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Rels 300 / Nurs 330 29 October 2015 UNIT 4: PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT.

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1 Rels 300 / Nurs 330 29 October 2015 UNIT 4: PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT

2  Prenatal testing  Prenatal testing & selective abortion  Prenatal testing and women’s autonomy  Selective abortion and people with disabilities  Pre-implantation testing  Embryo cloning  Having a child to benefit another child  Genetic enhancement Prenatal Genetics  Infertility  Procreative liberty  IVF – potential risks, harms & benefits  Donation of embryos & wombs  Assisted insemination – potential risks, harms & benefits  Surrogate motherhood – potential risks, harms & benefits  Reproductive tourism  Commodification of women & infants/embryos Reproductive Technologies PORTFOLIO TOPICS

3 Group Sign-Up Options Portfolio Topic – Surrogate Motherhood DEBATE – 4 students1. 2. 3. 4. FACT SHEET – 1 student1. CASE STUDY – 2 students1. 2. ETHICS NEWS – 2 students1. 2.

4  Each group will have 5 to 9 members  Students will work on ONE of the portfolio items, but all group members will be working on items related to the same group topic  A single grade will be given to students working on each portfolio item; debate, fact sheet, case study or ethics news  Group members will give feedback to others in their group on each portfolio item  As a group, you will prepare an overview for the class of the ethical issues related to your portfolio topic How do the groups function?

5  AUTONOMY  Whose autonomy is central? Whose autonomy is limited? What factors function to limit freedom or voluntariness? Are all persons being treated with respect?  BENEFICENCE / NON-MALEFICENCE  What specific risks and/or harms have you identified? Who is most at risk? Who benefits most?  JUSTICE  Are there concerns about discrimination and/or prejudice? Are there concerns about fair access to health care services or resources? Ethical concerns...

6  One or more of you will present your overview of ethical concerns related to your portfolio topic to the class  To do this, you may wish to use a Powerpoint slide presentation, or an overhead sheet, or just a verbal report  Your class presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes Class presentation

7  The Portfolio Assignment will be worth 20% of your 1 st term grade  5 points will be assigned to you as a group for your class presentation on ethical issues raised by your portfolio topic  15 points will be assigned to each portfolio item individually  So, for example, all 4 people preparing a debate on your topic will receive the same grade  Both partners working on a case study or ethics news item will receive the same grade  An individual working on a fact sheet will receive an individual grade Grading

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