aleph, Alma, SFX, SFXIT, MetaLib, DigiTool, Verde, Primo, Voyager, MetaSearch, MetaIndex and other Ex Libris products and services referenced herein are trademarks of Ex Libris, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks and logos referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is compiled from various sources and provided on an "AS IS" basis for general information purposes only without any representations, conditions or warranties whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Ex Libris, its subsidiaries and related corporations ("Ex Libris Group") disclaim any and all liability for all use of this information, including losses, damages, claims or expenses any person may incur as a result of the use of this information, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2013

3 3 Agenda Introduction Invoice workflow and considerations Invoice creation Invoice processing: review, approval, payment Summary and additional resources

4 4 Prerequisites This presentation assumes that you have viewed or attended these training sessions: Introduction to Alma Alma Concepts Navigating and Searching sessions Acquisitions sessions Fund Management

5 5 Invoicing Roles

6 6 Objectives By the end of this training session, you will be able to: Describe the invoice process Create and review invoices Approve invoices Pay invoices

7 7 Agenda Introduction Invoice workflow & considerations Invoice creation Invoice processing: review, approval, payment Summary and additional resources

8 8 Invoicing Workflow Overview Manages how an invoice is handled from point of receipt to point it is paid Invoices can be created: Manually Automatically via EDI Receiving may be handled immediately after Payment requests can optionally be exported to ERP Lifecycle of the invoice depends on your needs for review and exporting to a financial system

9 9 Workflow Considerations Some considerations… Do you export/import invoices to/from an ERP? Do you invoice via EDI? Do staff operators to have separate invoicing roles or does one staff operator perform all tasks? Do you have an Invoice approval process? Invoice Review Rules and/or Invoice Approval Rules may be configured to handle each of these options

10 10 Workflow Considerations - Options Invoicing Workflow Create Invoice (EDI,.xls, or manual from PO) Review Approve (OPTIONAL) Status: Ready to be Paid (No action needed) Status: Paid (No action needed) Status: Closed (No action needed) Status: Waiting for Paymt (Manually input voucher #) If prepaid or internal copy…

11 11 Agenda Introduction Invoice workflow and considerations Invoice creation Invoice processing: review, approval, payment Summary and additional resources

12 12 Invoice Creation An invoice is created in one of four ways: Manually 1. by entering the invoice details manually 2. from the PO using the PO details 3. from an Excel file Automatically 4. via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

13 13 Create Invoice Manually

14 14 Invoice Details

15 15 Prepaid Prepaid function enabled only when payment method is other than Accounting department

16 16 Internal Copy Indicates invoice is to be loaded into Alma for internal documentation or tracking purposes

17 17 Create Invoice Lines

18 18 Add Invoice Line Manually

19 19 Add Invoice Line Manually

20 20 Create Invoice From PO

21 21 Create Invoice from PO

22 22 Create Invoice from File

23 23 Create Invoice – Fund Transaction After invoice creation, 2 transactions will be entered in the fund: Disencumbrance Expenditure

24 24 Invoicing via EDI EDI files created for invoices are based on international standards for EDI transmission EDI Standard Supported in Alma provides details Talk to your project team to build a testing plan

25 25 Vendor EDI Information tab

26 26 EDI Jobs History and Files

27 27 Agenda Introduction Invoice workflow and considerations Invoice creation Invoice processing: review, approval, payment Summary and additional resources

28 28 Reviewing Invoices Invoice sent to Review status if: Review rules are configured to require manual review in certain circumstances Save is used instead of Save and Continue during invoice creation process Data issues or alerts are discovered during processing Create Invoice (EDI,.xls, or manual from PO) Review Approve (OPTIONAL)

29 29 Reviewing Invoices

30 30 Reviewing Invoices Alerts tab displays list of alerts and provides links to edit appropriate data Invoice lines may be edited before clicking on Save and Continue button to go to next step of workflow

31 31 Approving Invoices Invoice sent to Approve status if: Approval rules are configured to require manual review in certain circumstances Data issues or alerts are discovered during processing Approval step may not be needed depending on library’s process Create Invoice (EDI,.xls, or manual from PO) Review Approve (OPTIONAL)

32 32 Approving Invoices

33 33 Invoice Payment When invoice reaches payment stage, it awaits payment processing Can set an invoice to Waiting for Payment manually or via ERP Status: Ready to be Paid (No action needed) Status: Paid (No action needed) Status: Closed (No action needed) Status: Waiting for Paymt input voucher # - manually or via ERP

34 34 Invoice Payment

35 35 Invoice Payment

36 36 Invoice Waiting for Payment

37 37 Closed Invoice to Review Search for Invoice via Invoice Search on persistent toolbar…

38 38 Agenda Introduction Invoice workflow and considerations Invoice creation Invoice processing: review, approval, payment Summary and additional resources

39 39 Summary In this session, you learned how to: Describe the invoice process Create and review invoices Approve invoices Pay invoices

40 40 Additional Resources Alma Acquisitions Guide Available in PDF format via the Ex Libris Documentation Center Available as online Help within Alma EDI Standard Supported in Alma Alma Integrations with External Systems Guide

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