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The Persians.  Medes controlled kingdom of Media in what is now modern Iran  Set out to conquer neighbors, which included the Persian people  The conquered.

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Presentation on theme: "The Persians.  Medes controlled kingdom of Media in what is now modern Iran  Set out to conquer neighbors, which included the Persian people  The conquered."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Persians

2  Medes controlled kingdom of Media in what is now modern Iran  Set out to conquer neighbors, which included the Persian people  The conquered Persians were allowed to keep their leader if they promised not to rebel

3 The Persians  In 559 BCE, a new leader rose among Persian people: Cyrus II  Led a revolt against the Medes, defeated them, and united the Medes and Persian people under his rule  Continued to conquer the Mediterranean region

4 Government of Persia under Cyrus the Great  Allowed local people of different conquered regions to keep their customs, culture and religion and did not force Persian customs on them  Won him respect of the people he conquered  Maintained peace through tolerance  At the time of his death he ruled the largest empire of the ancient world


6 Leaders after Cyrus the Great  Cambyses II  Son of Cyrus  Added Egypt to Persian Empire  Unlike his tolerant father, he was known as a tyrant  Died in battle, leaving Persia without a ruler  Darius I will be his successor…

7 Persia under Darius I  Darius considered himself all powerful, the King of Kings  Felt empire was too large for him to control alone  Hired satraps (SAY-traps), or governors, to govern each of 20 regions  Sent secret officials to ensure satraps were following his wishes

8 Persia under Darius I (part 2)  Enhanced economy  Minted coins (with his profile)  Built roads  The Royal Road  1500 miles  Linked the empire  Used by messengers to communicate  Coins and roads increased trade, which led to an increase of wealth

9 Persia under Darius I (part 3)  Persian Army  Darius believed a strong army was the key to building a powerful empire  Created a permanent, trained, and paid army  Ten Thousand Immortals  Highly trained and skilled, hand picked warriors  Highly feared for their skill

10 The last Persian Ruler  Xerxes  Son of Darius I  Claimed to be a god  Continued the mission of his father to attack Greece and add the territory to the Persian Empire  Failed to conquer Greece, Persian civilization fell to Alexander the Great (1:35—1:58)

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